You knew this….

Well, the lazy me won out this morning. I slept in. Ahhhhh that was so nice. (For the record I did set the alarm……. and I almost got out of bed. ALMOST!) Oh well, Kaki and I are walking in the morning. Mini break over! Good thing too, because I decided that since I was on such a great roll during the Channel 10 Half Year Challenge that I want to drop another 10 pounds. So time to get focused again. So for dinner I had a chicken quesadilla and big ole serving of fresh baby carrots with low-fat ranch dressing. Now I’m going to have a Jell-O 60 calorie Mousse Temptation and go to bed early! (WOW I am SO GOOD!!! Like responsible and everything!! Well, except the ya know… get outta bed and go exercise thing!!)

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