• Grrrrrrrrrrr

    I am in SUCH A BAD MOOD!!! Whatever COULD go wrong HAS gone wrong. Starting with my laptop which is totally screwed up!! Seems someone (okay me… but lets not nit pick here) has pretty much created a 3 pound paper weight! I’ve worked hours on it… and I think made it worse by the minute. GRRRRRR!! Okay back to work on my fancy paper weight. (WOW!! Look at what I’ll do not to run at night!??!)

  • Where can I buy an extra 30 minutes??

    Today was my weekly phone call with Tyler at WellStrong Fitness. Tyler instructions for this week are adding an extra 15 minutes a day to my walk. Since I’m on a time crunch in the morning (you should see me getting ready for work when I’m running on time….. 15 minutes behind?? Wellllll you may just want to get out OF MY WAY!!) So I’ll have to add a walk after work. (Not crazy about the idea but I know it will kick me back into weight loss……… so I’m going to do it). Tyler also says no starch for the week but add more lean protein. Good-bye oatmeal…….. hello…

  • Week 14

    Yea yea yea….. I know I said I wasn’t going to weigh in today…. but I did it anyway…. it wasn’t as bad as I imagined it would be. I gained 1 pound. It could have been worse (ohhh it should have been worse! I had so much fun in Vegas!) So one pound not bad. (Still don’t like it!!) But now it’s back to work!!