• It’s just GUM!! DUH!!

    As promised I did look for updates on Brennan E. Eden. I have nothing to report. The family is REALLY keeping Brennan’s condition very quiet. How much ya wanna bet Brennan lands on the cover of People Magazine with the full story with updated condition and photos?? If we bet… will you really send me money when I win?? Cause I could send you my address right now!!!  I’ll be RICH I tell ya RICH!!  Haaaaaaahaaaaa (that was an evil laugh in case it didn’t come thru as such)                                       And now on to today’s…

  • Brennan Eden update? Sorta

    Here is all I can find on Brennan Eden for today.  According to the Daytona Daily News, Brennan’s parents are asking that his condition not be released sooooo that means I’m going to stop looking for news everyday, I won’t totally give up my search though. On the upside, , no drugs or alcohol were found in Brennan’s system at the time of the crash. Seriously, Brennan must be destine to do great things because I still can’t believe he has lived threw this!! (course he hasn’t lived through his worried Mom show down YET!!)  I cut and pasted the article under the video and I have a link to the article dated…