Zestra for Women! Review & Coupons

Today’s review is a little more on the adult side so if you are reading my blog at work or have kids around you might want to wait till later. It’s not exactly 50 Shades of …..but it does discuss adult issue and a woman’s product called Zestra.

Zestra is the female equivalent of Viagra or Cialis. The reason you probably haven’t heard of it is because most tv networks won’t run ad’s for Zestra. Those same networks, don’t have a problem running the Viagra and Cialis ad’s with lines like “An erection lasting more than four hours…”  WHAAA????  So let me get this straight……..only men are allowed to enjoy sex? Or want better sex?!?!  Or need a little help?!

So, I’m branching out of my comfort zone to help spread the word about Zestra.

First what is Zestra?
Zestra is the only clinically tested and proven, all-natural sexual enhancement product for women!

*It’s recommended by doctors and other women’s healthcare professionals. (Even Dr. Oz!)
*It’s Clinically Proven to be safe and effective.
*Hormone Free and paraben free
*Topically applied
*Works within 5 minutes, peaks at 10 minutes and last up to 45 minutes.
*Comes in personal single does packettes
*Has no known drug interations
*Is made of botanical ingredients and is edible if ingested.

So? What did I think?? 

Zestra is amazing!! It took about a minute to start to feel the warmth. AND WELL………. let’s just say this is a KEEPER!!! I’m 54 and menopause has really REALLY screwed with my body, more than just the irritation of hot flashes (will these things ever GO AWAY!?) to not being in the mood… ever…..!! Zestra is AWESOME!!!! It get’s things heated up ………. and then….well……. HELLO!!!!!!  

Curious about Zestra?  Look at these great offers……. give ’em a try…. I highly recommend them!! 

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