My AdvoCare Update for Day 10

This is day number 10 on AdvoCare and I have to say I feel amazing!!  I’ve just completed the 10 day  Cleanse with consisted of a Fiber Drink and Herbal Cleanse Tablets.

Fiber Drink: Fiber Drink is rich in the mixture of fibers your body needs to work at its best.* Each serving contains 10 grams of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber to help add the fiber your diet may not provide. As part of the Herbal Cleanse system, Fiber Drink also helps move the toxins and waste material through the digestive tract while scouring your intestinal tract to support improved nutrient absorption.* Take on days one through three and again on days eight through 10.

Herbal Cleanse Tablet: The Herbal Cleanse tablet provides herbal extracts that help rid your body of the impurities that may be obstacles to achieving better health.* One ingredient, senna leaf extract, is known for its use to relieve occasional constipation, as well as to encourage the movement of waste through the intestinal tract.* Beet root powder and wheat grass juice are included to aid in the reduction of metabolic by-products in the blood and liver.* Cranberry juice powder helps cleanse impurities from the kidneys and aid in excretion through the bladder.* The Herbal Cleanse tablet also contains milk thistle extract, which has the active component silymarin. Silymarin has been traditionally used to aid in eliminating toxins from the liver and is also an excellent hepaprotectant and antioxidant.* Echinacea, astragalus, garlic, zinc and vitamin C help support the immune system.* Herbal Cleanse tablets also contain a wide range of B-vitamins to help maintain energy levels during the detoxification period.* Take on days one through seven.

I’m still continuing to do drink a lot of water.  A gallon a DAY in fact!!  I’m amazed and very proud of myself with that one!!

When I feel my energy is starting to lag, I have a Spark, for that boost that I can not get from coffee.
I have my meal replacement shakes when I am hungry and then I will have a salad or some fresh veggies. But, seriously, I’m not going nuts from hunger!!!  More importantly I’m NOT craving chocolate!! Say whaaaaaaaaa??  I know!!!  Me, not craving chocolate is like saying the sun won’t come up tomorrow!  I ALWAYS crave chocolate!!!
I have energy that lasts me all day long. I’m not thinking about, planning or concentrating on my next meal.

I have now added the MNS MAXe Metabolic Nutrition System.
The MNS MAXe is four packets of pills. 2 Packets before/with breakfast and 2 packets with lunch.
The packets include Calcium Plus, ActoTherm SR ( ActoTherm features a sustained-release to aid in preventing a spike and drop-off of energy throughout the day!)
There is also ProBiotic Restore Ultra which helps to replenish normal beneficial intestinal microflora to support healthy immune and intestinal functions.  This aid in good digestion!! And enhances weight management. 
Also included is CorePlex: An optimal formulation of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and trace elements needed by the body to promote and sustain long-term health and well being.

The MNS MAXe helps me target my specific weight challenges. MNS Maximum Energy is a proprietary blend of botanical extracts and nutrients designed to rev up my metabolism. AdvoCare has put years and years of research into the development of these blends. So I’m certain I’m getting the most effective energy boosters available. 

I am also taking 2 Omegaplex which is Omega-3 Fatty Acid.  This helps with all over wellness and heart health too.

Each 24-Day Challenge includes:
Charla with AdvoCare

  • One box of Herbal Cleanse-Citrus
  • One bottle of OmegaPlex®
  • One box of AdvoCare Spark®-Mandarin Orange
  • One box of AdvoCare Spark®-Fruit Punch
  • Your choice of one box of Meal Replacement Shakes – Chocolate Mocha, Chocolate, Vanilla, Berry or Non-Dairy Dark Chocolate
  • Your choice of one box of MNS® Max 3, C, or E
To learn more about AdvoCare and my wonderful sponsor Charla check out The 24 Day Challenge Bundle at AdvoCare. 

Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review and or any banners on this site. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.


  • Karen Glatt

    Good job on your Advocare. I think that it is great that you are not craving chocolate. I wonder how you can do this because it does sound tough. I try to watch what I eat and eat healthy food. But what you are doing sounds very interesting to me. I am glad that you feel better!

    • Charla Bibby

      I went from a 10 to a 2 and have kept it off for a year now. I have energy like I did in high school. The products are amazing!! Friends kept asking me what I was doing differently. The last 2 months by sharing about Advocare I’m earning an extra $1000/month!

      If you want a sample of Spark or to learn.more about why these products work send me a message at http://www.SparkBibby. com.

      It’s been great working with Connie on her goal of becoming more fit! Keep up the good work

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