• And away we go……..

    Okay, so I’m ready to start the new blog!! I’m unpacking all my pictures… I’m getting the page organized.. I’m trying to make it pretty….I’m trying to figure out all these new buttons and I’m totally lost…. So Hello… I’m glad you found me again… or for the first time. Now go away while I get my page set up. Wait…that was just plain rude!! Please don’t go away forever… just umm till tomorrow?? Thank you!! See ya tomorrow! I promise!

  • Hawaii Chair

    Can you just see ME behind the desk greeting new patients into our office while using the Hawaii Chair?? People already think I’m nuts….. then there is the whole trying to write notes? or even type? Or really even trying to talk on the phone?!!? BUT 8 hours of Hawaii Chair exercise just think how skinny I’d be in a WEEK!!! So please? Can I have one? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee??? (Maybe I shouldn’t have talked bad about the chair before asking for one…. hummmm must re-think my begging strategies!)