Subaru Outback
I’ve done it! I have outgrown my car. My cute, adorable, 2 seater Audi TT Roadster. is no longer a practical car. It makes me so sad! I love love love my car! I love zoomin’ around with the top down. It’s sporty, it’s fast and more fun to drive than any car I’ve ever owned. But now that Mom lives with us we have to take 2 cars to go anywhere. Then add the grandkids. 2 seater car……. 3 grandbabies in car seats…. yea….. not happening! So we’ve started looking around…… what do you think of this?? Subaru Outback. Place for 3 carseats, and place for Gracie in the back. I like the way it looks. I haven’t gone and done a test drive yet. Right now I’m just shopping for looks.

If you own one would you recommend it? Do you wish you had bought a different suv/stationwagon type? Is there a car like that you would recommend??