
A nice way to end the day. Watching the DVR of Cougar Town and snacking on Jello’s new dessert. Mousse Temptations! Ohhhh sooo goood!! Only 60 calories! YUM!! (ummmm, yea… that was the only part of my day that I made good food choices! OH MAN!! I need to get back into my diet healthy eating mode!!!) Seriously, I gave away all my loose fitting clothes. I HAVE to be good!!! HAVE TO!!!

Okay, I still think I’m supposed to stop blogging… but I received a really nice email from Trudi at Channel 10 telling me she would be in touch next week about my prize, she didn’t mention the blog. Hummmm mayyyyyyyyyyybe I’m thinking “how long can I go on?” and the folks at Channel 10 are thinking “how long will she go on?!”

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