• Evening Primrose Oil, Exercise, and Ginger: 3 Natural Pregnancy Remedies

    Every woman is different, and though every pregnancy is also different, there are some similar needs that most women experience while pregnant. Since you’re carrying a fragile, precious being inside you, the thought of putting chemicals or unnatural substances can be even scarier. It seems that no matter how developed modern technology gets, there are constant recalls on the very things that are supposed to keep your baby safe and healthy. That’s when it’s time to return back to the basics, and seek out the time-tested recommendations and natural remedies of our grandmothers and mothers. Here are a few great natural remedies that many women report made their pregnancy more…

  • $25 OR a Diamond Candle Giveaway!! Your Choice!!

    Here we go again!!  Another very successful month for the Diamond Candle Giveaway!!  Congratulations to: Stacey D. June’s winner!!  So, like I’ve said before, I HAVE the BEST followers!!  So, let’s do another Diamond Candle Giveaway!! If you aren’t familiar with Diamond Candles……. not only do the smell divine…. each candle holds a ring that is worth $10 to $5000!!   This giveaway is hosted only by me, to thank you for being a Peanut Butter and Whine follower!! I appreciate you all!!  So being hosted by me and only me, there aren’t tons of facebook likes or twitter follows. All the entries are about lill’ ole’ me!! So if you stick with me…

  • California Pay Day Advance

    There’s no way to put it nicely: paying bills is overwhelming. Whether a family has had chronic issues with debt or struggling to make payments is a new situation, dealing with financial struggles is an issue that all families face at some point. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to handle the anxiety and stress that come with paying bills, as well as many ways to reduce overall debt and minimize spending costs. Some families turn to a California pay day advance during times of trouble. For the most part, however, this is a temporary fix. It’s important to address the overall issue of debt to determine exactly how…