Will work for M & M’s
UGH UGH UGH!!! I’ve been so good all week long! Weekend hits and BAMB I’m hungry all the time!!! COME ON!!!! NOT cool!!
Weekdays my routine is pretty much the same. Up at 6:00 (okay so snooze button till 6:30 FINE 6:45 gesh! This honesty thing thing is so outta hand!) walk with Kaki from 7:00 am till 7:45. Shower/dress/breakfast and fly out the door by 8:30. Work 9:00am till 6:00pm (Lunch 1 to 2) Home by 6:30 or 7:00pm. When I get home DH is already asleep. I grab a light dinner. Check email. Blog. Do the exercises Tyler has assigned. Bed by 11.
Weekends. UGH!!! Too much free time I guess because I want to snack all the time! I did good today anyway… DH cut up a tub of watermelon for me. I ate all that…. I’m still hungry. I drank water…… still hungry….. I have all sorts of ‘good’ food in the fridge but I want something ‘bad’ I want CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!! I think my solution will be go to bed early.