• Fruit Infusion Water Bottle Review

    You’re thirsty aren’t you? You know what sounds delicious right now? An ice-cold glass of water…said no one. Ever. Until now. I know that totally sounds like the intro to an infomercial but I couldn’t resist. So you don’t like to drink water? Well that’s because it’s boring, you either love it or hate it but you know you need it. I’m not trying to sell you on good health, you get plenty of that from every facet of your life; I’m trying to save you money. That’s right MONEY! Drinking water infused with fruit or herbs means you spend less money on junk food, less money on soda and…

  • FlavFusion Infuser Water Bottle Review!

    We all agree that drinking water is good for you. I am not a big water drinker. Even growing up I was never a big water drinker. I am so impressed with my kids, all three of them would rather have water than any other beverage. I LOVE that all three grandkids are MAJOR water drinkers. They request water and never request soda or any other beverage. So, wanting to be a good role model this NaNa tries her hardest to drink water. I’m so excited about my new FlavFusion water bottle! My BIG water bottle! 26 OUNCES worth!! The bottle is crystal clear; but the WOW factor comes from the…