Vivo Italian Mask

Vivo Italian Mask 7

Someday I will be going to Italy! It’s number one on my bucket list! Until then, I’ll settle for pictures and living vicariously through friends that have been or are going.

Vivo Italian Mask 6I truly love all things Italian. The language, the wine, the food (just gimme some lasagna and I’m a happy girl!)  So when I saw these stunning Venetian Masks I jumped on the chance to review them.
Vivo Italian Mask 5

All of the Vivo Masks are authentic and hand crafted in Venice, Italy!! The Vivo Masks are made using traditional techniques of Venetian Craftsmen. Most of the masks even include a certificate of authenticity.

The mask is comfortable to wear and ties with a black ribbon behind the head. This mask fits comfortably on DH and on myself.

Vivo Italian Mask 4The selection is amazing. The masks are gorgeous. The masks are stored in a warehouse in the United States so your mask will arrive quickly.
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Vivo Italian Mask 1

Vivo Italian Mask 2
If you have a masquerade event coming up do yourself a favor and check out Vivo!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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