• My Radio Show debut!! on MP3

    If you are a regular here you know I was on Blythe Lipman’s radio show “Baby and Toddler Instructions”If you missed it live, the interview is on MP3Baby And Toddler Instructions 12-5-2012!!  Take a listen because………….. I have a question for you.  Would a weekly Peanut Butter and Whine radio show be something I could twist your arm to listen too?Product reviews, product companies telling us more about their product and what they look for in a blogger?Reminders about giveaways that are ending and what giveaways and product reviews are coming.Questions from my followers as well. I would love some feedback!  Pretty please!!  (Keep into account this was a first to me……

  • Climb On Review

    My review today is about 2 All Natural skin care  products called Climb On. Climb On! is more than an intensive skin care item for rock climbers. It absorbs fast and gets right to work. I noticed a difference immediately! First, I want to mention. it’s very difficult to photograph your own thumb!!  But, I think you get the main idea. I’ve always had really dry cuticles. Then to make matters worse, when I’m stressed I chew them, which makes them even dryer and uglier! So, I thought I would start there with my test. Using the Climb On! Creme a deep moisturizer that acts like food for your skin! What…

  • Thank you Blythe Lipman!

    Oh my goodness! What on earth was I so afraid of?!?!  Blythe is AMAZING!! I just spent an hour on the radio with her and it went so fast!!  I felt right at home! It was like spending a few minutes talking to a friend on the phone. We gave away 3 copies of her book “Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions!”   Congratulations to Tawnda, Kristie and Lisa!