• Top Christening Gifts

    Top Christening Gifts It’s not just weddings that are more common over the summer months. With kids off school and warm weather to enjoy, many people plan their babies Christenings for this time of year too. Christenings are wonderful occasions, and a great time for family and friends alike to get together and celebrate a new baby. There is nearly always a party of some kind afterwards when you can catch up with your nearest and dearest and enjoy yourself. Like weddings, Christenings are not cheap, as you may well have to travel, find something suitable to wear, and bring a gift. When it comes to Christening gifts, many people…

  • Diamond candle giveaway

    Diamond Candle Giveaway!! OR $25 PayPal Single Blog!

    Thank you everyone for a very successful Diamond Candle Giveaway for the month of July!!  I think I should do it again for August!!  So ……… Good LUCK!!!!  All entries are about me. Me, me, ME!  If you have been following the Candle or Cash giveaways here on Peanut Butter and Whine……. then you can breeze through these entries!! Or do a couple every visit! You know… when you come back to tweet!!  I am all about the subtle hints!! Here it is July of 2024 and this giveaway is still going STRONG!! Am I a lucky blogger or WHAT?!?! Good LUCK!!! If you win I hope you’ll send me a photo…