Let’s Go Fishing in Sandpoint Idaho!

I had such an amazing summer vacation with my family in Southern California. However, it’s time for some peace and  quiet. I am lucking enough to live in Sandpoint Idaho, I have Lake Pend Oreille less than a mile away.  So fishing I shall go!

I head to California at LEAST once a year, sometimes I’m lucky enough to get two trips in.

Each visit I am blown away at just how many more people, houses and cars there are.

For 38 years I thought of myself as a true California girl. Never wanted to leave.

Sandpoint Idaho Fishing Then Idaho called. Showed me a house with a BREATH-TAKING view and reluctantly I said ‘uhhh okaaaay fine’.

I think it might be official I’m now an Idaho gal because coming home from California I was ready for peace and QUIET! I was ready for less people. (Ride from the airport in Spokane to my house. 2 cars! TWO! If you read my Summer Vacation post you KNOW how major that was!)

I was ready to see the stars again. I was ready to only hear crickets and frogs. No cars, sirens, yelling, dog howls. Just QUIET.Sandpoint Idaho Fishing

I’ve mentioned before that I love to go fishing. I love the quiet. I love the challenge. As you have all heard before a bad day fishing is still better than a good day at work. OR on San Diego highways!

Idaho Fishing Rules

Important! Fishing License

Idaho is SERIOUS about their fishing licenses! Anyone over the age of 14 MUST have a license. This includes fish, bullfrogs or crayfish.

Fishing in Sandpoint Idaho License costs 2024

In Idaho, the fine for fishing without a license is up to $1,000 plus court costs. Go get the license.

THIS is true EVEN if you are catching and releasing the fish. YA STILL need the license.


Fishing in San Point Idaho

Unless you have a TWO pole license ONLY put one in the water! I’ve been spot checked twice this year. HA! I only CARRY one pole. HELLO! The way to the lake is ROCKY! This girl needs a hiking stick to GET to my favorite spot. I can’t be carryin’ TWO poles! I also must make a side note! I’ve worn hiking shoes to the lake. Fishing in Sandpoint IdahoI’ve worn good trail shoes. NOTHING has compares to my CROSSKIX. First, FUN, FUNKY and COMFORTABLE. (ya know cause that’s what I noticed first is how FUN these are! Second is the bottoms. RUGGED. GRIPPY! SO MUCH Traction. I CONFIDENTLY can walk on the rocks. IN the water! Actually, these shoes are DESIGNED for Water.

These rocks are NO JOKE! It’s a long slow way to the water in this particular spot. NO easy way there either. Which is why it’s always quite. Never very many people there. I’ve only ever encountered one other person when I’ve fished there. It’s HARD to GET TO!

My CrossKix are comfortable all day. The dry immediately because of water drain holes on the side. My feet don’t slide around. I’m thrilled with my new shoes. I can’t wait to get my feet in the water again!


Fishing in Sandpoint Idaho in my CROSSKIX water shoes

I have to show you which pair I picked. Don’t these SCREAM Connie The Head Peanut??? Crosskix water shoes for fishing in Sandpoint Idaho

Back to FISHING 101 in Sandpoint Idaho


KNOW your bag limit. Again. SERIOUS fines!!

Lake Pend Oreille (includes Sand, Strong, Riser, Bayview, and Mirror creeks and their tributaries)

  • No limit on the number of fishing rods per angler while fishing from a boat
  • Bass limit is 6, only 2 may be Largemouth Bass, no Largemouth Bass under 16 inches
  • No limit on Lake Trout, Lake Trout can be possessed in the field or in transit with head removed
  • No harvest of Cutthroat Trout • Rainbow Trout limit is 2, only 1 over 20 inches

Know Your Fish!

A fine of $200 to $1,000 for catching a sturgeon!! Besides they UGLLLY! Throw ’em back. Well, take a picture first! Then throw it back.

Sturgeon fishing in Sandpoint Idaho

Did You KNOW? (Seems weird to me)

Hands, Use of for Fishing: The only fish you can legally catch and harvest using your hands are crayfish and bullfrogs. You must use fishing gear to harvest all other fish species.

Seriously, I’m NOT gonna fish with my hands. I can barely fish with a POLE! Besides, you KNOW I’ll topple over and be sitting in the water within 32 seconds. So, DON’T use your hands.

Illegal Fishing Methods: It is illegal to use chemicals, poisons, electric current, or explosives for fishing.  This happens so much they had to have a RULE?!?!

Taking Photographs

Photographs of a trophy catch can provide priceless memories of a great fishing trip, but anglers should use care to take the photo responsibly. Here are things you can do to capture that special image and allow the fish to fight another day (remember – sturgeon can’t be removed from the water):

  • Have the camera ready and the shot framed before removing the fish from the water.
  • When lifting a fish from the water, support the fish with both hands as you gently lift it from the water.
  • Strive to hold the fish over the water so if it struggles from your hands it will fall back in the water and not onto a hard surface such as a rock or a boat floor.
  • Hold the fish out of the water only as long as it takes to take a picture.



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