• Expo

    I just joined Expo! Sign up was super easy. Now I’ll let you know if I actually get to test or review any products. Now you go and join too… but be sure and let me know if you get to test something too. (Okay fine you don’t have to join… but at least go look….. maybe you will want to join after all!!) Why Join? Get Heard!If you have something to say about a product and want to share it with others you’ve come to the right place. EXPO wants to hear your honest opinion about the things you buy and will make it available to others across the…

  • I’ll take it!

    First I’m going to start out with a confession….. as hard as I worked to get 30 pounds off…… I’ve put 20 back on. WHAT THE HELL!??!?!  Do I ever learn?  At least I caught it before it was 30plus pounds gained.  I have been working on getting back down to my goal weight (I mean HELLLLLOO! I have Vegas coming up in October! I will wear my skinny jeans for Vegas!) Annnnyway.  As every woman who has ever had to diet knows, when you’ve gained you don’t feel good about the way you look.  Nothing fits right…. you’re critical about everything you see in the mirror….. blah blah blah. …

  • Story time

    This video of my Sweet Emma brings up a couple of questions. When Emma’s being read to, just how close IS the book??? I mean she learned to read to Ernie from somewhere?? Next just how blind is Ernie? Although who knew Ernie was such a speed reader! Okay… now tell me how adorable my Grand Daughter is!! AND so SMART!! She even makes sure that Ernie has the book turned the right way. She’s brilliant just like her Nonnie.