Yosemite Souvenir GIVEAWAY Day 5
Here I am again. This is day 5 of my Yosemite, I’m going INSANE camping giveaway!!
The first of May came around and while I was excited about my upcoming camping trip to Yosemite, I was stressed about my blog. I started wracking my brain on how to keep y’all coming here everyday without me constantly reminding you! Here is what I came up with………
Now, it’s not a big giveaway, BUT, everyday while I am camping a new giveaway will start. These are short giveaways with only 5 entries each. The prize is a souvenir from Yosemite. Each prize will be under $10.00. Maybe a magnet, key ring or ???? Each one will be different and from Yosemite National Park.
Good Luck!! And truly, THANK YOU for visiting!!
If you collect souvenir pennies, spoons, patches, pencils or magnets be sure to let me know and I’ll be sure to send you that item if you win.
Thank you again!! Now, you go enter……… and we are all going to pretend that I’m not going INSANE being unplugged for a week. A WEEK!!! In Internet days this is like MONTHS!!!
Okay, on to the giveaway!

Erika Litteral
My one thing that I would have is my phone. If I had to pick one thing. Mt phone has just about as much info as my laptop.
Jessica Whitehouse
I would grab my jewelry box. It has my husband’s wedding ring and a couple of heirloom rings from my great grandmother. I might grab my computer, but honestly, I back up most of my photos online, so it’ not a necessity.
I would grab picture albums. They are very special!
Denise S
Only one item would be tough. I guess it would have to be my purse.
Stephanie Galbraith
I would save my laptop. It has all my family pictures on it.
I would grab my purse. It has my wallet and keys inside.
I would grab my purse
Audra O'Hara
I’m grabbing my desktop computer. My filing cabinet is probably full of more important paperwork, but my computer costs more.
Marian Boll
My safe!!!
carrie steele
I would grab my fire safe with all the kids important papers & pics of my son in it thank you
Sarah L
I’ll grab my fire safe with all the important papers in it.
Thanks for the contest.
Natalie Brown
Hi! If I could only grab ONE thing, it would be a box with pictures and momentos in it. If I could grab a second thing, it would be my laptop and, if I could grab three things, it would be my make-up bag. lol Shallow, I know, but I’m a beauty product collector (no hoarder). Ha ha! Thank-you & hope you’re having a great time!
alesha ol
A tshirt would be nice, sz L, or a great big pic
alesha ol
I would save our box of important papers.
hopefully dh would have our cell phones
Jan Lee
I would save my purse which would have my cell phone and ID’s, credit cards and car insurance papers in it. I understand that family photos are important, as that was my first thought, but you need your ID’s, cash/credit cards, and critical papers to begin to start over again.
Janice Dean
I think I would make sure to grab my purse. And my computer:D Thanks
Connie Lee
I would save my purse. It has so many things in it that would help me get started again.
marnie ward
The one item I would save would be my computer. It has everything on it from contact to pictures. All my employment history with resumes, letters I’ve written and it goes on. I can recreate so much from my computer that all would not be lost.
My wedding rings, if I could only get one thing. Thank you for this chance to win.
If I could only grab one thing, it would be the family photo album. It has lots of pictures of my relatives who have since passed on. That is something that could never be replaced.
Dana Rodriguez
That is a good question.I am not sure what I would grab..probably our laptop for obvious reasons.