Three Uses for Pedometers
Three Uses for Pedometers
Pedometers are very useful tools for getting in shape and staying that way. They can also be useful for other reasons if you use them appropriately. Monogrammed and stylized pedometers are remarkably inexpensive, so they can be great items for giveaways and events. Websites like have many of these at an affordable price. The following are some suggestions of ways you could use inexpensive pedometers for promotion and other purposes.
First, they can be great for company events. With healthcare becoming more of a company concern, more businesses are offering incentives for their employees to get healthy. Small bonuses and rewards for healthy conduct are often offered to incentive greater health. If you’re kicking off a program like this, a pedometer with your company logo can be a great attention-getter that will have your employees smiling.
Pedometers make great teaching tools. Because they record data that’s easy to overlook or misunderstand, they can give students of all ages a very different perspective on the kind of workout they get every day. They can be used for organized running and hiking events, or they can be used to show how much walking someone does in a day. This can be very useful information if you are trying to encourage people to establish a workout plan of some kind, and it can even be useful to experienced athletes who still need help pacing themselves.
Finally, they can be great to organize community programs to promote health. Getting everyone in your neighborhood out walking is easier than you might think. It’s often a matter of just getting everyone to pay attention long enough to know when and where to meet. Pedometers with a community branding or similar can be very useful to this end, and no one will turn down a free gift. Their low cost makes this a remarkably affordable proposition, even if you’re looking to get in touch with a large neighborhood. If you can get the support of an even bigger community organization, there’s no end to what you can do.
It’s easy to overlook pedometers since they are so simple and inexpensive. You can shop for a good idea of what’s available. Most people buy one if they’re recommended and then forget about it thereafter. However, their great availability in bulk makes them a wonderful opportunity for sending a message, marketing an idea or organizing a workplace or community.

Rhonda Martin
I actually used one for some time but then the battery died. I liked trying to see if I could increase the numbers each day. Some days I didn’t do so good but I still walked more than I would have if not for trying to push my self to walk farther due to wearing it. This makes a great gift for anyone trying to lose weight or get in shape. I have a couple of friend that would love a Pedometer from I think I’ll pin it for future gift giving.
nancy chipriano
I am a school teacher but never thought of using Pedometers as teaching tools! What a great idea! I bet the kids would love it.