September 2024 YOUR Way Giveaway
Happy September Giveaway Little Peanuts.
My August went too dang fast!
If you’re new here I hope you will join us often. To my most awesome, amazing followers who have stuck with me for years, THANK YOU! I’m so happy to see you again.
The first part of my $50 giveaway post is always a recap of the previous month. So, if this bores you feel free to scroll to the end. The Giveaway Tools widget is below. YES! I said Giveaway Tools. It’s back. Ahhhh you didn’t have to stand and applaud. BUT, thank you, thank you, thank you.
At the end of August I was huggin’ on my kids and Alice and I just felt so good. I truly hate living so far away, EXCEPT because we only see each other twice a year I do get a lot more attention. AND more hugs. (It’s WHAT I TELL myself! Let me live the dream okay??)
Now for the REAL reason you are here!!
Giveaway Time!
This Giveaway spiel is the exact same as last month, the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. I am truly thankful and feel blessed that you continually stop by.
The Rules
A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo, and Amazon. Any GC that you think would work worldwide, I’m willing to try. This giveaway is $50 US.
This is a giveaway hosted by me alone.
I NEVER ask for anything except where to send your prize. My email is Co****@pe******************.com I have found that saying congratulations in the subject line causes emails to go to spam. So, I will usually say. HEY it’s Connie. Guess WHAT? Or something similar.
I hope you will come back often, stay around for a while, look at more than one page, it really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated. Purchasing through my blog does not cost you any additional money!!
There are tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! You also get extra entries for sharing.
Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.
GOOD LUCK!!! Don’t tell the others but I sure hope YOU win!!
August’s Winner is Maria G. Congratulations!

Had a good day. Did some shopping at Costco today, which is always fun!
Terri Quick
I had some time on the phone trying to straighten out the mess Temu made out of my bank account & PayPal.
Melissa O.
My day was ok, a little stressful but they always are lately.
gloria patterson
Sunday I was feeling good………… I knew this cold was over!!!
Sunday evening it came back in full force……………….. thats it!
I was up and out of her by 8 am drove over to the walk in clinc. After taking, listening, taking chest exrays I have pneumonia! 3 prescriptions later I picked up a few food items that looked and sound like I might want to eat them. Cause 2 of the prescriptions will make me sick if I don’t follow the rules to eat something before I take the pills.
Took a couple hours nap and right now I feel good………….BUT been there and done that
I asked and the Dr said I could go to therapy on thursday because the medicane works fast.
Jill Y.
It’s the end of September. There were things I didn’t get done that will definitely need doing tomorrow.
Tamra Phelps
So, I feel like tomorrow starts the countedown to Christmas, lol. I mean we are just a few weeks away from Hallmark starting their Christmas movies!
gloria patterson
YOU are behind walmart has had the Christmas trees up and decorated in the Garden for over 3 weeks
Happy Monday! And the end of is it already October?!
Kate Sarsfield
Not a bad day today. The rain eased off a bit so I was able to do stuff in the garden while the men carried on with their work. We’re in for some sunshine tomorrow so I’ll be able to get a lot more done.
gloria patterson
I was just reading about England and that winter is coming. Do you have the same weather as they do??? If so I hope your guys work at little harder to get you all nice snug and warm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kate Sarsfield
We don’t get the extremes that mainland Europe & the UK get, thank goodness! We do get a lot of rain, but sure we’re well used to that!
Shannon Mitchell
Not good for me but Coke. I also like diet Snapple peach tea.
Waiting to hear if my mom gets her pacemaker put in today…
Polly Hall
A few weeks ago I had amammogram today I have to go back and have it done again and then some other screening, I hope they do not find anything.
It’s chilly here this morning I think it’s 40 degrees out there but it’s still dark out. I like it and am ready for the fall temperatures. I tell ya I am sick of these political ads I’m about ready to run out into traffic!
Chelsea B
My fav beverage is a frappe!
My favourite beverage is A & W Rootbeer.
Had a great day with the family
Robert Price
It’s not the healthiest, but I love a good glass of sweet tea!
Robert Price
It was a perfect day to be outside, tending the garden, picking weeds, planting things…
Tamra Phelps
It seems the rain has finally ended here. In NC, the flooding is still happening because dams have been overwhelmed, so it is bad there still. Helene hit a lot of places that never thought they would have to really worry about a hurricane!
Jill Y.
The breeze coming through is a little chilly. The sky is blue, leaves have started to change, I think all the sunflowers are dead…
Terri Quick
I’m just having a relaxing weekend at home with my dogs
Polly Hall
I got the house all cleaned my cousins from out of town are visiting tomorrow.
gloria patterson
Feeling better and I was hungry so got in the car and off to Wendys…………. that burger was so good.
Almost 5 pm and I HAVE NOT HAD A NAP TODAY
Kate Sarsfield
Just got a PM from an old neighbour & member of the Musical Society. I had given her Mum’s electric piano to give to a new home. It’s now ensconced in the Catholic Church where Mum used to play the organ. The choir gallery is unsafe so they can’t use the organ anymore so Mum’s legacy plays on! Made me smile.
gloria patterson
That is so wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can think about it being played ever day………………………. in her memory
Tamra Phelps
That is definitely a smile moment!!!
Having a good day. On our way to get some fall family pictures soon.
Happy Sunday! The sun was out earlier, but now it is starting to rain..
My day is going well. I’m listening to older Martina McBride songs and singing along very loudly. Glad my husband is outside. LOL
wishing the sun would come out! it’s a bit chilly today, time for the snuggy wear. 😉
Hope you are having a nice Sunday. I plan on staying home today and binge watching a few shows. I am going to watch Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1 with Kevin Costner and also The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live it’s a new spin off series. I am thinking homemade burritos for dinner something easy and yummy.
My throat is scratchy, but the Covid test is negative…
gloria patterson
Elizabeth that happened to be last tuesday………………… and my though was it COVID
I tested it was not…………. sunday and I about over the cold
Michele Soyer
Almost the end of another month – time is moving so quickly.. I plan on dojng nothing at all today except a list for groceries and my book – oh and a nice Merlot in the afternoon
Michele Soyer
Tried and I cannot post a comment..
Tamra Phelps
More rain today, but we seem to have escaped the worst. All around us people were facing floods, dams breaking, people having to be airlifted off the roof of a hospital, etc. But we have had rain and wind and occasional brief power outages, but nothing too bad.
Kate Sarsfield
Thank Heavens. Is the worst of it over?
gloria patterson
Kate the worst is going to be when the water goes down. I have watched a lot of videos and listen to people “What are they going to find when they go home” It was unbelieveable taking out bridges, roads. So far they have not mentioned a lot of deaths but………..
Tamra Phelps
Here in Cynthiana, the worst is over. In places like North Carolina, they have had dams break, flooding is still going on.
Terri Quick
It was ok. I had tacos for dinner and streaming some movies online
Polly Hall
It was a wonderful Saturday weather wise, my husband and I got the yard cleaned up after his work on the roof, it’s nice to have the yard look good again.
gloria patterson
Wide awake at 4 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got up shower etc…………….. walked in to the living room looked at the recliner……….. Slept till noon.
I am feeling a little better have not taken any cold stuff today so I think it moving on. Today is the 5th day of my cold Hope tomorrow it is gone.
Kate Sarsfield
5th time trying to post a comment! Fingers crossed.
l p
the day is going well for the most part. the computer has been cranky all day. one of these days….. enjoy your day. thanks
Jill Y.
I wish I didn’t have panic attacks and flashbacks. I’ve had a couple panic attacks just this morning. So much for getting to work. 🙁
Cindy Merrill
Okay day so far, I have a home made beef stew in my slow cooker, should be ready for supper tonight.
Shelly Peterson
Today I am going to my grandsons soccer game and then run some errands.
My mom needs a pacemaker, so I’m waiting to find out when the procedure is and head to the hospital with my brother…
It’s pretty quiet here this morning my cat isn’t even up yet. She is asleep in her fairy princess cat bed. Seriously, I wish I could lay in that thing it’s super cushy.
Michele Soyer
We had 2 power outages in one day lasting almost 9 hours….could not get much accomplished! Organizing our short term rental by phone and deciding to call about the container on Monday…Only thing left to do is call the airline….More coffee then a playdate with the pooch!
gloria patterson
Michele I am so surprised about how relaxed you are about this move. You must be a very organized person
Tamra Phelps
Once it’s rolling, it goes quick, huh? Wait, wait, wait…then run, lol.
Jennifer Wilson
I look forward to pignic all year long. . . but I was so sick last night, and not feeling great today so not sure we can go this weekend.
Had a good day. Looking forward to the long weekend!
Terri Quick
I’m down to 159 lbs in my weight lost journey, so today was a good day.
gloria patterson
CONGRATS!!! Its hard
Tamra Phelps
Wow, we are getting hit by Helene today. We usually get the rain that comes a few days after a hurricane–I mean, it’s KY! But this one is so big and so fast moving that we are getting it the same day and it is bucketing rain, and the wind is hitting tropical storm type miles per hour! Nasty. The thing is, for me, that means I had to reschedule my trip to Lexington for my 6 month mammogram. I can’t go in this. A wheelchair covered in water and being blown around on those chair lifts is not my idea of a good time!
Michele Soyer
Stay safe Tamra.. saw it in the news and thought of you when your state was mentioned
Kate Sarsfield
It’s a long time since I’ve felt so bloody cold. The team try their best to keep doors closed but the wind is cold & fierce and it’s pouring down. Huddled under a blanket with a hot water bottle till I had to go out for a haircut. Now I’m huddled up again with a wooly hat on. My ears are cold!
Michele Soyer
Oh Kate.. do not get ill stay as warm as you can…
gloria patterson
Kate is your stove not working????? Hang in there it will get better
Polly Hall
I got my hair cut today it feels so much better.
Happy Friday! It is hard to believe that we are at the end of the week and it is Friday again!
Jill Y.
It’s blue sky again! I slept in… because I stayed up too late. LOL
gloria patterson
I usually go to Krogers Fridays early AM………….. Get the great discounts and get extra discount on gas. Saved a $1.00 per gallon last week. I don’t really need anything and I really don’t feel like getting dressed….
Nap…………… Nap
Need to find a birthday present for my niece’s husband…
l p
the day is going well. can’t believe it’s Friday already. out for a walk to enjoy the Fall colours. enjoy your day and weekend. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday. I am heading to dialysis soon..
Well, today is the first day with our new internet service. We shall see how it goes I’m not holding my breath. The guy who did the installation was nice enough yesterday even though he arrived an hour late.
Had a good day today. One more day till a long weekend.
Terri Quick
My day was ok. It’s was a nice cool day
Shelly Peterson
Today I had lunch with my sister and daughter and then did some shopping. It was a nice day.
Polly Hall
My husband got the shingles all done now he is working on the flashing aroumd the chimney
Jill Y.
While doing some housecleaning for my sister today, I broke a trinket box. So I went out and bought some goodies for her to apologize. It’s also her birthday tomorrow.
gloria patterson
I have done NOTHING TODAY!!! I sleep for a couple hours get up walk around get something to drink and then back in the recliner……………..
Feeling a little better canceled my therapy this morning
Tamra Phelps
Tomorrow, I head to Lexington for my 6 month mammogram. Ugh. But at least it will done for another 6 months, lol.
Happy Thursday! Had trouble falling asleep last night, so I don’t feel that well rested today..
l p
the day is going well. another sunny day – helps with outside errands. enjoy your day. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Another lousy night’s sleep and the guys were here dead on 8 o’clock. Took my car to the mechanic to check why the ABS warning light is always on. It’s going to cost $300. Yesterday I got my winter fuel allowance of $300, so that covers it but I’ll have to cut back on something else to get me through the winter. Hey Ho! The house is freezing ‘cos they’re in & out all day & there’s a viciously cold wind blowing. Hope I sleep tonight!
Connie: The Head Peanut
OMG Kate, I’m so sorry.
Tamra Phelps
Sometimes, it seems life is just one damn thing after another, right?? Thank goodness you have it, but now where does the heat money come from… ah, well, you’ll figure it out. We have faith in you!
gloria patterson
Hang in there girl! You are still using your stove for heat?? So I hope you fired it up and got it nice and warm in there. But hey you got all the extra body heat to help you keep warm. And with all the guys are doing maybe your home will be so much warmer.
Feeling weirdly blah, but I should run errands later…
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope your blah day passes.
We are getting new internet service today. I am stressed/excited can’t wait till it’s all done and I can be online. I have a ton of questions to ask them and don’t want to forget anything.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhh Heather! I am so jealous!! My internet is TERRIBLE!! HOWEVER! Yesterday’s wind storm seems to have given it new life. Fingers crossed!
My day is underway, but still keep changing plans! Been up since before 5 am, and wow, it is soo dark for soo long in the morning, and also dark so early. I just looked up we don’t turn clocks back until November. WOW.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Rose, we were up and down a lot last night with our wind storm. I’m ready for a nap.
Had a good day today. Worked the Jets game tonight and they won!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I think you are their good luck guy!
Terri Quick
Today was ok. Hope everyone is having a great week
Polly Hall
It’s been a beautiful fall day today, I’ve enjoyed being out in the woods.
Kate Sarsfield
I don’t know if I was over-tired or maybe ate too late but I was still awake at 4am. Cats wanted out at 7 & then at 8 the central heating guys arrived 🙁 I shouldn’t complain as I’m getting all this work done for free but I really needed a couple of hours more sleep. Anyway, at the rescue centre we’ve lost 8 kittens & 1 young cat due to the virus. It’s heartbreaking, especially for Marian, the woman who started it all 20 years ago & lives on-site. Meanwhile, the dogs are thriving. Just 3 of us to care for all those animals – and then, when I get home (with the week’s groceries) there’s a puddle of cat pee in a corner of my bedroom! In bed now, having heated up some hot veggie curry, lit a fire and of course fed the cats. The guys are back at 8 so hope I sleep tonight!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh noooooooooooo! I’m so sorry Kate. It’s time for all great things to start happening for you. Time to smudge you and the house!
gloria patterson
Yesterday afternoon I noticed my throat was getting sore…………………… YES I have a cold! Got my cold bag out it has everthing I need when feeling like crap. So I started taking Genexa Cold Crush, vicks, cough drops. also I am a fan of ZICAM. Nose running really felt bad last night……………. BUT today I am feeling better. Hopefully this is going to be a short cold………………. NAP NAP
Connie: The Head Peanut
Gloria, ZICAM is my go to! I love that stuff. I’m glad you’re feeling better. Take more naps.
It is mid-week again, so Happy Wednesday to everyone!
It’s cold and drizzly after a hot few days, guess that’s fall!
l p
the day is going well. laundry done this morning, met with a friend for tea later. enjoy your day. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I didn’t sleep well at all last night. So I am super tired today.
I slept in a little today. I am now listening to the news man talk about depressing.
Michele Soyer
Looking around for something to clean and there isn’t anything….downstairs is full to the rafters with furniture and boxes so nothing there..up here everything is clean except I could do the windows again BUT there is no need to change curtains/ drapes anymore so I guess I will windex and wash the curtains and put them back up…my daughter is laughing at me saying I am grasping at straws for something to clean why don’t I just sit down and behave!! LOL. I will after the windows….
Jennifer Wilson
How is my day going you ask? Well, let me tell you. . .
I feel like lately we’ve been hemorraging money. . . and today I wake to find a notification that I won $5,000, I just have to accept the rules and such. . .
I look at the rules, and I groan. I am 99.9% sure I entered while at a Sheetz in Virginia and saw the signage. My state isn’t eligible. I live 4 miles from Maryland (which is eligible). I asked if I could have my father in law claim it for us since he lives in Virginia (thus me being in the Sheetz store and seeing the display). Rules say it can’t be transferred, so no $5,000 for me. 🙁 That would have paid off ONE of our credit cards.
Had a good day today. Looking forward to working the Jets game tomorrow night.
Tamra Phelps
Short trip to the lymphedema clinic today, then I came home and actually fell asleep sitting up, lol. I slept several hours that way–which is a good way to get a crick in your neck.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Hey MISSY!! Where are you?? Hope you are feeling better.
Shelly Peterson
My son and I both had dentist appointments today.
gloria patterson
Therapy this morning had a different person she worked me hard with some new excerises. But I have to admit they are helping me physically a lot
Home and took a long nap
Terri Quick
Thankfully some much needed peace and quiet today
Jill Y.
I’m tired. Bah. I’ve had a few flies wanting to snack on me today. Other than that, everything is okay.
Polly Hall
Another rainy day so another day off the roof for my husband.
Kate Sarsfield
Ooh, it’s turned cold! Such a change from last week. No electricity so I thought I’d drive to Ballina to collect my new reading glasses. Then got a call to let me know a team might be here to start on the central heating. Stayed in all afternoon – no-one turned up. Dark by 7.30 so got into bed to stay warm.
My day is going along. Just put away a batch of lentil soup, and had homemade bread made to go with it. It is so beautiful there in Sandpoint. When I was in my early 20s, my ex and I had gotten land in the upper part of the Cape Breton Highlands, way up near the top. We had hoped to move there, but it can be hard to get immigrant status, at least back then. But there are nice views, and it isn’t unusual to see horses walking down the middle of the road. It isn’t as breathtaking as Sandpoint, but the people who do live there, it is a very different lifestyle, quiet and peaceful.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Rose, it’s true. It’s the prettiest place I’ve ever lived. People are so NICE! The view… it’s just amazing. I had to go look up Cape Breton Highlands WOW! That view is STUNNING!! That would have been an amazing place to live.
Happy Tuesday! Hope the start of the week is going well for everyone..
Just finishing breakfast, then I’ll figure it out…
Just waking up here at the moment it is still dark out. I love this time of day it is so nice and quiet and I read my daily devotions and read my emails.
Michele Soyer
Gloria I answered all the ?? yesterday have no idea where it went….. today is a holiday here Republic Day so taking the day off! After breakfast going to cuddle up with cats and the pooch and look at furniture online….I will be needing a small kitchen/dining set….triple dresser and chest ( I have a generic headboard ) and a living room suite SMALL no more huge couches, love seat and 2 chairs…at least I can see what is around and the cost…this afternoon a BBQ and checking to see how much pineapple I have left – looks like a alot!
gloria patterson
Michel The ghost loves to dispear with comment…………….. just likes to play with out minds Good luck finding what you are looking for
Had a good day. Looking forward to a busy week ahead.
Jill Y.
It’s been an up-and-down day for me. anxiety in the morning, then it got better. Now I’m trying to watch Monday-night football, but it keeps buffering. So here I am instead. LOL. It’s been a beautiful day. I spoiled my “nephew” dogs. The first thing they do when they see my bag is to sniff it for treats.
Polly Hall
Card night with the girls, last time at my best friends house. She has sold her house and is moving to another city so sad to see her go.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve no power tomorrow from 10 – 4 so spent the day cooking, cleaning, vacuuming etc. One of the cats peed by the back door overnight. GRRR!!! Scrubbed it, sprinkled orange peel & onion slices all around so hopefully that’ll put a stop to it.
gloria patterson
Quick trip to walmart (yea right are they ever) to pick up a few things. Home everything put away.
Took a nap (2 hrs) and now on the laptop…………….
We had some rain and the air feels and smells so good
Happy Monday! I don’t know where the weekend went…
I need to make some phone calls, then who knows…
Shelly Peterson
I struggled getting up this morning. I didn’t sleep well last night. I am off to dialysis.
It is cool out today, and it is nice, very invigorating! Getting a few chores done. I just discovered that freezing fresh ginger makes it easy to grate, and freezing it didn’t diminish the flavor! oh boy, more recipes with ginger coming up.
l p
the day is going well. my favourite day. up early to make bread and rolls. the sun was up and helped to warm the kitchen. enjoy your day. thanks
Annmarie Weeks
I don’t really have just one favorite beverage. But Gold Peak no sugar iced tea is definitely up there. And I’ve always been a bit diet Coke fan (although I’ve really been trying to drink less soda lately). And for alcoholic drinks, I really like High Noon Watermelon Vodka Hard Seltzer!
Annmarie Weeks
It was an early morning, since hubby had to leave for work out-of-town around 6:30am. But I like early mornings, since I get more accomplished. We have friends coming in later this week to go with us to a music festival. As much as we’ll have a great time, I also love the quiet, “me” time that I get before they arrive.
Just listening to the radio morning show at the moment and drinking my tea. Feels a little chilly out I need to look at the weather forecast it would be nice to see some rain soon.
Michele Soyer
Getting ready for the day – neighbours coming around noon to move the furniture downstairs….looking at things and remembering doing this 24 years ago with our things and 19 years ago for my mum….time does truly fly….
Marlene V.
I am really enjoying orange gin in fresca right now!
Marlene V.
It has been a great day. Spent time i nthe sunshine and now I am cuddling with the dogs!
Had a good day watching some football and having my brother and dad over for lunch.
Shelly Peterson
Today I slept in, wich I really needed. It’s just a lazy day today.
Terri Quick
My day is going ok. I’m just streaming some movies & entering contests
Kate Sarsfield
Started sawing a fallen tree for firewood. Other than that, nothing much going on!
Michele Soyer
Oh Kate – if I was there I would buy you a cord…….
gloria patterson
What have I done today
laundry – all done and put away
nap — 2 hr
Have to do my online bills then I have to do my mothers online bills
Happy Sunday! After some more rain this morning- it looks like the sun is trying to come out..
Polly Hall
A rainy day here but I’m glad that my husband will have a day of rest from working on the roof.
Heading to a street festival today, lured by record vendors and possible ice cream…
Happy first day of fall! Woohoo bring on the cooler weather and the rain. The leaves have started changing here and we are ready for the fall season. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday. I am taking it super easy today and watching movies and eating lol.
Michele Soyer
Taking a break from standing around the house with the handyman – he arrived at 7am to take bed frames and headboards off, mirrors from dressers, asst items that were screwed on the kitchen cabinets ( under cabinet items) he is almost done…Tomorrow calling another neighbor to schedule he and his buddy to move furntiure down to the apartment living room and bedroom – it will be much easier to load from there into the trucks to the container – I know it is around a month to go on that but it is on my mind to get done….I have ( at this point) 217 boxes to re-arrange also….eventually this monrng I will put a chicken in the oven with potatoes and carrots and call that lunch….
gloria patterson
Michele so many questions?????????????????????????
1. 217 boxs so far??? Is it just you going or more family going with you??
2. Have you already found a place there???
3. What about your pets??
So many questions
Kate Sarsfield
You’re completely right to start early. It helps to get your mind used to the idea that this part of your life is ending. Get as much done as you can before the moving day, that’s going to be stressful enough.
Had a good day. Went to Fanfest today with my family and in laws!
Tamra Phelps
I’ve spent most of the day thinking of things I really ought to get done, lol. Well, I did do some laundry, anyway. Ugh.
gloria patterson
Great niece had her 8th birthday party today (birthday is not till next tuesday) She opened so many great presidents. I betting that right now she is sitting on the floor and she and mommie are looking at ever thing she got.
Had so much food, big crock pot of taco meat and all the fixings…………. Big tray of mixed fruit and dip
And 3 big pans of chicken wings 3 different flavors. One niece fixed them at the bar they are the best seller.
There was NOT a chicken wing left…………………. the guy beside of me ate 10 I counted
The weather started out warm and then we got hit with a big rain storm. WE need it bad it really soaked in the ground quickly
Michele Soyer
Sounds like a great time with great food….
Terri Quick
Today has been good. I got low cal veggie pizza for dinner.
Polly Hall
We will be heading out soon to watch my nephew in the marching band competitions.
Shelly Peterson
Today I am going to my grandsons soccer game.
Happy Saturday! Got up earlier than I wanted to today…!
Need to run some errands, but still deciding where…
Suzie B
Uggggh!! I lost my IG account and there is no way to recover it that I can figure out – Im crushed!
Kate Sarsfield
Happy Birthday to me! 65 today. How the hell did that happen? Woke up singing the theme tune to Indiana Jones, whatever that means. Might have a go at putting up a shelf in the bathroom & mirror, towel rail etc., then again I might not. Made myself a strawberry trifle for later!
gloria patterson
Hope you did a whole lot of nothing today…………… Just things that made you smile, laugh or sing!!!
Tamra Phelps
Happy birthday, Kate!! Now I’m humming the Indy theme, too, lol.
Michele Soyer
Happy Happy Birthday Kate!! I wish you the absolute best for the year….
Kate Sarsfield
Thank you all xxx I pottered in the garden, listened to music, ate chocolate … pure indulgence!
Hope you had a nice birthday yesterday Kate. Hey it’s your birthday week! I celebrate all week and pretty much the entire month of my bday!
Jennifer Wilson
My issue of Guinea Pig Magazine with the story about RedBird being a Cadbury bunny finalist arrived. 🙂
Terri Quick
My stomach is upset today so I’m nursing a Dr Pepper. I recently found out that cola drinks helps it settle.
gloria patterson
Quick trip to Kroger for a little of this and that. I shop on friday because they have extra gas coupon points on friday. Next week when I fill up I have a $1.00 off a gallon.
Got home put ever thing away and have done not much of anything…………. had a nap LOL
Polly Hall
I finally got a good loaf of sourdough bread today, it was my 4th try.
Jill Y.
It’s Friday and my work weekend is just about to start. I work Saturday, Sunday, Monday. No sleeping in for me those days. I go in at 6am, 7am, and 6am.
Had a rough day. Got pinched so hard I started to bleed and got bit by a hornet as well.
Kate Sarsfield
Had a lovely day pottering in the garden & playong with the cats. We’ve had glorious sunshine all week so I’m making the most of it.
Happy Friday! Didn’t have the best sleep so I’m feeling tired today..
Debating whether or not to day trip SF tomorrow…there’s free Caltrain this weekend, but the logistics will be tricky and it’s bound to be crowded everywhere. Sigh!
I feel great! ready to go pick fresh veggies from the garden. 😉
Happy Friday to all. I am just reading my emails at the moment. Thinking of making baked Shake n Bake for dinner I love it and it’s so easy and yummy.
Michele Soyer
Had a great shopping day yesterday – got an early start and hit all the shoppes before people starting coming in – 7 shoppes in 2 hours! today I have to start cleaning out all the “pineapple” panty items…canned, frozen and some fresh pineapple that just started to ripen…..My days of unlimited pineapple are soon to be over…..
Kate Sarsfield
Oh Michele! ‘pineapple PANTY items’!!!!
gloria patterson
Kate……………. just because you can spell …………………… lol
Michele Soyer
LOL. pantry items….LOL
Shelly Peterson
I was having trouble falling asleep so I ended up on the computer.
Shelly Peterson
I had a busy day today. I had a dentist appointment this morning and errands to run. Had lunch with my daughter and visited the grandkids.
Polly Hall
My husband and son started roofing the back of the house peck today, they got all the shingles off and the new boards on.
Terri Quick
I’m still with a bit of anxiety when I wake up. I’m listening to some calming music & using distraction techniques.
My favorite beverage is tea with lemon.
gloria patterson
Therapy today (Right now I am scheduled out to the end of October) I will take all that insurance allows me to.
After I got home had a nap then made tuna sandwich…………. LAZY LAZY ME
Kate Sarsfield
We all slept in till 9 this morning! Isn’t it lovely to wake up feeling refreshed instead of tired all the time? The ginger kitten is wolfing down his special food but his eyes are a bit gummy, so I’ve cleaned them a couple of times with saline solution. Thankfully, the other cats don’t seem to mind him at all, whereas they’ll chase off any others who come visiting. Perhaps they realise that he’s not well, so not a challenge.
gloria patterson
Kate sounds like your kids have soft hearts like you LOL
Kind of a quiet day today, partly b/c I’m putting off going out to get errands done. Got back from being outside. It is like summer again today! Took out more winter clothese today, stacking summer to get ready to put them away.
Happy Thursday! Woke up too early today and couldn’t fall back to sleep…
Trying to get laundry done so I can run errands…
My favorite beverage is hot water with lemon.
l p
overall, the day is going well. lots of ups and downs but it averages out to be a good day. I’ll take it. thanks
I am going to do some running around today have a few things I need to get done. Boy, this month is really flying by I can’t believe it is already the 19th?
Had a good day today. Just relaxing at home right now
Polly Hall
Well third time trying to make a loaf of sourdough bread was not a charm, will try again.
Jill Y.
I sat out in the sunshine for a while, possibly a little too long. I don’t look burned but I feel a little burned. Just making sure I got my vitamin D. LOL
Cindy Merrill
My favorite beverage is coffee, unable to function properly in the morning without it, really.
Terri Quick
I woke up with some anxiety so I had to take my meds a bit earlier, so I guess it could have been better
Tamra Phelps
I have to get up before daylight for a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, lol. It’s just a lymphedema clinic thing, but I hate having to get up so early — on account of, I’m lazy, lol.
gloria patterson
Finished painting my cabinet, really like the color. Took a long nap and then a little bit on the laptop.
Kate Sarsfield
Tough day at the rescue centre. There’s a virus doing the rounds & we’ve lost 2 cats & 5 beautiful black kittens. This means sanitising before & after each cage, not cuddling the cats/kittens and keeping an even closer eye on each of them, wondering which will be the next to die. Because of this I couldn’t bring the ginger kitten to them but was given special kitten food to help him gain weight, which will hopefully help. The weather’s good until next week so he can stay outside & I’ve found where he sleeps. When the rain starts, I’ll bring him inside (I’ve got a big crate/cage), till the virus clears.
gloria patterson
Sounds like a heart breaking day for you. Hanging in there
Tamra Phelps
Oh, that makes me sad. I hope your ginger cat does well until then.
Happy Wednesday! It seems to be a bit breezy outside today.
A day at the dentist. What’s more to say!
Finally getting some breakfast and coffee, we’ll see…
l p
the day is going well. saw last night’s the harvest moon with a small piece missing d/t the partial lunar eclipse. really interesting. enjoy your day. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Today is just a day of dialysis for me.
I am still waking up and listening to the moning news. Hope you have a great Wednesday.
Michele Soyer
Using up everything in the pantry so thank goodness all the dried, preserved and apricot jams are almost done – love apricots but enough is enough. lol….tomorrow off to the shoppes to get dog and cat food and some food for us!!
Had a very long and tiring day. Hopefully I get a better night’s sleep tonight.
Polly Hall
Trying my hand at making sour dough bread, I’ve done the first days instruction now the dough has to sit in the fridge over night hope it works.
Tamra Phelps
Hmm, what did I do today? Not much. Sent off for my absentee ballot for the November election. Put a pork roast out to thaw. That’s about it, lol.
Jill Y.
I bought some pumpkin spice and ginger trail mix yesterday. It was okay. I wish there were fewer almonds and more ginger flavor.
Terri Quick
I’m doing ok except for my stomach acting up. Hope everyone is having a good day.
gloria patterson
Last night I started to paint the cabinet but when it dried I hated the color!
So this morning off to Lowes, so many color chips to pick from. I wanted some shade of brown to go with other stuff in the kitchen. I picked out BREVITY BROWN…………… When I got home from therapy I painted 1/2 of the cabinet and I like the color on it. Will have to do a second coat on Wed. Had to take a nap lol
I was looking at the trees when I was driving home they are really changing quickly. Looking out of my living room window there is one tree that is totally orange.
We need rain so bad.
Michele Soyer
I love the changing colors of the leaves – have not seen it in 24 years – everytime i went up it was winter..LOL..
Kate Sarsfield
The contractors were back again today to finish up. Next on the agenda is the pumping of insulation into the cavity blocks of the rest of the house but don’t have a date for it yet. A young ginger cat arrived on the doorstep last night. He’s in a bad way; v.thin & dirty, but free from ringworm, ticks and any obvious injuries. Fed & watered him and contacted the rescue centre to see if there’s room for one more. Possibly not. Don’t mind feeding him, but can’t afford vets’ fees for 5 cats 🙁
gloria patterson
Kate you have a big heart!!!
Tamra Phelps
Oh, Kate, you know as well as we do that you have a new cat, lol.
Happy Tuesday! Got a lot of rain yesterday, but today the sun is out.
Day is going well. Bumped into someone I hadn’t seen in a while. I just took a juicy peach cobbler out of the oven, cooling now, and the scent wafting from the kitchen is so good!
Shelly Peterson
I have a few errrands to run with my daughter today.
Going to a sewing class at the library today…
l p
the day is going well. was up late last night watching a beautiful moon traverse across the sky. today’s to-do list included tea with friends. thanks
Planning a trip to the library today gotta pick some stuff up and return some items. I love our local library so much it is so nice.
Barbara Montag
So far day is going well.
Some self care things I am doing!
Michele Soyer
Today is the partial lunar eclipse at 25 degrees of Pisces…..pretty close to my natal moon so I plan on playing with the dog and the cats and staying quiet…
Jeanna Massman
I love Root Beer. I drink all brands unless it has caffeine.
Jeanna Massman
I had a nice lunch with my husband and then went grocery shopping.
Had a good day. Just celebrated my mother in law’s birthday this evening.
Jill Y.
Another day of work down. It went well with more time where I needed practice.
Polly Hall
I took a girlfriend to an outpatient appointment today
Terri Quick
I love Snapple Peach iced tea
Terri Quick
My day is going ok. I’m just relaxing at home with my dogs.
gloria patterson
I went over to our discount store this morning. Was looking for a compact little cabinet. They have always had so many today I found 2. One was to BIG for the spot and the other one hated the color……………. BUT color can be changed so I got smaller one that fit the spot. Started to paint it, will finish tomorrow.
Ken Ohl
I’m hoping for a great week which just depends on how my wife is doing
Ken Ohl
I love my Coke
Kate Sarsfield
The workmen started at 8am but finished up at 2pm so I went straight back to bed! I finished the bathroom plastering & painting at last. Just the floor to do now but I’ll wait till the central heating is installed.
gloria patterson
Kate this is all so wonderful! Is there anymore to do after the central heat?
It’s another week again– Happy Monday! It’s raining a little bit right now.
Need to mail some letters and get a bus schedule…
Alma Fisher
I have a busy day today. I have two doctor appointments between me and the kids. I also have to go to the store and cook supper.
Happy Monday morning to you. I am sticking close to home today. Our stovetop is all jacked up at the moment so I am thinking about cooking some bacon in the oven this morning gotta Google that one first.
Shelly Peterson
I had trouble going back to sleep so here I am.
Had a fun day today with my family at a Fall Fair at Pine Ridge Hollow
Polly Hall
It’s been a good Sunday almost time to fix dinner, it’s an easy one bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches.
l p
the day is going well. had a great visit over Zoom with friends. would love to visit in person but that’s the way things are. time for a cuppa. enjoy the rest of your day. thanks
gloria patterson
Woke up at 6 and surprise back to sleep till 8……………. About 10 sat down in the recliner and open my eyes about noon. Lazy lazy today
Happy Sunday! Wishing for cooler temperatures right now..
Perhaps fall weather has arrived..possible rain tomorrow!
Shelly Peterson
Today I am going to go do laundry at my sons house.
Kate Sarsfield
Summer’s back!!! No rain and nice temps for the next week – YAY!!! Did some laundry, pottered about in the garden & just relaxed in the sun with a book. Lovely way to spend the day 🙂
Just getting ready to make some breakfast here. Planning on having a nice quiet Sunday here lots of eating and being lazy.
Jill Y.
I haven’t been able to fall asleep. I had a restless leg, and now it’s about time I would/should be getting up. The Oregon, Oregon State football game did not go the way I had hoped, but I did find out the PAC-“12” is rebuilding. The dogs are still silly and playful at times. Sometimes I wonder if one of them has picked up habits from the cats. LOL
Tamra Phelps
There’s not a lot going on here. I started going back to the lymphedem clinic, hopefully it will get rid of some edema fairly soon. Honestly, I just want some quick results for once, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
Aw, bless you! You should know by now that nothing happens when you want it to. Have a good rant/cry/screaming session, whatever helps, then deep breath & carry on.
Polly Hall
Did some grosery shopping, rock hunting and fixed dinner.
Shelly Peterson
I went to Costco this morning. Not much else going on today.
gloria patterson
Just as I started on this last night I got company…………….. they didn’t leave till almost 10.
Friday trip to Krogers then to Walmart got my High Dose Flu vaccine and new Covid shot.
After they left I realize how much both arms hurt. Apply heat to them for a while then took some tylenol.
This morning no pain in my arms. But I have done a kate…………. leaned back in the recliner and 3 hrs later opened my eyes. So I have NOT done much at all today
Jill Y.
Just watching college football right now. Oregon State vs. Oregon.
Kate Sarsfield
Really weird weather today. Misty & humid outside, cold as anything inside! Anyway, did a bit of decorating & housework. Think I’m coming down with something; coughing & sneezing all day.
gloria patterson
Kate it is that time of the year ………………….. HOT / COLD / HOT / COLD Hope you have some cold stuff available just in case
Happy Saturday! It doesn’t really feel like the weekend though..
Stacy T
Sad… I’m in Maine, and my family reunion is happening today in Michigan.
Kinda worn out this morning, maybe coffee will help…
l p
the day is going well. it’s been a beautiful Fall day. love Fall produce. went to the local Farmer’s Market to get all sorts of fresh fruit and veggies. enjoy your week-end. thanks
Today I am taking a card and gifts to the people who helped me when I had a tire blowout. It is so refreshing to know that there are nice still out there in the world that will help someone in need.
Michele Soyer
Started my customs declarations yesterday and got a good bit done…today I plan on making some good old fashioned comfort food – macaroni with 4 cheeses then my book!
Kate Sarsfield
Don’t forget insurance for all your belongings when in storage/travelling etc.! So delighted for you xxx
Had a good day. Thankful that the weekend is here.
Polly Hall
I stained the some wood today that my husband will be using as trim on the roof.
Rebecca Weiss
We had a beautiful day here in WI. The days are warm but the nights are nice and cool.
Rebecca Weiss
My favorite beverage is iced tea made with Luzianne tea bags. My kids love it too.
Kate Sarsfield
More rain so no workmen! Cats & I had a very lazy morning then I caught up with stuff I should have done yesterday. I found Mum’s old phone & managed to get it to work, copied out all my contacts etc. & now just charging it (hasn’t been used since 2020). My poor old phone was Dad’s & just hasn’t been the same since I dropped it in a bucket of water back in June. Then scrubbed the bathroom & cat litter box, cleaned the fridge & had a nap! Last night the temp dropped to 1C (33F) so put another blanket on the bed. The UK had snow but just frost here.
gloria patterson
Kate Its going to be so nice when the guys get through taking care of your home!!
Happy Friday! How is it almost the weekend again?!
cindy legg
My day is good just relaxing with coffee n tv
l p
the day is going well. a good day to stay home – changing sheets and towels etc. enjoy your day. thanks
Waiting for some workmen to arrive, glad they’re running late…
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday (the 13th) I am off to dialysis soon.
Went to the drug store, got my OTC stuff. feelin’ pretty good.
I went to the car wash yesterday a new one on my side of town. I went through the car wash and then vacuumed the heck out of my car and trunk. Well…. today I can barely move pulled something in my neck/back area. Man, this sucks getting older so now I need to stretch out before I vacuum the car? Now where is that heating pad???
cindy legg
I love mushroom coffee n also iced coffees
Michele Soyer
Looking around for something to get me into triuble and there isn’t anything..I must start working on contents lists for the shippers so even though it is so boring I will start this morning after more coffee….
Had a good day today. Went to a food tasting/welcome to the new season at CLC tonight.
Jill Y.
It’s been one of those days where I want to sleep all day. And I just remembered I forgot to take my prescription. Ugh. I think I need chocolate. LOL
gloria patterson
Therapy this morning, right now she has me scheduled out to mid October. And she suggested I talk to the Dr when I go in early October to extend it through October. I always knew that I was NOT that fit but just didn’t realize how bad. I have noticed I am getting stronger.
Left therapy and headed to McD ………………… been thinking about a BIG MAC for 2 days. It was so good! Then I did a kate and had a 3 hr nap
Tamra Phelps
I have a few doctors’ appointments tomorrow, the lymphedema clinic and a therapists meeting–but they should go fairly quick, so not to full of dread, lol. How is it almost Friday again so soon??
Polly Hall
I had a nice lunch with my cousin and sister in-law
Shelly Peterson
Not much going on today. I am going to run a couple errands.
Happy Thursday! Didn’t sleep that well during the night and I’m feeling tired today..
Kate Sarsfield
It’s raining non-stop today so the guys didn’t come. What have I been doing? Sleeping, of course! Making up for all those missed hours of sleep. Certainly feel better now, if a little guilty for being so non-productive. Never mind, my health’s more important than cleaning windows (always do them in the rain!)!
l p
the day is going well. it’s a rather dreich day here but not enough rain to stop my going out for appointments and groceries. enjoy your day. thanks
a good day, eating leftover hoagie!
Watching Leave It To Beaver while I eat breakfast…why do Ward and June always communicate with each other but not the kids?
Just found out that our internet provider is ending service in our area they suck at it anyway but I hate change. Now getting ready for a new modem and new service provider I have a lot of quesitons on installation day and am a little stressed about the whole thing.
Michele Soyer
A lot of info yesterday that changes our way of moving forward – to get our schedule D visas we have to do our paperwork through a Greek Embassy and there is no Greek embassy here in Trinidad – it is located in Caracas and we are not going there! so advice given was to schedule an appointment in the states so we are going to have to make a trip there before we do anything else….a little bit more complicated – yes – changes plans yes – will we pivot of course….
Had a good day. Looking forward to going to our Welcome Back meeting at CLC tomorrow night.
It was a nice day today, did get groceries. The town had a presentation for 9/11 remembrance and some promotions.
Polly Hall
I had an appointment at the dermatologist a few things frozen off but nothing that needed a biopsy.
Kate Sarsfield
The guys were here again at 8 and set to immediately. Don’t know how I managed it but I actually went back to bed & slept! Left them at it & headed to the rescue centre. Tough non-stop work. Some of the stray kittens have ringworm & I found a HUGE tick full of blood on one of them as well. Poor little things become anaemic very quickly if they have ticks, and can fade away very easily.
Before I left, I asked the men if they could possibly put up the name of the house up by the front door. It’s made of stone & too heavy for me to put up by myself. Pulled into the drive & there it was. Lovely feeling. I’d come home!
ps: the house name is ‘Corris’, the name of the tiny village in N. Wales were Mum was born & raised.
gloria patterson
Kate you have some nice guys working there!! The name of house stone Corris, did you have it made or have you had it for years???
gloria patterson
Needed a few things so quick trip to walmart…………………. OH while I am here I think I will get my shots…………. BUT I have on a jacket and long sleeve top………………… DECIDED I would get the shots next week with short sleeves.
So have not done and don’t plan on doing much
Happy Wednesday! Just having some coffee right now..
Not sure what’s going on yet, to be honest…
Shelly Peterson
I am heading to dialysis soon. 9/11 Never forget.
l p
the day is going well. woke up to a very cold place. it’s all of a sudden become Fall. enjoy the day. thanks
I was so thrilled when I woke up this morning and saw that it had rained woohoo! We soooooo need rain here it is way too dry.
Michele Soyer
Had a full day out yesterday – stood in line at the bank for over 2 hours….12 slots for tellers and only 2 working!!! they should be glad that i was in no frame of mind to complain to the supervisors – I know we are all supposed to use online banking but there are some things you must come in for.. so grateful that I did not feel dizzy ( been having a few dizzy spells lately ) then off to the lawyer, pharmacy, grocery and finally home! today we have a scheduled zoom appointment with our Greek lawyer..
gloria patterson
Michele tell us more about the Greek lawyer…………. What is he doing for you?? Do you have any time lines on when you need to be out?????? All kinds of questions LOL LOL
Alma Fisher
My favorite beverage is sweet iced tea and iced coffee.
Tamra Phelps
Have you seen a doctor about the dizzy spells?? Seriously, that can mean so many things…and iff it is something that needs treatment, better to catch it early before you get busy with the physical part of moving.
Athena Graeme
My favorite drink is iced lattes. On a hot day, sitting on the deck, decadence!
Jennifer Wilson
Was gone most of the day for an appointment. THis is one of our busy weeks. We have a lot of appointments in the fall and spring because our weather can be pretty bad in the winter. A teacher of mine moved to Buffalo and said their winters are mild compared to ours. 😮
Had a good day today. Hope everyone else did too.
gloria patterson
Had therapy this morning, not sure how long it will go on but I am scheduled twice a week till the end of the month. I will take all I can get.
I left home at 8:30 and it was only 39……………….. at 5:30 it is up to 81 put windows still closed.
I am not ready for cold weather
Connie: The Head Peanut
Gloria I’m not ready for cold either. How are you feeling now? Stronger?
gloria patterson
Connie I am feeling good!! But I am going to take all the therapy that I can get. I have found out that I don’t use my muscles……………. I AM LAZY!
They have me using and doing so many different things and I am doing some of them at home also.
Stronger ever day 🙂
Kate Sarsfield
The insulation guys were here at 8am & worked right through till 5pm. I’m so tired! They’ll be here again tomorrow.
I’m feeling very proud of myself today: because my phone is playing up I was afraid that I might fall back to sleep tomorrow (unlikely with all the hammering & drilling going on) but just in case I discovered that I can use the laptop to wake me up! Who knew!
gloria patterson
Kate It is surprising the things we learn about our tec equipment when we look around. What happens after the insulation is finished? I know a warmer home for you and the kids. BUT what else is planed?
Kate Sarsfield
After this team have finished, another will pump insulation into the exterior cavity walls, then da-da-de-da!, the central heating will be installed!
gloria patterson
Central heating you could almost get spoiled………….. BUT know you betting that you don’t stop using your stove. LOL
Tamra Phelps
Just in time for Winter!!! Good!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Well, ya taught me something. I didn’t know my laptop would wake me up.
Your gonna be so warm!!
l p
the day is going well. looking forward to tea with a friend who has been away for several months. enjoy your day. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Not much going on today. Had trouble sleeping but I did sleep in.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope you have a great sleep tonight.
Happy Tuesday! It has been very hot the past few days and today the humidity is really high..
Connie: The Head Peanut
We are cooling down here in Idaho. I’m not ready!
Getting vaccinated later…never gotten flu and Covid shots together before, hope they don’t hit me too hard.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I am anxious to hear how you do. I have my double shot next week. Fingers crossed its easy.
gloria patterson
I have been getting double shots (flu/COVID) for several years never had any problems.
I actually postponed them because I did something to my arm and figured the swelling might make it feel worse…oh, delays! I appreciate the kind thoughts and will keep ’em in mind in a week or two…7
I am just getting caught up today reading old emails and doing stuff around the house. I have been running around like crazy for the past few days and so need a break.
Had a good day. Saw a couple real improvements in students I am working with.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s excellent!
Jill Y.
Congratulations, Maria, for winning August’s giveaway!
Polly Hall
Looking forward to dinner and cards with the girls tonight.
Kate Sarsfield
Up at 8am to let one group of contractors in. They moved the plumbing re. the outdoor tap and left. Then at 2pm the next team arrived to start their work. They’ll be wrapping the small extension (kitchen) with insulation. They’ll be back at 8am. They’re all lovely lads but I really missed my lie-in +/- naps!! I spent the day gardening. My farmer neighbour gave me some lupin seedlings! Love old-fashioned flowers (but so do slugs).
Well, just got all four tires replaced on my car and the aalignment done so I feel much better. Man, let me tell you I will be making sure that I don’t run over anything and that my tires are all up to speed each month. It’s a great reminder to make sure you have towing, AAA, cell phone and a plan before this happen to you. Women need to be EXTRA careful!!!!!!!!!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Absolutely great advice!
Happy Monday! Don’t know where the weekend went..
Tamra Phelps
Am I the only one who seems to have allergies all the time? I mean, it’s not seasonal anymore. It’s every season, every day. Ugh.
Hoping to go run some errands pretty soon…
Shelly Peterson
Well it’s Monday already. I’m back to dialysis.
gloria patterson
We were in the 40’s last night! Fall is coming early…………… At noon it is 62
Just hope this does not mean we will have a bad winter………….. I hate being cold. I keep thinking I am going to turn the heat on………….. BUT I DON’T
Just being lazy today
l p
the day is going well. it’s bread-baking Monday – very satisfying. Fall is on the way. enjoy your week. thanks
prepping a lite lunch. so far so good. 🙂
Michele Soyer
Had coffee this morning and i actually tasted it…now to see how much I can get done today before I start feeling tired…I guess I can’t shake fevers off the way I used to – oh well thats life…
Connie: The Head Peanut
Michele, taste returning is a good step. Hopefully you will feel 100% soon. You got some packing to do!
Jennifer Wilson
Annnnnnndddd. . . . our check engine light came on again today. DH is going to call the shop first thing in the morning since it was out there on Friday.
Connie: The Head Peanut
NOOOOOOOOOO Jennifer! I’m so sorry!
Had a good day watching football and getting some things done around the house.
Polly Hall
The weather is sunny but chilly my house is at 65, I’m wearing many layers. I refuse to turn on the heat.
l p
the day is going well. the construction crew are out preparing for the next ‘floor’ to be set tomorrow. happy birthday, Shelley. enjoy the upcoming week everyone. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Today is birthday. I celebrated with my family yesterday and had a great time.
Happy Sunday! Just having a cup of coffee right now..
I need to get the recycling out again…
Kate Sarsfield
I had a very lazy morning then started to clear old paint cans, plant pots etc. from the back of the house where the contractors are starting work tomorrow. The summer (all 5 days of it!!!) seems to have gone 🙁 Back to old, windy, overcast weather.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh your having the fake summer like we had. I’m so happy contractor’s will be there tomorrow.
gloria patterson
I am being so lazy……………… Decided to see if any thing good on amazon prime to watch…..
ROAD HOUSE …………….. It was not bad BUT NO BODY can replace Patrick Swayze in those special movies. They should have named the movie something else.
Its noon and have been up since 6 and have done nothing……………..
Connie: The Head Peanut
I lounged in bed till 10. Now I’m REALLY feeling lazy.
I am just get it going this morning. I had a tire blowout yesterday and it still has me stressed out and freaked out and tired.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh my gosh! Heather.
You okay? That would FREAK me out.
Hi Connie, I am already still getting over it all so thankful that I wasn’t on the freeway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
today is a good day to stay bundledup, and snuggle with a good book or watch a cheesy movie. It’s quite chilly today!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ackkk! I’m not ready for the cold yet. Although I’m ALWAYS in for a cheesy movie.
I really like an ice cold coke. However, they aren’t a fizzy as they used to be so I rarely drink them anymore
My day is going okay. The weather outside is a little windy and cold so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do what I wanted to today.
Fran L.
My day is starting out to be pretty great. Listening to playlists by Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber and Chris Brown. Of course what’s a weekend without chores am I right?
Michele Soyer
I still can’t taste my coffee!! anyway everyday I feel a bit better and stronger – have to start thinking about dates to leave after the 30 day deposit period is over….everyone have a glorious Sunday……
Connie: The Head Peanut
Feel better Michele. Moving day is coming up quick! Congratulations!!
Michele Soyer
I guess my favorite beverage is Coke Zero… with a twist and lots of ice….sometimes with a shot of Stoli!
Connie: The Head Peanut
I have never tasted Coke Zero, I do love my Diet Coke though. I guess I should try it. I’m with you. NO matter what LOTS of ICE!
Ashley S
My favourite drink is Coca-Cola. Or pink lemonade. If we’re talking of the alcoholic variety, I like a frozen strawberry lemonade.
Connie: The Head Peanut
YUM!!!! All great drinks.
Ashley S
My day went very well. Spent some time with family.
Connie: The Head Peanut
That’s always my favorite way to spend a day.
Had a good day celebrating my niece’s 4th birthday.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhhh Happy Birthday little one and many many HAPPY more.
Coffee is my favorite beverage.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ahhhh I should have listed that first for me too! LOL I do neeeeeed my coffee.
Kate Sarsfield
It was another beautiful day today so I spent most of the day clearing the path around the house. The contractors are back on Monday to start insulating the exterior walls so they need space to move. I’ll finish it tomorrow. Finally finished painting the bathroom. Was just doing the bit around the window & had the paint bucket on the toilet seat. Bryn decided to join in & jumped into the paint. Somehow, I managed to get him (& keep him) in the sink & washed it off. Gave him a treat of grated cheese afterwards!
gloria patterson
Kate your kids make your life so INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Connie: The Head Peanut
OHHHHHHHH Kate, your boys do keep you on your toes!
l p
the day is going well. lots of fussing over a computer project that I hope will be finished tomorrow. enjoy your week-end. thanks
Connie: The Head Peanut
I hope the the computer isn’t a bad fix. Either way I hope its better quick.
gloria patterson
I have done about NOTHING today. Did take the garbage out and put it down the shute. Also took a 3 hr nap
This is going to be a cool weekend the temp finally got up to 69 (at 5:35pm)
Connie: The Head Peanut
OH NOOOOOO I’m not ready for winter. NOT YET!! I do like the nap part though.
Polly Hall
Hot Tea is my favorite beverage.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I love a cup of Sleepy Time before bed. YUM!! I’m still a coffee girl in the morning.
Polly Hall
It’s been a nice relaxing Saturday, I even slept in an hour havn’t done that in a long time.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I slept in today (Sunday) it was wonderful. Now it’s time for some FOOOOOTBALLLL!
Happy Saturday! The sun is out and it is feeling very stuffy and humid.
wendy hutton
my day is going good, doing some garden work, digging up some veggies
Shelly Peterson
I am going to hang out with the family later.
Grace S.
A nice relaxing Saturday with summer sort of weather on a fall day.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Okay, I do love fall, BUT I’m not ready for the cold yet. Just a little more time…. LOL
Day is going good. It is going to start raining and I loooove rainy days. I tried a new brand for me of masa harina, it is “heirloom,” Masienda, soo good. Make tortillas fresh for breakfast with good fillings.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Rose you are amazing! I WANT to come learn to make tortillas!
I have been making so many, because I’m trying to get them to do the big puff while cooking. Yesterday I finally hit pay dirt!!! I figured it out!!!! Yeaaa! Many youtube videos and some flops that still taste good, though.
Penny Lebaron
Diet coke, sparkling water and grape crystal lite
Connie: The Head Peanut
We could be BFF’s in real life. LOVE all those choices.
Penny Lebaron
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, lol. No, beautiful day, but ready for fall!
Connie: The Head Peanut
LOL! Penny did you sing when you wrote that? BECAUSE I SANG it! LOL
Melanie B
My favorite beverage is unsweetened iced tea
Going to try a virtual Portuguese class from a library later…
Shari Dalton
I like Chai tea the most.
its Saturday! the day is going just as I planned…..doin’ nothin’!!!!!
Happy Saturday to you. I am just getting caught up on my favorite podcasts. I was thinking about you Connie the other day when I was listening to one of my spooky ones and thought you may enjoy listening to these too. I put on my headphones and crank em up! If you enjoy listening to stories that are strange, dark and mysterious then check these out. I will put the links in this message of my three must hear podcasts.
I am addicted them all! Enjoy!
Connie: The Head Peanut
HEATHER!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am adding all of those.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I swear Heather we could be BFF’s in real life. Wanna move next door?
I thought you could listen to these while you are doing your craft projects. Make sure you click on the video tab on each site to see all the episodes. Let me know which one is your favorite. I have listened to them all and now I have to wait for the new ones to come out each week. We would definitely be BFF wish I lived closer too.
Michele Soyer
Well it has been quite a few rough days. The agreement for sale is done and dusted so moving on!!! But a 102 – 103 degree fever has been the course of the past few days- it finally broke but I feel like 40 miles of rough…Trying to just get up and function….could not even have my coffee – no taste…so onward and upward but I have to take it easy until the heavy cough and chest pain eases up.. hope you all here are doing well!
gloria patterson
THAT IS SO WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OF course NOT that you are sick. How much time do you have before you have to be off the property?? Have you got stuff in the works???????
Tamra Phelps
I was starting to worry about why I hadn’t seen you commenting lately. I’m glad you’re feeling a little better. And so happy that the sale has gone through!
Kate Sarsfield
Oh, I’m glad you’re feeling better & so relieved about the sale! Can’t get over how quickly things move over there. My place took 6 months from sale agreed to getting the keys.
Sara Alvaro
Black coffee, DietCoke, and red wine.
Sara Alvaro
My Brooklyn granddaughters are coming to spend the night so lots of fun.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhhhh that is a great way to spend time. I LOVE Granddaughter sleepovers. I hope you all had a great time.
Jill Y.
One of my sister’s dogs got in trouble this evening, and my BIL wanted them to go outside. So what do they do? They jump onto the couch with their Aunt Jill and refuse to go out. LOL
Connie: The Head Peanut
Aunt Jill is the favorite! LOL
Had a good day. Looking forward to the weekend.
Jennifer Wilson
Cost $144 to fix the car. 🙁
I am so tired of all the polictal lies. I wish the election were over. I’m seeing so much hateful stuff on my Facebook feed.
Connie: The Head Peanut
OUCH on the car. I am with you. GET THIS ELECTION OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day is going good. I just made a bean salad, that came out pretty good. Looking up info for flu and Covid shots. It is dark earlier and also doesn’t get light as early, seems like it just started!
Polly Hall
I got some house work done today it’s hard after being on vacation for so long to get back into it.
Connie: The Head Peanut
I haven’t gotten back into the house work mode yet. I have way, way way too much to do. I need a good kick in the tush to get started.
l p
the day is going well. it’s so nice to check things off the ‘to-do’ list, especially when the weather is conducive to the work. hoping you all have a good weekend. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Happy Friday! I am off to dialysis soon.
Felt kind of overwhelmed and anxious earlier, so I’m just trying to get back on an even keel…
catchiong up on some outdoor maintenance on this cool da y. So far, so good.
Terri Quick
Not a good day today. The landlord is starting up his harassment again
I am preparing for another baking hot day here. Yesterday it was 105 degrees here. I knew when it was like 91 degrees at 11:30 am that it was going to be a scortcher. I am beyond ready for the fall weather. Dear Lord please send rain – love Heather
Kate Sarsfield
YIPPEE!! Today’s temp will be 73 degrees!!! That’s the warmest so far this year in my little part of the World. To Hell with decorating, it’s off into the garden I go!
Jill Y.
My day went well. My feet are sore from standing for eight hours, but work was otherwise fine. Those last four hours, though, went slowly.
Jennifer Wilson
The mechanic is finally looking at our car tomorrow. I’m wondering how I went 50+ days in the house during lockdown. I haven’t been out of the house in 4 days and am getting antsy to go to Sheetz for my Diet Pepsi. 🙂
Had a good day. Just got back from a volunteer appreciation BBQ tonight.
My favorite drink is sencha matcha green tea
Shelly Peterson
Today was very busy. I had a lot of errands to run.
Polly Hall
I use online grosery shopping from our local store with pickup. I went to pick them up and found out the my computer had changed my pickup location to a store 45 Min. away. They were nice enough to let me cancel that order and I then reordered at our store that is only 10 min away.
I’m not all that adventurous I guess, my fav beverage is coffee!! with 2% milk. The one thing I try to make sure I don’t run out of the coffee or the milk for it!!! I shudder to think of a day without it!!!
Day is going good. It is so nice this is working again! Yippee!
l p
the day is going well. had lunch with friends after a much-needed shopping trip. a nice way to spend the day. thanks
Finishing breakfast before I take a Covid test for a study…
busy morning already. getting ready to take a break and have a cup of tea and a bit of left over hoagie!
I am making my grocery list as the moment. I pretty much get the same things when grocery shopping but this time I have some items that I’m sure I won’t remember. It is so crazy how blank my mind goes when grocery shopping. I just want to get in there and get out a soon as I can grocery stores make me nervous these days.
Kate Sarsfield
Had a good night’s sleep and we’re due no rain for 5 days so I should be up and working through my to-do list. Instead, I’m still lounging in bed having breakfast at noon! I’ll get a load of washing done including duvet covers which are a bitch to do by hand and then just potter about for a bit.
Had a good day. My first day working as an EA.
Jennifer Wilson
I’m hard at work for the items I am crafting for the raffles at pignic. (Picnic but guinea pigs come as well.). I’ve known for a year it is coming up, and did I do any work on the items in the last year? Noooooooo. Why would I? I have plenty of time, right? Well, it’s this month. (gulp)
Connie: The Head Peanut
Jennifer YOU and I are kindred spirits. I have 3 (THREE!) Christmas craft fairs in November…. am I ready? noooooooooooooooooooooooooo Gotta get busy. Maybe Monday? LOL
Jennifer Wilson
I adore Diet Pepsi. I have a 100 oz refillable mug and nothing beats a Diet Pepsi from Sheetz. It’s only 99 cents to fill it up. So if I win this month, I’ll choose Sheetz in honor or my Diet Pepsi. 😀
Tamra Phelps
Feeling a little blah today. Edema is making me feel bloated, so that’s an ush feeling. And I slept way too late today, lol. So, overall just not feeling it today.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Tamra, I hope you’re all better now. BIG HUGS!!!
gloria patterson
This has been a really lazy day………….. do a little bit then in recliner leg up for a hour
Last time I ended up taking a 3 hr nap LOL Sounds like Kate lol
Kate Sarsfield
The rescue centre is full up. Kittens, cats & puppies galore. One poor cat was left at the gate last night in a box with food & water. She’s been shaved all over but, of course, we don’t know why or her history. The CCTV showed the car & driver but so far no news from the police as to who the driver is. So 3 of us cleaned up & fed 65 cat & kittens & 15 dogs & pups. Well & truly worn out!
gloria patterson
WOW Kate you guys are so great!!!! That sounds like it needs a few more pair of helping hands
Tamra Phelps
Poor cat! Why on earth would they shave her? Maybe a skin disorder? But then you’d be able to see that…
Happy Wednesday! The sun is peeking out after some rain this morning.
I need a haircut and to get supplies…
Neil T
My favorite beverage is Smirnoff Ice, the original.
just watered my veggie gardens and am now enjoying a cup of tea on the back porch. 🙂
Shelly Peterson
Today is just a normal day of dialyisis.
l p
the day is going well. it’s kind of gloomy out there but we need a little respite from the heat and humidity. flora are loving it. thanks
I am just getting ready to get something to eat this morning. Been trying to get things done this morning around the house.
Polly Hall
Back to reality, we got home yesterday from a month on Lake Michigan, it nice to be home but I miss the Lake already.
Jill Y.
Happy September! I’m not ready for this month. It feels like there is so much I need to do that I should have done in August. Eek!
Jill Y.
My favorite beverage is flavored, sparkling water (with artificial sweetener).
Having a good day, Had my first day as an EA today.
Shelly Peterson
Today I went to lunch for my sisters Birthday. Then I spent time with my friend.
Tamra Phelps
Just saw Connie’s comment on the comments disappearing, lol. I thought they seemed a little sparse. Anyway, not much going on here in KY today.
gloria patterson
Therapy this morning, have to admit that it is really help my non-flexable body. I am enjoying it and doing some of it from home.
Still following DR orders about resting and elevating my leg…….. it is looking a lot better
My favorite beverage would have to be coffee…any kind, any way.
Happy September! Wait…how is it already September right now?!
Kate Sarsfield
I see Helen’s been at it again, bless her! I’ve spent the day catching up on all the chores I didn’t feel like doing. So far, so good!
l p
the day is going well. it’s another lovely day. going to visit friends for tea and give them some of the bread made yesterday. thanks
another very cool day. this day is going very well.
I was freaking out looking for all the comments on this post and just read your comment. I thought there was something wrong on my end lol. I am having a nice morning so far. I got caught up last night on some much needed sleep.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Everything is HOSED UP AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All past comments are safe and sound. GESH!!! This PBnWhine Ghost has been working hard today/tonight.
I need to figure out lunch, then wait for a repairman…