Skincare Sweetness! Brown Sugar and Vanilla Body Scrub Review

SkincareSweetnessAs awesome as this scrub is, it should be in a beautiful fancy glass jar. It’s that perfect! Yup I found the perfect scrub! Skincare Sweetness sent me the brown sugar and vanilla body scrub to review and I have to say…… this stuff rocks!!

I didn’t smell any vanilla. As a matter of fact I don’t smell anything. Which is fine with me, I can always use cologne later, if I want. What this scrub lacks in scent and jar appeal it more than makes up in softness.  WOW!!! First the scrub really helps get my elbows, heels and well, everywhere soft. SUPER soft!! With a beautiful soft glow!! ADDED bonus straight from the shower I don’t need any body lotions! My skin stays soft ALL DAY LONG!!

A little goes a long way which is another BIG time BONUS!!  I am blown away at how long this little jar has lasted! WOW!! These Skincare Sweetness people know what they are doing!

Did you know that brown sugar is an all natural ingredient that has been used for centuries? Yup, brown sugar contains Vitamin B, an antioxidant that can help prevent and REVERSE signs of skin damage?!?!?!?  So, not only does Skincare Sweetness Brown Sugar & Vanilla Body Scrub help me get rid of the signs of excessive sun exposure by gently exfoliating the old skin cells from the outermost layer of my skin, they’ve added a special blend of ALL natural oils to moisturize my skin. All in one easy step!!

Did you know vanilla extract has been shown to contain antioxidant properties?? Yup, it’s even been proven to improve skin tone! I had no idea!!  I’ve learned so much over at Skincare Sweetness!

Be sure to follow Skincare Sweetness on Facebook and Twitter.  You never know when they will have a discount code or sale to their already amazing prices!! This jar is worth it’s weight in gold!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.



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