• Love to Veg

    Getting Direct Tv  was a great decision for me if only because now I can totally relate when all my friends are talking about Housewives. I’m sure you’re familiar with the national phenomenon of the Real Housewives of all over the place and I just can’t get enough! Currently my favorite is Beverly Hills because those women have some SERIOUS money and they all try to act calm and collected. After that I like Jersey because it’s the exact opposite – those ladies wouldn’t know class if it bit them on the butt! I think I get into this kind of stuff because it’s a way to just escape my reality for a minute…

  • Laugh till it hurts!

    I was just going to check out Pinterest for just a moment or two…  then 2 hours later…. I was looking the “humor” section.  I have been laughing so hard my stomach hurts!!   For instance: You will be glad to know these also come in PINK and Purple!!!       OH I have to stop now otherwise I’ll end out posting a hundred more!  Seriously, the “Damn you spell check” ones make me laugh SO LOUD!!!!! Okay I’m going back to Pinterest.  I hope you had a good laugh… you look like you needed it.

  • Please VOTE!!!!! (4 me! of course!) MP3 player

    I need some votes!!!  Please?!  It’s one click.  Well, technically it’s 2… one from here… ya ya ya ya… I know.   Vote for PeanutButterandWhine If I win I get to review and hold a giveaway for the Sweet Pea MP3 player!!   I’m all about bribery!!  If you will vote for me (Maybe even pass along my link for your friends to vote too??) then come back here and tell me you voted, if I win I will award you 10 extra entries when the giveaway comes around!!  Ahhhh bribery works!! Voting ends October 31, 2011. Thank you so much for your VOTE!!!!! Now please click the Tweeter and…