• Moan and groan

    Did anyone get the license plate number of the truck that ran over me…. Backed up…. and ran over me again!?!? Not only achey and cold I felt like is was the longest day I’ve had in a long time. Ohhh my goodness that’s an awful lot of complaining all at once. Since I’m on a roll I should mention I didn’t walk. I didn’t jump rope. I did watch what I ate. YES! I watched a Taco Bell chicken quesadilla and a taco go right in my mouth!! I know… not too smart before a weigh in and on an upset stomach. Dinner was much smarter! (This time for…

  • That’s all ya get……

    You will only hear me say this once!! But, I can’t get warm!! I know….me…. the queen of the hot-flashes!!! My fingers are so cold they ache…. ahhhh forget that……. I ache from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet!! I can’t be sick!!! We are having our big EyeMazing sale the rest of the week!! Work will be crazy busy! I can’t be sick!! So I’m off to bed early. I let Kaki know we aren’t walking tomorrow so hopefully getting to bed early and sleeping a little longer will knock this out. Hey, how many calories are in TheraFlu?? I better NOT gain!! I…

  • Maybe… a little

    I am not spoiled…. I’m not…. I’m not….. I’m n… okay maybe a little bit. DH just bought me a new Blackberry Tour. Woooo HOOO!! It’s awesome on so many levels!! I played with it all evening and forgot to eat!! Course, I did nothing else either. I think I better do a little extra exercise this week to make up for being lazy this whole weekend. Maybe I will actually get that Jump Rope out? Hummmmmm maybe….