The Tale of the Tooth Fairy Review

The Tale of the Tooth Fairy 1

Cuteness OVER load in this review!!!  If you are a regular reader here you know I’m ga-ga over being NaNa.  I love being a Gran’ma as much as I love being a Mom.  Being able to give my Grandbabies cute things FUN things is truly my joy!!

Miss Emma is 4, so she is getting to the age when the Tooth Fairy will soon be visiting. What better way to tell kids about losing baby teeth than with a book?!?  I’m GIDDY over The Tale of the Tooth Fairy!!!

First, you know me and my packaging obsession. The Tale of the Tooth Fairy package is perfection!!

The Tale of the Tooth Fairy 2

The Tale of The Tooth Fairy comes in beautiful box with a window so you can see your Fairy.  (Both boy and girl Fairies are available). The box is tied at the side with a white nylon ribbon.  ADORABLE!!!

Emma’s Fairy is made of a super soft terry(?)velour type material. She is so soft!!  Her little face is beautifully embroidered with bright blue eyes and a mischievous looking smile. She has green felt hair and a cute little red ribbon.  The Tooth Fairy is wearing a red and green nylon dress.  She’s wearing cute ballet slippers with pink bows!  SHE’s SO CUTE!!!! Over her shoulder is her gold bag to hold the tooth.  Her wings are sparkling iridescent material.

The Tale of the Tooth Fairy doll up close 2The Tale of the Tooth Fairy doll up close 1
Look at that FACE!!!!!  
Doesn’t it just make you say “Ohhhhh”?? 
 Yea …. it did me too. 
The Tale of the Tooth Fairy doll up close 3The Tale of the Tooth Fairy doll up close 4

 I couldn’t stop taking pictures of this little Tooth Fairy!!

The Tale of the Tooth Fairy doll & book up close 1

I love the bright and colorful book. The artwork is perfect. The story is so sweet!! I know my family will roll their eyes at me but …. but the story gave me a  lump in my throat and tears in my eyes!!! The story is just that sweet!!

One of the features I ADORE is the back page has a place for parents to write the date and which tooth (yes, a picture is there for reference) was lost.  Now, that is truly unique!! I know my kids baby books didn’t include that feature.

This is so sweet!!  This is the perfect Christmas gift!  Wait… hold that…… as soon as that first tooth is loose ……. you need to have The Tale Of The Tooth Fairy to give to that special child.

This adorable Tooth Fairy is available at

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The Tale of the Tooth Fairy was written and designed by husband and wife team Mary Kate Fleming and Brian Ledig. I give them 2 enthusiastic thumbs WAY UP!!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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