With PSCPets Calming Formula Jack might get to stay!!

FamilyLet me introduce you to Jack. He’s that cute little white dog on the end.

Jack has been in the family for years. LONG  before his parents brought home that 2 legged hairless baby! Jack was counting on being the baby of the family. FOR EVER!! He enjoyed being the baby. Getting extra attention, sleeping next to mommy, going to the beach. Oh, he had his moments, occasionally he would pick on big brother Bosco and then look all sweet and innocent.
White Dog

Then it started to get worse.  Jack does not like Alice. He’s jealous and resentful, Alice after all, gets an awful lot of attention that use to belong to him!!

I think if Jack could write Alice would be mailed to Grammies house in Tennessee.  (parcel post even!)

Things are getting tense around the house and Selena was thinking maybe it was time for Jack to go to another family. Maybe a single lady that needs love and constant attention.
This was killing Selena, these dogs are her other babies! So, when I was offered a chance to test PSCPets Calming Formula for Dogs I jumped at it!! If there was a chance to help this hyper, anxious and jealous little guy stay home we needed to try it!!

The calming formula is safe enough to give 20 pound Jack everyday. He gets half in the morning and half at night.

What I like about the Calming Formula is I can use it continuously or I can use it when stressful situations arise, like the vet or extra company or Fourth of July fireworks.  Anything that stress your dog out.
calming pet treatsThe Calming Formula is liver and poultry flavored soft chew that Jack comes running for!!  MAN does this little guy love these chews!! They are liver and poultry flavored so Jack thinks this is a treat to end all treats!!
With key ingredients like Vitamin B1, Ginger, Valerian Root, things that are all good for Jack.
The large bottle contains 60 chews.

White dogWe’ve been using the Calming Formula for 2 weeks now.  Here is what I’ve noticed!  Jack is calmer! Jack isn’t picking fights with Bosco. Jack hasn’t been growling when Alice is near.  Jack really is calmer. Jack is NOT zoned out. He is still running around outside. Jack still loves to play fetch.  Jack is still a HAPPY little guy. But, calmer!! MUCH calmer!! Which is making everyone happier!!

Jack and I are giving Probioticsmart.com 2 Paws WAY UP!!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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