Maty’s All Natural Baby Chest Rub Review!

As much as IDSC_6104 hate to admit it, summer is coming to a close. Which means several things. ONE of which is cold and flu season will be just around the corner. UGH!! I don’t know about your house, but once it’s in ours it hits EVERYONE!!! And by everyone I mean, I get it from one of the grandkids, I very happily share with DH (HEY!! If I have to suffer so does he!!) I then share with the other Grandkids in the other household. I am a giver!!

So, THIS year I’m trying to head off my down time; right off the bat!! BEFORE a virus knocks me on my butt.

Some of the things I’m going to; or have implemented are:

Stock up on supplies.

    First on my list is a chest rub!  Since all the Grandbabies are under 6 I went with an all natural chest rub from MATY’s. From the cute little retro box to the plastic jar with this is an amazing chest rub!! The

All Natural Baby Chest Rub

     has lavender and chamomile. This is a safe vapor rub for kids!!Soothe your toddler or baby cough with notes of Eucalytpus Radiata, lavender and chamomile. Our natural baby chest rub works to strengthen your child’s immune system while providing relief for their discomfort. The perfect safe vapor rub for your child ages 3 months and older.  One

tip I LOVE to share

    , works for adults as well as children. Put your vapor rub on the bottoms of you feet. Cover with socks and I PROMISE you will sleep better! You WILL wake up feeling better!!  HONEST!!!

MATY’S is a 3 Time National Award Winner!  awards

  • Petroleum Free and Menthol Free
  • Safe, Gentle and Effective
  • Drug Free, Chemical Free, Paraben Free,
  • For Ages 3 months and older

Here are a few more cold and flu prevention tips I plan to use:

  • Be ready before cold and flu season hits. I have loaded up on tissues, my favorite have the vapor rub infused!! Extra hand sanitizer to use when we are out and about!  I’ve grabbed a few coloring books, puzzles and a few $1 store goodies. Just in case one or all of us are laid up in bed or on the couch.
  • Clean out the medicine cabinet. Make sure I have baby aspirin and fever reducer. Check the expiration dates on my decongestant and cough syrups. ALSO check the battery on the thermometer. It would be good idea to clean my humidifier and make sure it is still in working condition.
  • Be strict about washing hands. This has to be the MOST important tip!! Those little hands are covered in GERMS!!! Those germy hands spread colds and the flu FAST!! Teach your kids to sing “Happy Birthday” twice to kill all those nasty germs!
  • Check YOUR hand sanitizer. Does it have at least 60% alcohol.?  Use it often!!
  • Switch to paper plates. When everyone, including me, is sick; it’s time to pull out the paper plates for dinner, paper towels in the bathroom and paper cups don’t hurt either. The last thing I want to do is dishes. BONUS!! We are less likely to swap germs!!
  • Rest. This might just be my favorite.  It doesn’t matter if you are trying to avoid the flu or get over a cold; get plenty of sleep. That goes double for kids!!


Not a single one! MATY’S All Natural Chest Rub isn’t over powering like adult vapor rubs, so the kids will actually LET me put it on their little chests.  Two THUMBS way UP!!


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Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.


  • Nancy C

    I love your suggestions for heading off sickness before it starts! This chest rub is such a great idea. I am going to buy some soon for my 2 little ones.

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    That sounds like a really awesome product. I have always used Vicks myself but this might get the kids not to fight me to put it on. I love the natural ingredients too. Thanks for the information.

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