
I won the greatest little gadget from Life of a Beagle. It’s called Walkadog. It’s AWESOME!! If you know me you already know DH has MS and sometimes walking isn’t easy to do and yet the Queen of the house Miss Gracie still demands to be walked. The Walkadog makes sure Gracie is right at DH’s side. Gracie is easy to correct. There is no pulling or fighting with the Walkadog. I took Gracie out for a walk and with me there are times she is super stubborn and if she wants to go smell the flowers SHE GOES. HA!!! Momma had the Walkadog. And again I say HA! We are walking! HA!! Momma WINS!The Walkadog is lightweight and it’s shaped to fit your body. There are rubber grips so it doesn’t slip around. 100% adjustable so you can use it for any size dog.
If you have puppy this would be an AMAZING tool for training. I really am so happy I won this!!
Thank you Katie and Peter at Walkadog!

Oh and since you asked…… Alice is ONE whole week old today!! Happy Birthday Alice!
I think she is sticking her tongue out at me already!!!!