• IndieFlix and Finding Kind! Give AWAY!! 10 Winners!!

    Have you heard of IndieFlix? It’s an on line movie channel for Indie Films. The first film I watched was Finding Kind. I have to start with a huge WOW!!! Finding Kind is a national Anti-Campaign against girl bullying. Having raised 2 daughters and 1 son, I know girls are wayyyyy meaner to each other than boys!  Boys may fight and argue, but the next day they are over it.  Girls? Girls can hurt each other with words and even a look. Girls that have been the recipient of the bullying hold it in. That bullying whittles away at their self esteem. About Finding Kind In February 2009, two young…

  • a-JAYS Two Ear Buds for EVERYONE!!!

    a-JAYS Two Ear Buds are sound giants!! As soon as I opened the box I knew this was a whole DIFFERENT kind of ear bud!!  I’m going to show my age here…. but, my last pair of ear buds where white and skinny little wires and NOT comfortable to wear. That is IF I could get the thing untangled!First, ya’ll know that I’m a packaging junkie!! I will (and do) make my final decision just because the packaging is cool.  a-JAYS Two would make that cut!!The packaging is a sleek and smooth black box. Inside the package is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! First, it doesn’t matter what size your ears are there is an ear…

  • Wummel Box Review! Craft time for Alice!!

    It’s taking everything I have in me not to post a million pictures for this review!! Seriously, Alice and I are having SO MUCH FUN with the Wummel Box!! FUN for Alice and educational too!!I watch my 2 year old Granddaughter Alice during the week. We play, we explore, we do crafts and we learn! Alice knows her ABC’s by sight. Alice has learned sight words, like TIGER, ELEPHANT and 12 more. We have school everyday.  She is a SPONGE!! I want to keep challenging her!!  We do crafts like paint, grow tomatoes, but never has doing a craft and LEARNING at the same time been so easy. It takes…