• Strollers

    I spent today looking at strollers for my Granddaughter Alice. I need one here since Alice will be here all day with Nonnie & Poppy. I will eventually put her down… I will eventually take her out of the snuggli. (I think I will anyway!) It’s been a LONG time since I shopped for a stroller! My kids (34 years ago) had those flimsy umbrella strollers that you could close up one handed mid-air like Luke Skywalker snapping his light saber open! They weighed nothing…. and didn’t support your baby very well either.  Looking back my kids didn’t look very comfortable!! (Bad parent moment!!) Let’s not dwell on that…. guilt is only good when I’m doing it after all! Criteria I…

  • Flip Flops!!!

    I was thinking I really need a new pair of flipflops……… and now I know where to go to get a pair! or 10,000!!!!!! A Dutch artist named Florentijn Hofman built this using 10,000 flip flops!

  • Happy 4th of July!

      Happy 4th of July everyone!  AND Happy Birthday PeanutButterandWhine.com…. she’s 3 years old today!! YEA ME!!!!!! (And ya’all didn’t think I could talk this much huh?? HA! I can! I did! I will continue!)