PB Crave Flavored Peanut Butter Fudge recipe!

This is one of my favorite topics!!  PEANUT BUTTER!!!  PB Crave Peanut Butter to be exact! I was lucky enough to be able to review 4 different flavors of PB Crave.

PB Crave Razzle Dazzle has wild honey, dark chocolate, white cocoa butter drops and natural raspberry flavor. It tastes like you dipped a fresh raspberry in peanut butter!

CoCo Bananas has wild honey, chocolate and natural banana flavor. I have been eating this with a spoon!

Cookie Nookie has wild honey, chocolate chips and cookie dough flavor. DH will be lucky if he gets any of this one!!

Choco Choco has wild honey, sweet and dark chocolate. YUMMMMMM!!!!!

Each of these peanut butters is smooth and full of rich peanut butter flavor. These peanut butters are eat it with a spoon tasty!!

As tempting as it was to sit and eat all this peanut butter straight from the jar, I opted to make at least one batch peanut butter fudge!! (The rest I’ll eat with a spoon!)

This is truly the easiest Peanut Butter Fudge EVER!!!  I grabbed this from Facebook.

2 cups sugar
1/2 cup milk. I used vanilla silk soymilk and it worked fantastic!
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup peanut butter.  I used PB Crave Razzle Dazzle.

Mix sugar and milk bring to a boil.  Boil for 2 1/2 minutes. Remove from heat mix in vanilla and peanut butter. Have your peanut butter already measured out! This sets up FAST!!

This was soooooooo good!!  Next time I plan to add walnuts too.  This recipe was super fast and so delicious! So good as a matter of fact that entire batch lasted less than 24 hours!

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