• So sweet!!

    I have the cutest grand kids IN the WORLD!!  They are brilliant!  I know I’ve told you before but I like to brag!  Yesterday, I received a thank you card in the mail.  How adorable is this??? I have no updates on project “Mom’s movin’ in” except this big ‘ole hole in FRONT of the house. Ummmm the room addition is going on the BACK of the house.  I think I need to look at the plans again!  It’s also a good thing we don’t have little kids here, the hole has been there over 3 weeks now. In construction I believe this is called moving fast.

  • At least now I KNOW tooo

    Yes, I know I am gullible (is that the word I want? or is it naive…. hummm). Either way, DH tells me I’m both (And I have been for a long time too!) but did you know that there are sex blogs??  I had no IDEA!!!!  Okay did ya’all here that noise?  That was my 3 children gasping all in unison “OHMYGOD MOTHER”.  Don’t worry….. I am not going to start blogging about sex.  (ahhhh did you hear that sigh?  That was louder than the gasp!) I would NEVER blog about sex!! on this site at least.  Ohhhh man!!!  I may have just lost 3 loyal readers.  My poor children. Tormenting them is one of my greatest…

  • Don’t cry!

    I know I’ve posted this before, but it’s such a great video it needs to be watched again.  Every once in a while I will show this to a patient and it starts me laughing again. (In other words, I couldn’t think of anything to write about tonight … but we’ll just pretend it’s because I want you to start your weekend off with a laugh!)Happy Friday!!