• Zestra for Women! Review & Coupons

    Today’s review is a little more on the adult side so if you are reading my blog at work or have kids around you might want to wait till later. It’s not exactly 50 Shades of …..but it does discuss adult issue and a woman’s product called Zestra. Zestra is the female equivalent of Viagra or Cialis. The reason you probably haven’t heard of it is because most tv networks won’t run ad’s for Zestra. Those same networks, don’t have a problem running the Viagra and Cialis ad’s with lines like “An erection lasting more than four hours…”  WHAAA????  So let me get this straight……..only men are allowed to enjoy sex?…

  • Golden Records CD Give AWAY and Review!

    GIVEAWAY IS OVER I’m soooooo gonna show my age here but I remember “Golden Records!” growing up!! They were the greatest records ever!! So when I was offered a chance to review this CD I was beyond thrilled!!  Not only do I get to share my review with you, but I also get to share something I loved as a kid with my grandkids!!  YEA!! I’m so excited!!! After decades of silence, Golden Records are BACK!!!!! I had a little plastic record player just like this one and a stack of Golden Records!  And yes, they were gold in color and they were AWESOME stories and songs!!! I’m so happy…

  • Mozdex Insurance

    Ya’all know I’m pretty adamant about families having life insurance.  I think it’s one of the most important things you can do for your family.  I also know it’s hard to spend extra money in these times. That’s where Mozdex comes in for cheap life insurance. What I love about Mozdex is the detailed explanations of what to avoid and what to look for when you are picking insurance. Mozdex makes sure you get the most insurance for your money. Remember you aren’t getting life insurance for you, you’re getting it for you spouse and your kids!!  You’re getting life insurance to be sure your family can Life insurance and…