Paypal $10.00 Up for Grabs!!

Thank you so much for following my blog!!  This is a simple paypal ‘thank you’ drawing. The drawing will last for the month of September. If this one goes well I may do it again next month too.   
Now don’t freak out! There are tons of ways to enter!! You don’t have to do all of them. You can choose to do just the freebie….. but I figure if you already follow me on Twitter you should get credit.  Same with   
    all the other entries.  So no… I’m not insane…. well, maybe a little, I don’t expect you to do them all for a  
    chance at $10. But, I’ll love ‘ya forever if you do.  (okay, so more than a little insane!)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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