• Zzzzzzz

    This week was exhausting all the way around. If I sit still too long I start to dose off!! A sure sign I need a break! Luckily, it’s my weekend off and I have NOTHING planned except to sleep IN!!!! How great does that sound!?!?!? I bet ya’all wish you were me!!

  • Pumpkins!

    What a great night!! Spent time with my wonderful daughter Selena and her best friend Heather. We carved pumpkins!! It’s been so long since I’ve done that. I really need more practice because ummmm really? I am not very creative at ALL!! (I would so like to take credit for one of the cooler ones…. but I’ll bet you will be able to tell which one I did without me even telling you)

  • Week 16

    Finally!!! My plateau has been BROKEN!!! And it’s about TIME!!! I am down 2 pounds this week!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! That makes me 18 pounds GONE and ………..12 pounds to go!! I’ve tried a couple of different exercises this last 2 weeks. From the defective hula hoop fiasco. To adding a little extra time walking with Kaki. My weighted vest is now weighing in at 26 pounds. I’ve added ab work (probably can’t count that because I only did 4 days worth…. mostly cause I forget! Which is insane because if I actually do 5 minutes of ab work a day my stomach really does show results!!).