• Let’s talk Recycling!!

    You what I find surprising??  A huge state like California only recycled 29% of our plastic bottles?!?! WHAT?!?  There are so many people in California, that we are practically stepping over each other, and we only recycled 29% of our water bottles?!??!  That’s insane! Arrowhead has an amazing video done with recycled materials that has me in awe!!  You should watch it with your kids. It really is amazing.That video inspired me to look for more idea’s for recycling water bottles.  For instance when you host a backyard bbq (you know… after the snow finally melts!) Hang fresh flowers around the patio like this: What about building a green house?!?…

  • Blogger to WordPress….. maybe

    I’m finally going to bite the bullet and move to WordPress. I think. Yes, I’m one of those people that reads posts that promise I can do it myself. (YOU know they can’t put it on the internet if it isn’t true!!)  So…. basically if I really mess this up and my blog disappears…… that sonic scream you’ll hear will be me!!