• The evil twin strikes again!!

    I really REALLY REALLLLLYwanted a McDonald’s McRib for lunch today. But the fact I was able to wear a skirt I’ve never been able to zip up before made me stop and think!! So I had fruit and yogurt for lunch instead…. but I wasn’t happy. Well, okay I was happy….. but my evil twin wasn’t….. she wanted that darn McRib (and large fries and maybe a cookie too! The cookies are warm even! I would have had a diet Dr. Pepper to offset all the calories… that practically makes the rest of the lunch FAT FREE!!! Trust ME!!) I know… you’re starving now ..right? Well, don’t blame me it…

  • All about me me me!!

    Click here to see Tyler at WellStrong Fitness. He’s talking about ME!! Well, it looks like as of September 19, 2013 the video is gone! You missed it!! : )

  • I want one!!

    I want to win the Little Debbie CUPCAKE car!!! How adorable is this car?? AND since I’ve lost weight I would fit in it just fine!! This car just makes me smile!