• Damn you Auto Correct!!

    My daughter Selena showed me this site.  OHMYGOD!  I laughed so hard I woke up the dog and she moved to the next room!!!  I’m laughing so hard I have tears!! Lots of dirty words so if you are easily offended don’t click the link or scroll through some of my favorites.  I was laughing so hard for fly shits I couldn’t read it out loud to DH!! (Even typing that little bit has sent me into hysterical laughing again) Here are some of my favorites.

  • Escondido Bomb update

    I know I’m a lot like Chicken Little “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” where this Escondido Bomber is concerned. But having this all so close to home freaks me OUT!!  Escondido is a small town (it’s the town I work in) and for it to have the largest amount of bomb making materials in one spot in US history FREAKS ME OUT!!  But I found this “Frequently asked questions” pdf that made me feel a little bit better. I’ll feel so much better when this burn is over and done with and everyone is safe and sound.  Course… if all the chemicals that get released into the air give me a…