The Single Mom’s Guide to Summer

The Single Mom’s Guide to Summer

For single moms with school-age children, the summer can be a challenging time to keep children busy and safe, especially if mom works full-time. The summers will also hold some of your children’s best childhood memories when they are out of school, free to play with friends, and the weather is perfect for outdoor activities. Even if you are busy and stressed a lot of the time, take some time this summer to enjoy being a family and dream about the future. As the summer starts, you can also look into community programs in your area to keep the kids safe and occupied.


It may be difficult to imagine taking a vacation, but if you have paid vacation time at your job, you don’t have to travel far or spend a lot of money to make some memories with your children. Take your vacation time if you have it. Discount websites now offer incredible hotel deals. Get a hotel close to home with a mini fridge or kitchen and a pool, and you’ve got a relatively inexpensive vacation. You can relax by the pool while the kids play, cook simple meals in your room to save money, and enjoy a small retreat away from your day to day life. If you did want to make the most of the local food on offer, however, you could look to stay somewhere like this Yorkshire Dales pub with accommodation, so you would have the option of eating on site, should you wish. Camping and day trips are also great options to create some lasting memories this summer, that won’t cost an arm and a leg.

Dreaming Toward the Future
Are there aspects of your life that are unsatisfying? Take some time this summer to think them through and figure out if you need to make some changes. Grants and scholarships for single moms are available if you qualify. These grants can help with better housing, more education, safer transportation, and a myriad of other things. Take some time to apply and see what happens. It may just bring the life-change you’re waiting for.

Community Programs
Most communities offer programs to keep kids busy during the summer, and let them learn some new things as well. Check in with your local library, religious organizations, tutoring centers, and chamber of commerce to learn what programs are available. Your kids will have the opportunity to form some healthy relationships with new teachers and learn some new things while enjoying the outdoors. From sports camps to reading programs, summer programs can expand your child’s horizons in just a few months.

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