• Hello?!

    So, how many times do you walk down to the mailbox and back empty handed before you finally admit your house didn’t get any mail?!?! No letters. No bills (Thank you universe!) No junk mail!? Really?!!? How many days does that actually happen?? Never! It’s not a holiday is IT??! Okay I’m going back down to the box … this just can’t be right. Ohhhh hey!! Trips down to the mailbox counts as exercise too!! (It’s REALLY far!! not really but I like to pretend!)

  • Oh BROTHER!!

    You know this story just makes me shake my head!! ARE YA KIDDIN’ me?!?! People have tooooo much time on their hands!! People should just be SO VERY GLAD that I don’t have snow in my yard!!! New Jersey family decided they’d use all of our recent snow to show off their artistic ability and make a Venus de Milo snowman..woman..person. As anyone with a mild knowledge of art knows, the Venus de Milo is nude (or half-dressed, to be specific). So of course, neighbors complained and now the snowwoman has to wear clothes.