• Hold please…….

    I had a doctors appointment today with a doctor I hadn’t seen before. (A specialist even… and noooo it’s notta tummma. That was my best Arnie if you didn’t get that)Sooooooo Dr. A walks in the room at the same time his cell phone rings. “You wouldn’t mind if I take this would you?” Not that Dr. A waited for response.  Here is what I learned in the 12 minutes!! Dr A was on the phone, first Dr. A is hard of hearing ’cause that call was LOUD. (Yes the room is small but I shouldn’t be able to hear the backGROUND noise on the other end!!) I learned his modem is not working correctly, his hard…

  • In Box Dollars

    I want to introduce you to the new button on my blog. It’s the Earn Extra Money banner above. Now… let me tell you why it’s there! You know I’m always looking for a way to generate some spending cash. (Did you know once you retire they STOP PAYING YOU!??!?!) I found this great site that pays you to read emails or do simple tasks like taking a survey, even playing games on line!! Now each and every member is able to do each task. You don’t have to go through 32 questions to find out you aren’t eligible! (I HATE when that happens!!) Lot’s of other great reasons to sign up….. it’s…

  • Giveaway Question

    Does anyone have a good system for keeping track of giveaways you’ve entered? Scrolling through the entries because my memory sucks takes forever!! I love Rafflecopter because it shows if you have entered… of course unless you use another computer (like when you are visiting Grandbabies in Michigan!)There has to be an easier way!!!  What methods do you use?