• Potty Time Review

    Potty training….. NOT the most fun job.  Okay really….. the word fun doesn’t even belong anywhere near the words potty and training! NO!!  Potty training is hard work!!  It’s tiring and frustrating.  And the kids don’t like it either!! But, if it could be fun it would start with this DVD!  Potty Time Seriously! I enjoy this DVD and I’ve watched it about 20 times already and I’m STILL singing along with Rachel Coleman each time we play this DVD. Some of my favorite parts of Potty Time # 1. obviously is Rachel Coleman she does singing and signing.  She is amazing… amazing… my body is amazing… amazing… (sorry it’s one…

  • My Memories Scrapbook Review & Giveaway!!

    I love to scrapbook.  I LOVE it!! LOVE it!!  Could DO go insane with stickers and papers and embellishments. BY the BOX full…… and that’s where they all are right now…. still in the packages… still in the box…. and the pictures??  Still on my zipdrive.  Yup… I have tons of pictures at my fingertips but hardly anything in an album. I just hate dragging everything out working for a while then having to shelp it all back to the craft room.  It’s a pain in the tushie!  Re-sorting… where did I leave off…not to mention the overall mess!! BUT!!! Not any more!!!  Ohhhhhh you’re gonna want this!!!  My Memories…

  • Glass Waterbottle Review

    I have a TON of water bottles, plastic, metal…. cartoon…. fancy from that coffee shop. After several uses, they have either cracked or stained.  Or worse have that aftertaste!! No matter how many times I wash it has an aftertaste! EWWWWW!!! I was offered a chance to review a Glass water bottle by Ello. My first thought was COOL!!! I’m a sucker for a new water bottle just ask DH!! My next thought was glass??  Really??  ME??  But, this glass bottle is covered with a silicone sleeve. Which # 1 looks COOL!! # 2 protects the bottle if when you drop it.  Yes, I’ve already dropped it.  No it didn’t…