LipiX Instant Edge-Vanilla Review

I reviewed LipiX Instant Edge original a while back and truly from my first cup I’ve been hooked!!  This is a MUST-have for my mornings! I can’t even imagine not having my LipiX in my coffee! When LipiX says JOIN THE NEXT COFFEE REVOLUTION- WE ARE NOT KIDDING! TRY ONCE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF!

This business appears to be closed. BUMMER!!

I did find a similar type of coffee.SHROOM Fuel

LipiX Instant Edge Ketogenic Coffee

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. I think I will start this review off by explaining what I’ve learned about Ketogenic Coffee. MCTs form ketone bodies (a source of energy) in the liver which releases them into the bloodstream for use by other organs including brain, visual system …
So, what is LipiX? This is a Ketogenic Coffee with MCTs, form ketone bodies (a source of energy) in the liver which releases them into the bloodstream for use by other organs including brain, visual system etc.  

Raw coconut oil is a great brain boost. I’ve tried taking a spoonful, ummmm no. NOT for me.  I tried to add it to my cup of coffee in the morning, ummmm no. I just can’t get past that oil floating on the top. Benefits or not, can’t do it!! LipiX gives me that brain boost, that kick of energy, that LET’s GET this day GOING BOOST!  LipiX is amazing!! NOW, they have vanilla!!  As with the original, LipiX Vanilla looks like real instant coffee, tastes like coffee, smells like coffee too, but with a smooth delicious vanilla taste to it. LipiX doesn’t just look and taste like instant coffee, it’s fortified with MCT’s which are Medium Chain Triglycerides. Seriously, MCT kicks my butt in to AWAKE!! SO Much more so than coffee does.  I don’t get jitters, shaky hands or racing heartbeat, I just am awake, clearheaded and focused and ready to face the challenges of the day.

I add 2 teaspoons to my coffee. I LOVE the vanilla taste!! I truly make the perfect bullet proof coffeeusing the LipiX Vanilla!! Come on over and I’ll fix you a cup. You’ll be hooked. I promise!

I am 100% in love with LipiX Instant Edge Vanilla!!  I can’t imagine starting my day any other way!! I even throw the jar into my backpack when I travel, I am THAT in love! I already ordered two more jars from Amazon, I will NOT run out!!

Two awake, focused, thumbs, WAY, WAY up for LipiX Instant Edge Vanilla!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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