• Such a hard head!!

    I know better but old habits die hard!!! BUT….Since I’ve “already blown my diet THIS week” what’s MORE bad food choices??” AUGH!! NOW I have pizza guilt!! (It did taste really good though!) The smart thing would have been to get right back on the diet life style change wagon today……. but noooooooo not me!! I’m telling you right now I am SO NOT WEIGHING IN ON WEDNESDAY!!! You can’t make me…. you can’t make me! NO NO NO!!! I also received my weighted hula hoop while I was in Vegas (seeing Cher!) and ummmm yea…. I can’t HULA HOOP???!!! I don’t remember hula hoops being THIS hard to do.…

  • Oh what a great vacation!!

    Home sweet home. Vegas was awesome. Cher was AMAZING!! Seriously!! If you are a Cher fan and ever have the opportunity to see her in person… GO! She is amazing!! I promise she is worth every cent!! I’m still on cloud nine. Thank you DH for the most amazing seats!! WOW! I SAW CHER!! LIVE!!! Zachary made it back safe and sound from the Pacific Coast Kikker Knock Out run to San Francisico.

  • Cher and Mick Fleetwood

    Okay, if you are gonna get alllll dolled up….. all wound up and excited…. AND tell everyONE that you are going to go see Cher in concert you MIGHT just want to find out if she is actually PERFORMING that night. Come to find out Cher doesn’t give concerts on Friday nights (nooooo I hadn’t been drinking!!) So slight change of plans…. I will be seeing Cher TONIGHT (Saturday)! So pretend this is brand new news…. woooo hoooo!! Seeing Cher tonight!!! Yea yea yea… I know…. but just work with ME HERE!! Besides….. this way you get a costume change even in the blog! WAIT! Maybe I did this whole…