Why Should You Trust Skin Check Specialists Over Natural Remedies?

Have you ever noticed a strange spot or mole on your skin and wondered – should I get this checked out by a doctor or try treating it myself with natural remedies first? It’s a common dilemma many of us face at some point. When it comes to the health of your skin, it’s important to understand the difference between professional medical skin check specialists like Sundoctors and well-meaning DIY solutions.

Why You Should See a Skin Check Specialist

Seeing a qualified skin check specialist is always the safest option if you have any concerns about your skin. Here are some key reasons why it’s important to get suspicious spots examined by a professional:

Expert Analysis

Skin check specialists are doctors who have undergone years of specialized training to identify various skin conditions. When you visit a skin check clinic, the doctor will expertly examine your skin under bright lighting and magnification to get a detailed look. They can detect subtle changes and patterns that untrained eyes would miss. Their expert analysis provides the most accurate diagnosis possible.

Early Detection

Catching skin cancers like melanoma in their earliest stages dramatically improves outcomes. When detected early, melanoma survival rates are over 90%. Skin check doctors have the expertise to identify developing skin cancers before they advance. Early detection through professional checks saves lives.

Surgical Removal

If a spot on your skin does prove to be cancerous or precancerous, a skin check specialist can surgically remove it during your appointment. Removing troublesome areas of skin fully eliminates cancer risks and prevents future spreading.

Ongoing Monitoring

Skin cancer often develops over years, going through harmless-looking phases before becoming dangerous. Skin check clinics keep a record of your spots and how they evolve over time. Regular monitoring ensures that any concerning changes will be caught right away.

Limitations of Natural Remedies

Natural skin remedies using ingredients like oils, herbs and vitamins absolutely have benefits for skin health. However, they have significant limitations when it comes to treating potential skin cancers:

No Diagnosis

Natural remedies cannot diagnose what kind of spot or mole you have. Only a skin specialist has the expertise to determine if it’s harmless or a potential skin cancer. Lacking a professional diagnosis, you won’t know if a natural treatment is targeting the right issue.

No Removal

Most natural remedies work by lightening and smoothing skin lesions over time. However, they cannot fully remove abnormal tissue the way surgery does. Any remaining cancerous cells left behind could continue growing.

Delayed Treatment

Attempting natural extraction of a precancerous mole instead of having it surgically removed right away gives it crucial time to develop into a serious melanoma. Delaying proper treatment puts you at risk.

No Ongoing Monitoring

With natural remedies, there are no records or skin mapping of spots over time. Any malignant changes that happen between infrequent applications would go unnoticed.

When to See a Skin Specialist Immediately

While natural solutions have a supportive role to play in skin health, they should not replace professional care when cancer is a real possibility. You should schedule an appointment with a skin check clinic right away if you notice any of the following:

  • New growths or spots
  • Spots that are changing shape, size or color
  • Spots that are bleeding or crusting
  • Spots that are itchy, scaly or inflamed
  • Moles larger than a pencil eraser
  • Asymmetry between sides of a mole
  • Uneven borders, edges or colors of a mole
  • Dark black, blue, red or white colors in a mole

Why Should You Trust Skin Check Specialists Over Natural Remedies Doctor

When in doubt, always consult a professional first. The expert eye and analysis of a skin check specialist provides vital early detection and treatment that natural remedies lack. Don’t take chances with your skin health.


Visiting a skin clinic for regular cancer screenings and prompt treatment when necessary is absolutely essential for protecting your skin. However, natural remedies can play a wonderful supporting role in keeping your skin healthy between checks.

Natural oils, creams and antioxidants are excellent for providing moisture, reducing inflammation and giving skin an extra boost of nutrients. Just be sure to check with your dermatologist first about any natural products you want to try.

With the power of professional care from a skin check specialist plus daily natural skin support, you give yourself the best shot at beautiful, healthy skin for life. Don’t take chances with strange spots – schedule your skin check today.



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