• Bomber and Tile updates. (they went together better in my head…)

    I can’t imagine being a tile layer by trade.  HOLY CRAP!  My back hurts, my head hurts, my hands are raw. But we are almost DONE!!!  Woooo HOOOO!!!  Saturday should be the last day! Sunday should be grouting day!  HOW amazing will that be!!!!!!!!  DAMN I hate tile work!  Tile layers by trade ….. my hat is off to you!  You work tooo hard!  You deserve a raise!!! Also here is the new video on the Escondido Bomberd.

  • Burn the house?

    Sooooooo I want to know why are “we” (and by we I mean law enforcement) going to burn the bomb house down if we can’t identify all of the substances that Jakubec has inside?  Are the authorities 100% positive that burning them is safe for the nearby homes and ummm PEOPLE?!??!  Can I request the “burnin’ down the house” (I am funny!) thing be done on my day off??  That house is too close to where I work!  I also want it to be Selena’s (Escondido PD) day off…. I also want a live video feed (I am really nosy and want to watch from a distance too)  wow… I have a lot of demands… I wonder who I can call?? …