• I love the public library!  (I am about to show my age here…) did you know you can DOWNLOAD a book to your iPod or Nook for free??  Now I’m not just talking a book you can read but an MP4 as well?!?!?  I LOVE this!!!!  I use to go through books on CD like crazy when I was working.  Now that I’m home all the time I don’t have a CD player handy……… but I do have an iPod!! What I don’t understand is why is there a checkout period?  Course I don’t understand how a fax works either so… never mind….. Okay done talking now, cause this book is scary!!!

  • Clouds

    These are cloud shots from my front door. I took these pictures in a matter of 15 minutes. (until that good LOOKIN’ kid came up the driveway!) Isn’t he so cute??