• Work work work…

    I hate yard work. Let’s just get that out of the way right now. BUT I love how the yard looks when it’s been mowed and edged, so I guess ya have to actually go outside and mow (MAN I wish Vista would let me have a goat!!). I had to share a picture of my bougainvilleas. Aren’t the SOOOO pretty!!?? ALMOST made the yard work worth it. ALMOST!! But thankfully the yard done! House done! Laundry done! My contribution to Easter Brunch done! HA!!!! Now NO ONE MOVE A MUSCLE!! I don’t want to have to clean again……. ever! : ) I know… good luck with that. But for…

  • Off track

    Yup yup, weight is up again (not really bad, but still unacceptable!!)……… sooooooooo I joined WW and WW on line. Boy if you haven’t seen that site in a while (or ever!) you should go check it out with me! There are support blogs, points tracker, recipes and message boards. I just spent quite awhile over there this evening looking around, printing out recipes. I started in desserts and well, that’s where I stopped. But I have ten cake recipes printed! I also found out I’ve already eaten all my daily points and half of my weekly reserves. Hummmmmm not the best start!! So I’m going to bed cause if…