$50 Your Way Giveaway! July 2024

Happy July Little Peanuts!!! Yup, this is the same $50 giveaway I have hosted each month for years. My first solo giveaway was in September of 2012! I started with just a $10 giveaway. Then I moved the prize up to  $35 and eventually the giveaway became a $50 prize.

If you’re new here I hope you will join us often. To my most awesome, amazing followers who have stuck with me for years, THANK YOU! I’m so happy to see you again.

The first part of my $50 giveaway post is always a recap of the previous month. So, if this bores you feel free to scroll to the end. The Giveaway Tools widget is below. YES! I said Giveaway Tools. It’s back. Ahhhh you didn’t have to stand and applaud. BUT, thank you, thank you, thank you.

June was awesome! Both of my cataract surgeries were a HUGE success. (You can watch a cataract surgery video. It’s not the doctor or even the clinic I went too, but it’s still really cool) I can see the first thing in the morning with no contacts and no glasses!! I CAN SEE!!!!

Aftercare of cataract surgery took most of the month. Follow up visits. Down time and all that stuff SO, my update is boring. No crafting. Nothing exciting on the mountain. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo lets just do the giveaway shall we??

Now for the REAL reason you are here!!

Giveaway Time!

July $50 GiveawayThis Giveaway spiel is the exact same as last month, the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea.

I am truly thankful and feel blessed that you continually stop by.

The Rules

A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo, and Amazon. Any GC that you think would work worldwide, I’m willing to try.  This giveaway is $50 US.

This is a giveaway hosted by me alone. 

I NEVER ask for anything except where to send your prize. My email is Connie@peanutbutterandwhine. I have found that saying congratulations in the subject line causes emails to go to spam. So, I will usually say. HEY it’s Connie. Guess WHAT? Or something similar.

I hope you will come back often, stay around for a while, look at more than one page, it really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated. Purchasing through my blog does not cost you any additional money!!


I do make a small commission which means I can continue to host (OKAY PEOPLE!! How come no one mentioned in the PAST giveaway spiels… it SAID HOSE?!?!?! tsk tsk… little peanuts! TSK TSK!!) the $50 Giveaways.

There are tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! You also get extra entries for sharing.

Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.



  • Tamra Phelps

    Mintenance guy came and did the usuaal half assed job at fixing somethig, lol. It’s really not his fault. He can only do what they let him do, and they don’t like to pay for a real repair.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Stopped at Staples and picked up a few more school supplies. I found a bunch of backpacks at Goodwill that were brand new, and I have a bunch of pencils, composition books, and notebooks. My guinea pig is making a donation to a library that is collecting school supplies for those who can’t afford them. She loves sitting on library desks. lol

  • Kate Sarsfield

    So humid here today, not a puff of wind & I can’t open windows because there’s now another stray cat sitting outside. He’s not neutered so fighting with my boys. I’m going back to bed.

  • ScottyDee

    The day is going great. Started with a fantastic phone call from a dear friend that we have’nt spoken in a while. So nice to catch up.

  • heather

    My day is going so so. I am beyond way beyond sick of our internet provider. Our inaternet has been runnin like crap for the past couple of weeks and today it’s just not working at all every few minutes and it does no good to call them and we have no alternatives where we live it’s terrible.

  • Michele Soyer

    Thank you Tamra, Gloria and Kate for all the support and good wishes…she got in touch with me again yesterday to request the drone shots and pics of all tthe rooms….sent her the videos we have….once again lets see where this goes…
    changing all the linens today then off to bathe thte pooch….I should give the downstairs storm door a paint touch-up but that paint non-corrosive has an awful smell and I do not feel like getting a headache today..lol….

  • gloria patterson

    Had my Dr apointment today………….. almost 2 weeks since surgery and I am doing great!!!

    I still have to wear the support hose for 2 more weeks and cannot drive for 2 more weeks!!!

    But he wants me to start trying to walk some with a cane instead of the walker.

    And I have 2 more weeks of home therapy

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, now a clogged condensation tray or something has led to a lot of water getting onto the floor inside the intake vent here, so it has gotten under the floor tiles and is seeping up in the grooves between the tiles!! I sent an email to the managers today and now I wait to see if they will get on this quickly. It’s 90+++ degrees outside so I have no intention of not running the a.c.–they need to come fix this quickly! As it is, if they have not been changing/emptying the tray, and now they need to replace floor tiles, they have to do that, because I will not put up with mold or mildew in the house!! That’s a health hazard, and my health is bad enough as it is, lol.

  • Jill Y.

    My anxiety has been acting up since last night. I have an as-needed prescription that I don’t take very often, but I took some last night and this afternoon. Other than that, I’m enjoying sitting outside and looking at the hills and blue sky (no clouds or smoke in sight!).

  • heather

    I am getting stuff done around the house today catching up on laundry. I just ordered some noise cancelling headphones from Amazon been wanting a pair a long time. I hope I like them as someone turns the tv up way too loud here and it makes me a little nuts!!! I want be able to plug the headphones in to my computer to hear videos better too. I hope they work out as I hate returing anything especailly to Amazon because I read that they hold that against you.

  • Michele Soyer

    Well I do not want to get over excited but yesterday out of the blue my neighbour sent people to look at the property….I am so used to “its too much land” “too much house” that I was pleasantly surprised when she make an offer….I countered… she said that her offer stood …I graciously declined her offer and after a few moments she said she was going to talk to her money person and get back to us….this is not a game to me and negotiation is fine but a fair price is a fair price and I will not back down – you have to in this life know your worth in all aspects….your worth as a person and that of your property….I do hope this works out…..

    • Tamra Phelps

      Absolutely, Michele. If she really wants to buy, she still might make a low offer just because she knows you have been waitinng to sell a while. She figures you might take the low offer just because you want to leave. BUT you are right. Get a fair deal. Hopefully, she will realize that you are not desperate to get out, lol. And she will make a fair offer.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The Ginger Tom hasn’t left my bed for a couple of days now, except to use the litter box & feed. My 2 & the female go in & out as always. There’s very little room in the bed for me. I like to move about & wiggle my feet, always have done in bed, it’s a comfort thing. not any more. Nothing comforting about 4 cats trying to catch your feet. Other than that, still resting my shoulder (basically doing very little) but the rest of the week is ‘supposed’ to be good so I hope to get into the garden again.

    • gloria patterson

      Kate you have been adopted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      It could be worse you could have 2 toddlers in there moving around and on top of you all night.


  • heather

    Just waking up and getting things going here. I have to go to the grocery store today so I better make my list so I don’t forget something again.

  • Michele Soyer

    Well the pole was finished at end of day yesterday but handyman has to come by today to remove the boxing – the cement will have set by then…So no painting of said pole today…so sad I have tot ake the day off! Pooch said well lets play! After breakfast we shall do just that – she is no puppy anymore but I can still see her when she first came here……

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Oh, I feel fine, I just knew i needed antibiotics. I have a condition that causes we to have to go on them from time to time, but I rarely feel bad with it. (Well, I do, but not at this stage. I only have to have antibiotics about once a year for it.)

    I took a could yearbooks I found at the Goodwill bins to the History museum today. They didn’t have them, they were paperback from the 1960s for an elementary school from the next town over. As I was leaving I saw a bottle opener / church key from when my uncle had an insurance business back in the 1960s. I’d never seen one, so that was very neat. I’m a member of the history society, but haven’t been to the museum in about a year. They want a photo of my grandfather to put in a book they have of everyone who helped raise money for the Baptist church. The Ladies Aid made a quilt that was displayed in the church back in like 1915 and the history museum has it now. They raised money because if you donated $1 your name was embroidered on the quilt, so the fact that I mentioned he was on the quilt, they want a photo of him to put with the rest of the people who had their names on it.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Saw a few people wondering if the comments are centered now or if it’s just them, lol. They are definitely more centered for me–they used to be more to the left. Not a lot going on here.

  • heather

    Not sure if it is just me but all the comments are appearing centered instead of to the left. I like to read all the comments and when they are centered it is more difficult to read. Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t just me. I am going to make pancakes this morning it has been forever since I have had them. I was excited to watch the Olympics but not anymore not since they mocked my Lord Jesus Christ in the opening ceremony!!!!!!!!!

  • Michele Soyer

    Our handyman came about 7am this morning to finish work on the electric pole out to the land….pretty sure it will be done by end of day. tomorrow I will have to go out and paint it as long as it does not rain…while I am making a list for tomorrows chores I need another cup of coffee….making a plantain savoury pie for lunch and while that is baking some music and my book!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I watched the opening ceremony yesterday, at about 2 in the afternon, lol. It’s always interesting how the time zones match up, right? Paris seems to be 5 hours ahead of us. Wasn’t Celine Dion amazing? And having the athletes on the boats on the Seine was a good idea, too.

    • Michele Soyer

      Celine actually brought tears to my eyes – watching her documentary about her illness and how she sang at the opening was amazing… I also enjoyed Gaga and her feathers!

  • Polly Hall

    My husband and I spent the afternoon with a cousin of his and her family that he has not seen for year. It was a nice day.

  • gloria patterson

    Low on energy today. Ever time I ice my knee I take a nap. Go back tuesday to have the Dr check to see how I am doing……………. AND WHEN I CAN DRIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Staying home today and getting things done. Had an unexpected visit to the doctor yesterday. Knew I needed antibiotics, I have a condition I have to go on them on occasion.

  • heather

    I am still waking up but my day if off to a nice start so far. I am already drinking iced tea this morning ahead of the warm weather coming.

  • Michele Soyer

    No motivation this morning at all – injbetween tropical waves the weather is usually sunny and bright so play day for the pooch! After breakfast she and i will run around until she gets tired ( always first) lol…then school study modules + homework….that i enjoy as much as running with the pooch….Happy weekend all…

  • heather

    Happy Friday, I am looking forward to watching the Olympics which start today woohoo. Go team USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Michele Soyer

    Yesterdays shopping went well – made all the stops and was home in an hour…well the shoppes were empty! Today I have to dust downstairs and bathe the pooch….

  • Polly Hall

    My husband has finished the part of the roof he was reshingling I can now breath easier and not worry about him falling.

  • gloria patterson

    A few more hours and it will be a week since I had the surgery. Dragging today no energy but therapy will be back friday. Will be doing it 3 days a week………….. and they were thrilled to hear that I am a morning person so they can come early. Due friday at 9:30

  • heather

    Just waking up and catching up on the news. I am staying home today need to take it easy been on the go way too much lately and I need a break.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Not much to write about today. My guinea pig is sleeping beside me. She and I dosed off earlier. Her favorite thing ever is sleeping beside me when I take a nap. I keep a blanket just for her on my bed

  • Tamra Phelps

    They have started showing ads for the Olympics. It looks like an impressive opening ceremony on the Seine. I wonder if they will actuaally have each nation’s team on boats on the Seine?? That is what it looks like in hat I guess are run-throughs in the ads.

  • Jill Y.

    When I went to the walk-in clinic last week, I was told there was a year wait to get a primary care provider. Thanks to Mischa, who made a note I was a priority, I saw my new PCP today. She seems really nice and I get the impression she will listen to my opinions and take them into consideration.

  • gloria patterson

    Got my first shower this morning I didn’t want to get out!! Was whipped after I got dressed took a 2 hr nap. Rehab came and we did a few excericses felt good………………. Not so good now.

    But moving around doing and napping lots

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I went to bed with 4, yes, folks, that’s FOUR cats on my bed last night. Two live here, the other 2 are neutered/spayed locals that I’ve been feeding for ages. The female has always just walked in & out and helped herself, the other, the big ginger guy I’ve written about before, actually came in through the open window, saw the bed & crashed out. I was in the bed at the time, the window was open ‘cos it’s been humid lately and in he walked. My two and the female got tired of the rain & joined him, all while I was desperately trying to tighten everything ‘down there’ to delay going for a pee! Eventually, nature called really loudly & I had to get up, the ginger dashed for the window, but the others stayed put. I just find it amazing how animals, who have obviously been mistreated in the past, seem to know that some people can be trusted. Never a dull moment!

  • Shelly Peterson

    I have this cough that doesnt want to go away. It’s misserable. I am lucky I made it through the movies yesterday without coughing.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good. Finally figured out why our brand new microwave door wouldn’t open… because it automatically comes with child door lock on it. That’s a new one to me.

  • Michele Soyer

    The tropical waves coming off the coast of Africa are getting stronger.. last night we had dramtic weather around 2am that woke me up…then again around 4am….After breakfast I have to go out on the land and see if we have any downed trees…also clean the yard of coconut leaves and other debris…

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Spent the day mainly listing on eBay. We did go to “town” and I purchased some hair bands. How is it you can have hundreds and none at the same time? Back to listing on eBay in a few. I have some stuff I need to get made before Pignic (guinea pig picnic) and I hope I can juggle everything to get that stuff done by then!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I called to find out why my bone density test for Friday had been cancelled–turns out that huge worldwide outage last week damaged some their scanning equipment’s computers. BUT they are back working again, so they can get me in Friday after all.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I headed into town to buy some cheese, a simple enough task, you’d think. Came home with a chrome pedal bin, a lampshade and a bathroom shelf for over the sink. Forgot the cheese!

  • heather

    Well, I purchased a new microwave yesterday and we are getting a door error message on it. So I am reading trying to figure out what the problem is. I hope that it is just a sensor error message so I am going to clean the door in a little while and that better fix it. I HATE returning things so that will seriously tick me off if I have to do that today.

  • Michele Soyer

    After breakfast I plan on doing some touch-up paint outside. nothing major just on the gates and cistern…nothing makes things look better with a fresh coat of paint….After that some chlorine on the walkways and the driveway until lunchtime…

  • Tamra Phelps

    For some reason my bone density test Friday has been cancelled. I guess I’ll have to call to find out why. Oh, I saw a comment on here today about someone driving into a church and it remminded me of my first job! So, here’s my weird first job story: My first job in high school, about 40 years ago, was at a Convenient store, running a cash register. One day I was standing behind the register, looking out the window, as a big car pulled into the lot going really fast. I mean, it was flying. There was no way it could stop before it hit the front window. That car crashed through the big front window and was only stopped by the huge safe that sat a few feet from the window. I just stood there, in shock, lol. It turned out it wasn’t even the driver’s car! She had ‘borrowed’ it from a neighbor. She had no driver’s license, either. (No surprise!)

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My uncle had surgery on Tuesday. A 30 pound mass removed. 😮 Thankfully he’s doing well and is out of the hospital. I had a dentist appointment today but there was an accident on the interstate and I would have been so late they told me to reschedule. Speaking of accidents, someone literally ran into a church down the street from me. It was built in the 1800s I believe, and that person must have been going fast because the vehicle was half in and half out of the brick building. The person was okay, though, and thankfully no one was in the church. 😮 I don’t know how common it is for buildings to get run into, but in our town of about 1500 it seems like someone plows into a building every couple years. One time it was the post office. Another year a convenience store, and of course, homes. In fact, someone ran into the house next door to me one time when I was a teenager and I slept through the crash, ambulances, fire trucks, but woke up when my mother turned my door knob to tell me what was going on. Go figure.

    • Tamra Phelps

      My first job in high school, about 40 years ago, was at a Convenient store, running a cash register. One day I was standing behind the register, looking out the window, as a big car pulled into the lot going really fast. I mean, it was flying. There was no way it could stop before it hit the front window. That car crashed through the big front window and was only stopped by the huge safe that sat a few feet from the window. I just stood there, in shock, lol. It turned out it wasn’t even the driver’s car! She had ‘borrowed’ it from a neighbor. She had no driver’s license, either. (No surprise!)

  • Polly Hall

    My husband got the roof all prepped so today he started laying the shingles on. I’ll be glad when it is done so I can stop worring about him falling.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Today I managed to empty the bathroom, vacuum the ceiling, walls & floor and I’ve got everything organised to do what’s called a ‘mist coat’ on the walls. Resting the shoulder now.

  • gloria patterson

    I am back! In at 8 am on Friday and cleared to go home Saturday at 11 pm! Me and my new knee are getting along OK. They are going to start PT with me on tuesday. Right now I am trying NOT to take to many pain pills.

    Moving around some with pain but it could be worse.

  • Shelly Peterson

    I think this will be the first time I am looking forward to dialysis. Its nice and cool there.In my place with the ac running it was 85 yesterday.

  • heather

    I slept in a little bit this morning was having a good dream and didn’t want to get up. I think I might be going microwave shopping this morning but not sure yet we’ll see.

  • Michele Soyer

    On our eearly morning walk this monring Delilah and I noticed some concrete work that needs to be done on the land ( pole holding up wires for electricity to the barn) it has some spots of rust that I don’t like….so giving our handyman a call to see what we need and on “out” day Thurday will stop at the hardware…glad we caught that early…

  • Tamra Phelps

    TV went belly up today, lol. My brother tried to revive it (I learned from him that Biden had left the race, that’s how out of the loop I got in just a few hours, lol)–but he wound up taking my debit card and getting me a new one. New one is good, but the hulu app is insisting that I am in the pacific time zone, lol. Oh, well, maybe I can figure that out. minor inconvenience when I use the guide.

  • Heather B

    This is probably a lame answer but I like to collect pretty rocks. Agates in particular, although I am not good at finding them. I still try!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another day of doing nothing except gentle pottering about. More rain, just sitting here watching the weeds flourish … I hope to clear the bathroom tomorrow, ready for painting.

  • wendy hutton

    we are having a heat wave here, so did gardening watering early and now hubernating in the house infront of the AC lol

  • heather

    Twight Zone morning, I am still trying to figure out why my alarm clock is going back and forth one hour???? It’s plugged in correctly, it’s on DST but all of the sudden it shows one hour earlier every so often? Ahh man, I really do not want a new alarm clock. I hate change but I have had this one for like twenty years. Anyone know how long an alarm clock lasts I can’t get a straight answer when I google the question. I use an alarm clock every single morning seven days a week it helps me stick to a strict sleep schedule as I am a problem sleeper.

  • Michele Soyer

    I could get used to this “doing nothing”.. have a lovely day yesterday relaxing and i shall do it again today….after brekfast I will start the meatballs and sauce and do a bit of language homework then music and my book! Wait the pooch is asking for a play day so that has to be on the agenda also…..

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another day of rain & resting. I haven’t had a twinge from the shoulder for over 24 hrs but I’m wary of doing anything too physical just in case. My friendly local farmer brought a box of rhubarb & onions from his polytunnel – LOVE rhubarb! I’ll microwave some for later & freeze the rest. I’m not quite sure what to do for the rest of the day; see, Saturday is Pizza Day but I don’t feel like I deserve it as I’ve done nothing!

  • heather

    My day is off to a good start. Just listening to the news and getting things done around the house before it hits 102 degrees here.

  • Michele Soyer

    Watching the flooding on the island and feel so sorry for those who have feet of water in their homes – I have nothing at all to do today….nothing to clean or weed or scrub! not even any laundry or hand wash….no bread or pastry to bake…I will just have to put my feet up and read my book, listen to music and enjoy the day…

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a rainy day, sort of. I mean it has been right on the verge of rain all day–but it hasn’t actually rained. It did last night and will eventually today.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We’re in the middle of 16 hours of constant rain. The temp hasn’t gone much over 13 degrees (54F). It’s July, for fecks sake! Anyway, I’m really not complaining. I’ve spent most of the day sleeping, resting my shoulder & listening to plays/stories on the radio.

  • heather

    I am doing pretty good this morning. Happy Friday to you all. Just listening the the new song by John Rich call Revelation it is perfect! Made me cry though.

  • Michele Soyer

    I had a good day shopping yesterday thankfully before the heavy rain – the island has serious flooding in many areas roads tied up with traffic for miles and miles….I am very grateful that we live high up – if we flood here the end is near! LOL

  • Polly Hall

    The weather finally cooled left the windows open all night and woke up to 65 in the house. With not having airconditioning that was wonderful.

  • gloria patterson

    I was getting a lot of stuff done…………….. and then I got company. BUT it was good company so I enjoyed the visit.

  • l p

    the day is going quite well. got a message indicating they’re cutting off the water in the area for at least 4 hours. had to scurry to get water in pails etc. my cardio-vascular workout for the day.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Bad news: I have done something to my left shoulder 🙁 Keep getting stabbing pains through it. For now, I’ve got a heat-pack on it & cancelled my plans to start painting the bare plaster in the bathroom. Good news: One of the strays I feed, a lovely big ginger neutered tomcat let me pet him last night! It’s taken more than 6 months but it was a real goosebump moment!

    • gloria patterson

      Kate that is wonderful guess he finally figured out that you were a nice person. Girl you have to got to slow down you cannot get it all done at once . You need to take some brakes and doing nothing read, watch a movie…………….. or just play with the boys

  • heather

    My day is off to a nice start so far. The sun is not officially up yet and I love it so nice and cool out. I am ready for the fall season to get here but I don’t like the short days. This summer has not been a fun one at all here!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I won a giveaway, so it was a good day, lol. (It was a giveaway from one of those places that cuts their own beef, pork, etc. and ships it. Considering how expensive meat is these days, it might be the most valuable one I win this year, lol)

  • gloria patterson

    Trip to Krogers today to pick up a few more things I might want or need. I think I have ever thing done and ready

    Stoped my Celebrex two days ago. I never dreamed how much they helped me. Today when I got up I could hardly move ever thing hurt! Allowed to take tylenol and surprise they help

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m tired & aching after my shift at the rescue centre but thankfully the feline flu has been contained & all but 2 kittens no longer have symptoms. Their eyes are still infected & gooey and one may have had his sight affected. Time will tell. It’s rained ALL DAY LONG and more expected tomorrow. Honestly, I’m tempted to light the fire!

  • wendy hutton

    my day is going good, going to be hot here again, my house is too hot, wanted to buy an AC off amazon but delivery is like in 2 wks so forget it lol

  • heather

    I am moving pretty slow this morning wanted to sleep in that’s for sure. Thinking about making a big country breakfast this morning. With this heat tha we’ve been having I really haven’t been eating all that much but for some mysterious reason haven’t lost a pound?

  • gloria patterson

    Mom broke her bridge (teeth) while in TN. This is a college town and we have a Dental School. They have appointment with students / Emergency dental problems. The emergency dental area is FIRST COME FIRST GET IN. They start taking patients in at 9 am. The cost is at least 1/2 of what you pay at a Dentist Office.

    We left her at 7:15 am we got there about 20 to 8………… there was already 5 people there. So she got in 10:00

    Long HOT day temp finally dropped to 81

  • heather

    We had some bad*ss thunderstorms here last night here with tons of lightning. The lightning started numerous forest fires so I got very little sleep last night. Just read the weather forecast and more storms today stay tuned.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    My motivation has upped & left today. There are things I have to do, like check the engine for coolant etc., but I’m tired & feeling extremely lazy. Perhaps a nap …

  • Michele Soyer

    Another tropical wave coming and then another behind that….I would like to run out to the shoppes on Thursday between waves….I don’t need much just some fresh vegetables and dairy items….today is a study day so after breakfast I begin – I would much rather do this than weeding thats for sure! Have a lovely day all…..

  • l p

    the day is going well. bread-baking day – tried the Japenese Milk Bread again to make sure the first success wasn’t a fluke. it wasn’t. yay! thanks

  • gloria patterson

    They finally got back at 9:30 last night. Both brothers were whipped, had been driving for over 12 hrs on a 8 hr trip. We took the car back and I drove my brother home. It is the first time I have done any night driving since I had my cataract surgery. I could see the road and the lights didn’t blind me!!!

    Today trip to walmart to pick up a little of this and that. I am tired I may make it a real early night

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Ohhhhhh your poor brothers and Mom. UGH!!
      Isn’t it amazing when you can actually SEE at night after cataract surgery? It’s amazing!! I’m still in the WOW the colors are AWESOME phase. I told that to my optometrist and he said that the reason the colors are so bright and POP more is because cataracts are actually yellow so it distorts the colors. Who knew??

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Surprise, surprise! It didn’t rain today! It’s been a cool & wet July so far, but we live in hope! I assembled a small shelf unit with a solid top & varnished it. I was going to use it to display plants but might use it at the end of the bed for spare blanket, clothes etc.

  • heather

    My day is off to a nice start so far. Just getting ready to look at the weather forecast someone said that we may be getting some thunderstorms here. We sure need the rain here but no lightning.

  • Michele Soyer

    Here we are at Monday again – I feel like i say this constantly! Well we have 200 views on the International reale state site so that is positive and our agent said he has someone arriving in the country at the endof the month to take a site walk – all i can do is be cautiously optimistic thats about it….A quick dust and vacuum – there is absolutely nothing to scrub, clean or wash so I will have to try and stay on point with my new course modules I have not opened as yet….

  • l p

    the day is going well. no construction first thing this morning so the birds and I were happy. I could actually hear them! thanks.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I finished up some cleaning chores today, but other than that I have just been doing nothing, lol. Worked a few crosswords, played a few computer games. Nothing,.

  • gloria patterson

    Not a bad day till I called my brother to see where they were (took mom to TN) coming back.

    They had GPS which we didn’t want them using…….. BUT

    Typed directions DETAILED

    AAA Trip Tick marked and highlighted

    2 full reg maps

    And they were lost!!!! I had to find something on line and told them what to do. They hung up from me and called my sister in law and asked her……………. she told them the same thing I did!

    Right now map shows them about 3 hours away. Betting my mother is in the back seat sleeping.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s been a humid day with thunder & lightening so I’ve spent the day inside doing chores & sleeping!

  • heather

    I am just waking up, eating some breakfast and listening to the news. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday. We actually have some clouds today and that makes me happy now if it will only cool down.

  • Michele Soyer

    Accomplished all the outside work I wanted to do yesterday so today is all about relaxing with the pets and reading…

  • gloria patterson

    My knee is still bothering me but I am making myself walk abit more and do the leg exercise for my knee that they gave me for my surgery. Decided I needed that nap woke up 2 hrs later. Have not done much at all today

  • l p

    the day is going well. the construction crew were out early this morning. they are putting up outlines for the walls of the first floor. with the heat and humidity, I’m sure they wish they were still working underground where it’s cooler. might have a bit of rain today so that might help. enjoy the weekend. thanks

  • heather

    I took a serious nite nite last night and slept for 11 hours. I feel peachy today sure needed to rest. Just sticking close to home today as it is going to ge 107 here today.

  • Michele Soyer

    No more excuses – the sun is out shining brightly so after breakfast outside to work – all the weeding and cutting I have put off can no longer be avoided! Lol…when all is said and done we move the last thing I want is this type of life….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I have to say, these new window seals are working a treat! Not only have they stopped draughts but they’ve cut out the sound from the main road (not that I noticed it much) completely. As soon as the guys left yesterday, the cats arrived home wanting food & sleep. My first priority was to have a poo!

    • gloria patterson

      These window sound great it will really make a differents when the temp gets real low! I bet the cats were laying close to home and watching what was going on.


  • Tammy Iler

    Today was a busy day at work….basically trying to be the best I can be so i can get promoted…..one more step to asst, customer service manager!!!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I feel completely bushed today. I just want to sleep for a day, lol. Of course, when I go to bed, I’ll be wide awake, I’m sure.

  • gloria patterson

    This week I have been busy doing stuff to get them ready to leave for TN. And that involved a lot of standing. Well my knee decided to raise hell thursday. I spend all afternoon in the recliner with heat wrap on the knee. It feels a little bit better but I didn’t want to even go to krogers today…….. I will manage till next week.

    And surprise to ALL the people in the building we got a notice that they were starting to work on our new roof today. This building was built in the early 80’s and the roof has rock on it that they are removing. I feel sorry for the people on the 10th floor they will hear it all.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The team of carpenters arrived at 8am & worked their as**s off till 4pm. I now have a partially-floored loft, sealed windows & doors, an insulated hatchdoor to the loft and a new letterbox! While they were busy inside, I mowed the lawn & hoed the flowerbed. I’m so used to getting a nap around lunchtime that I’m completely bushed. Oh, and the cats were not impressed with all the hard work. There was no chance of them having a nap either!

  • l p

    the day is going well. was expecting a tech to come out and assess what is needed to fix a couple of window mechanisms, give me a quote on the cost, and make an appt in the coming weeks to return to fix them. they would come any time today, calling an hour ahead. they came came first thing, made their measurements, went off to pick up the parts, and came back to fix them. very grateful! enjoy your week-end. thanks

  • heather

    I am getting ready to head to the grocery store before the triple digit heat sets in. I am hitting the deli pretty hard today getting some easy things for dinner that we can just heat up in the microwave.

  • Michele Soyer

    Dramatic weaher this morning. thunder lightning wind….the outside cats do not want to stay in the garage or the hallway by the apartment downstairs ( they usually do ) so I have the 3 of them in the gallery up here. Miss Delilah ran up the stairs after walk and joined them – the inside cats are saying ” what the hell?? not happy at all…so all pets are cozy and I decided it is too dark and stormy to work so more coffee and relaxing….

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My husband had another appointment in the town where the Goodwill is, and I found a package UNOPENED of vintage scratch and sniff stickers. I am over the moon with my find. I’m going to a vintage scratch and sniff sticker lovers meet up this weekend. We have talked about getting together for years and we are finally doing it!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I had the first full ART session today and I feel like it went well. I recommend this therapy highly if you’re dealing with PTSD or addiction or anything like that. I think it works in ways nothing else has worked for me.

  • gloria patterson

    Well I was up at 4:30 am to make sure my mom and brother were ready and waiting on the other brother to show up with the car.

    Found out that the last couple of day I have been standing to much and my knee is throwing a fit. Wrapped heat wrap around it and slept for a couple hours and that really helped.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I had a Dr’s appointment this morning. I’ve got a mole that’s rubbing against my bra strap & gets itchy. He doesn’t think there’s a problem but sent off a sample just in case. If it gets the all-clear, he’ll remove it. I’ve got some carpenters coming at 8am so it’s an early night for me (if the cats come home in good time!). They (the carpenters, not the cats) are going to part-floor the attic to make it easier for the insulation team to do their stuff.

  • l p

    the day is going well. I’m learning something important. planning a gettogether with family and need answers from them. the lesson? many only respond to text messages. what happened to email? I’m dreadful at texting so once this ‘do’ is over, have to start practicing. thanks

  • heather

    My day is off to a nice start. Just listening to the news at the moment while doing some stuff online. We are all sick of the heat wave that is going on here.

  • Michele Soyer

    Another weeknd coming up with tropical waves coming so I really should do some more weeding etc but the pooch looked at me again and of course I plan on folding..after breakfast another round of serious playing then she has to get a bath – for her that is more playtime…A meatloaf will go in the oven a salad will be made and some Merlot chilled and my afternoon will be handled….

  • Vera

    Today’s day? Well, got up late (I’m retired). Had coffee & roamed the internet to see how the virtual world was going. Ate a bit. Had a hair appointment and then bought a few groceries. Got home. Put groceries away. Relaxed. etc etc etc. And it was hot today 98 and heat index of around 110.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We’ve got an outbreak of feline flu at the rescue centre (also ringworm, but that’s a lot easier to contain). Abandoned kittens come in with it & because it’s airborne it spreads quickly among the weaker, smaller ones. They’re now all in isolation & you have to sanitise after touching each kitten, disinfect their dishes, door handles etc. in case it gets passed on. It means a lot of extra work but has to be done.

  • Kcf

    I used to collect cookbooks and then I had to move into a smaller place. Just weeding out the ones I wanted to keep was pretty traumatic. So, I don’t collect them any more.

  • Katrine

    Today, things are fine here. I’m looking forward to celebrating a birthday with a friend whom I’ve not seen for five years. It’s nice to have a chance to get caught up. Enjoy your day.

  • Shelly Peterson

    Yesterday was such a fiasco. I went to take my grandson to the movies but had a flat and air wouldnt stay in it. I know nothing about changing a tire. Spent hours trying to find help. Lets hope for a better day today.

  • heather

    We are still in this heat wave here and it is getting old. I am looking forward to the fall season. I miss the rain.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I’m not sure how to add a photo here, so I uploaded one of the bedspread pattern on my IG at WestVirginiaGuineaPigs I did some research on it last night and it’s a Swedish Star Popcorn pattern and made of Linsey Woolsey. I inspected it last night and there are only two issues with the crochet (and I probably could fix those) and one stain. It’s in amazing condition. I plan on soaking it in Oxyclean and seeing if it takes some of the yellowing out. It’s so beautiful. I love it.

  • Polly Hall

    My husband went on a bike ride, he called me this afternoon to come and pick him up. A few of the spokes had broken on one of his wheels.

  • gloria patterson

    We were under a heat warning at 8 this morning. I finally closed my windows about 10 and my fans are keeping me very comfortable.

    Doing a little of this and that today including a nap

  • Tamra Phelps

    I have been trying to wrap my head around the feeling that has returned in my feet and hands–then my therapist reminded me of the A.R.T. session I had a few weeks ago–that works by sort of ‘resetting’ the brain. It is intended for treatment of things like PTSD, addiction, etc., But when you get right down to it, it is a neurological thing–and so is nerve damage. Both are brain related. We couldn’t help but wonder if the two are related. Could this ART session actually help the brain reset itself in other, more physical-related ways, too??? Interesting idea. It seems too coincidental for this to happen so suddenly right after the ART session. Well, I have another ART session Thursday, so maybe it will help more, lol.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I had a lovely lie-in this morning followed by a lazy breakfast. Then it rained so I went back to bed & slept another 2 hours. Got everything ready for volunteering tomorrow, prepped meals etc., then mowed the lawn. Ready for bed again!

  • Linda Sear

    Bearing well so far, considering, even though the entire province of Alberta is still under a heat warning and a high of 34 is called for today!

  • heather

    Our power was out all morning so I am just getting things done that I usually do first thing in the morning. Our power goes out alllllllllllllllllllllllllll the time for zero reasons!

  • Stephanie

    So, I don’t collect, but my son does! He loves finding treasures on our neighborhood family walks and at school. His favorite things to find are tiny erasers and metal or plastic bits, like a bolt or a plastic chip. We keep a large jar in his room for his favorite finds!

  • Stephanie

    So far, so good! I’m just coming back to work after a MUCH needed break. I got to spend time with my family in- and outside of the house and I hit a daily steps new record – 14k+!!

    This morning, I made everyone breakfast, got my son off to summer daycamp, ran to the dentist, hustled at physical therapy, then to work. Feeling grateful and grounded lately 🙂

  • Michele Soyer

    Windows downstairs washed.. did not get to the storeroom or pantry – pooch wanted to run and play – asked her – wasn’t she too old for this. and she said NO!! So I forgot about anything else got the ball out and we played.. btw the cats watched with disapproving faces….lol

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I have to tell you about my Goodwill Outlet find today. Everything is $1.59 a pound. They just did a table change (these are bin like tables if you’ve never been to an outlet.) I saw something in a white trash bag, and I tore the bag to see what was in it, and it was an old crocheted bedspread. Handmade. I tore the bag a little further to see it better and there was a note in there saying who made it. The note was dated 1966, and said that the bedspread was AT LEAST 100 years old. We didn’t get home until kind of late, so I haven’t gotten it out of the car yet. I don’t even know if it’s damaged, stained, etc. I saw the note and knew I had to get something that old! 🙂 I mean, it’s at least 158 years old. In 1866 West Virginia had only been a state for THREE years. (And it could have been made prior to that.)

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      OMGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Jennifer!! That is AWESOME!! OMGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I can’t wait to hear the final report. AND of course color me green with jealousy. WOW!!!
      I have never been to a Goodwill outlet. I need to see if there is one anywhere close to me.

    • gloria patterson

      My mother loves the goodwill outlet she could spend hours in there. You will have to share a picture with us

  • Tamra Phelps

    Talk about strange. After 6 years of random numbness, I actually have some feeling back in my feet and hands. It started coming back very recently. They told me last year after an EMG that the nerves were still trying to fire off but I honestly didn’t believe they would find a way.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Another week starts and another family birthday: my sister’s on the 12th. Went out, bought a card, & posted it off so now I don’t have to think about birthdays till the niece’s at start of Aug. The ABS warning light came on in the car so topped up the brake fluid. I’ll check it again tomorrow. Just hope that’s it sorted, the old bank account is in dire straits.

  • gloria patterson

    Mom who is 94 decided she wanted to go home to TN for a visit. So my brothers are taking her, it is a 4 day trip.
    They are leaving early thursday morning.

    I stayed out of the plans till yesterday and I got pulled in. So this morning my brothers met me down at Enterprises to rent a car. Since they are driving it they had to be there for the paperwork. Picking the car up around 5 on wednesday and will drop back off on sunday evening.

    Picked up a trip tick (MAP) from AAA my brothers are NOT tech aware. They have phone but only to rec & call out. NO text message, no phone message ……….. nothing.

    I am thinking of a nap!!!

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s my favourite – bread baking day. I’m going to try a new recipe – Japanese Milk Bread and then make some ‘panko’ crumbs. fingers crossed… thanks

      • l p

        it came out really well. don’t have anything ‘smart’ or even a regular camera so can’t show you a picture but it sure is something I’ll make again and again. it tasted great (note the past tense). I made smaller loaves to share with friends. I’ll try making pseudo ‘Panko’ crumbs next time. thanks for asking.

  • heather

    I am having a slow start this morning did not sleep very well last night at all. I need to go out and buy a new microwave as ours decided that now was a good time to start acting funny. I think I will probably wait until tomorrow to do that though too tired today. It is crazy how much we rely on the microwave these days. I am having to heat things up the old fashiond way.

  • Michele Soyer

    From last evening I started to feel down, really low down…Another month has gone by and we are no closer to moving …Had a good cry and now we have decided to put it up again ourselves – we still have the agent but I need to do something… As for today sitting here with my coffee I have no idea what my plans are – maybe washing all the windows downstairs and giving the garage and the pantry down there a good sweep out, dust the shelves etc….I can start later plenty of leftovers so I do not have to cook….

  • Tamra Phelps

    Hot and humid here in KY. Ugh. But I like the heat better than the cold, I guess. Whatever happened to a nice breezy 70℉?

  • Danalee Davis

    I have had a great day so far. I went to church. There was a potluck at church with yummy food, and I enjoyed the message and fellowship. I hope everyone is having a good day also.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Mum would have been 91 today. June/July are the hardest, beginning with Father’s Day, then Dad’s and Mum’s birthdays a week apart, then Mum’s Anniversary. Even harder than Christmas. Anyway, I’ve got plenty of things to keep me occupied so I’ll keep busy.

    • gloria patterson

      Kate remember you have so many great memories………………. they do help you get through the hard time

    • Tamra Phelps

      That is a lot of things to remind you all at once. July gets to me because Mom died in July, but I’m like you, I try to stay occupied.

    • Michele Soyer

      My heart is with you Kate – please go thorugh your memories and find a place of lovely times with her…

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. The sun is just now coming up and then we will start cooking again. Yesterday it was 110 degrees here in THE SHADE! I pray it starts to cool down in our area soon been afraid to even look at the weather forecast. I will be out watering soon my flowers in the hanging pots are hanging in there. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

  • Michele Soyer

    The predicted rain is here and the sky is almost black….spooky…perfect to curl up with another cup of coffee and my book….the pooch and all the cats are snoozing….

  • JoAnna

    Hi there! I spent a relaxing day at home, binge-watching old episodes of Criminal Minds. Haha! Hope you had a great day!

    • JoAnna

      I love collecting antiques as well! In fact, so much so that I recently started selling some of my finds on instagram. Hate to part with any of it. 🥲

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My husband waited until he was out of a medicine to tell me he needed it. Our pharmacy is an hour drive (each way). So instead of doing what we had planned yesterday (including our town’s 4th of July parade on the 5th), we ended up making the trip to the pharmacy. I have absolutely no idea how our trip took 10 hours. We went to the pharmacy, had lunch at Ruby Tuesdays with one of the coupons I won in their current game, went to the Goodwill Outlet, got a few things from Kroger, and stopped at Target. I have no idea how that took 8 hours!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Not a lot is happening today. It is nice outside, though. My hands are aching today, repetitive action type of injury from where I have to move the wheelchair and the areas from the thumb to the wrisyt start to hurt. Makes it hard to do much of anything, even hold a book. It’s a pain in the butt, lol.

  • Elizabeth

    My mom and I had to move an old TV out onto the porch…even with all sorts of boards and sliding things rigged up, it was exhausting!

  • gloria patterson

    Not doing much just a little bit here and there, Trying to take one project a day and complete it in the same day. My food pantry is a small wooden cabinet with double doors on it. So was doing it shelve by shelve When I finished to cabinet I had 10 boxes of tea (bags) unopened. They were all over the cabinet! What didn’t fit in my tea boxes are going to my niece her family loves trying different teas.

    Connie I was looking for something in a desk drawer and found a old case that had a pair of foldable glasses in it. I would wear them when I needed to see small writing…………………


  • Kate Sarsfield

    More rain but I managed to get some more planting done in between the showers. Right now, there’s pizza bubbling in the oven & I’m going to light a fire to take the chill off. Where is the summer?

  • heather

    I am getting myself motivated to go to the grocery store early this morning. I need to get some stuff from the deli as it is going to be 113 degrees here today and I am not cooking jack!

  • Michele Soyer

    Weather is grey and rain is in the air BUT I still have time to bathe the pooch, clorox the walkways and clean out the aviary…We did sell all the pedigree doves so it is empty now – kind of sad – they were the last vistage of my husbands fondest hobby….but in reality we are evntually going and they were ( believe it or not) expensive to feed – fussy darlings.. Happy Saturday to all…

  • l p

    the day is going well. had a lot of extra laundry to do today. it’s all done now, though. time for a cuppa… thanks

  • Polly Hall

    drove up to the lake house for the weekend, very windy all day but now with the sun setting it has calmed down.

  • gloria patterson

    Off to kroger this morning got to get those points toward gas……….. $1.00 off a gallon always helps. And they always have some sales on friday.

    On the way home had to stops at the UPS store to return a pair of shoes from amazon. Quick and easy and I had my refund email before I ever got home..

    Done a little of this and that….. NO nap

    Its 85 an starting to rain

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Got into my gardening gear – it started to rain. Went back to bed – it stopped raining. Got into my gardening gear – it started to rain – you get the picture …

  • heather

    Still waking up this moring. Think I will make a yummy breakfast this morning with some bacon. I try to be good and hardly ever eat bacon but it’s a holiday weekend til Monday right?

  • Michele Soyer

    The lawn man is here since 6am so by 8 he should be done.. got my rake ready to clear the grass then clean the drains…. I might as well trim some bushes while I am at it….the next wave is coming on Sunday so this is my window…

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Michele I think I received a teeeny tiny bit of your energy this morning. I’ve watered all the plants, garden and trimmed some of my MASSIVE field of mint. I even made my hummingbird food (those little bO@YY#OU$Y have been dive-bombing my head when I walk out on the deck!). AND it’s only 9:30! SWEET!!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I hope everyone had a great 4th. I miss having burgers or hot dogs today, lol, but it was a good day anyway.

  • gloria patterson

    Have not done much of anything today. It has rained off and on all day. Sometimes heavy and sometime just light. Its 88 and my windows are open and I am comfortable.

  • Kai

    I don’t think I collect too much stuff…maybe books? Although, I will say that there is definitely a want to collect more things!

  • l p

    the day is going well. Happy 4th of July to all. was out early to get come errands run and now I can stay home preparing to this evening. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Happy 4th July to all my American friends! Enjoy your special day & may you celebrate with those you love.

  • Rhonda Struthers

    I tend to collect items that can be repurposed but unfortunately the items tend to sit around. I do have good intentions.

  • heather

    Happy 4th of July! We are staying home today and keeping an eye on the wildfire burning here. I really wish they would outlaw fireworks in my state as they only will start even more wildfires here. If people want to see a fireworks show they should go watch a professional one being put on at a safe place over water they has these shows here and those don’t worry me. I just saw on the news the other day that an apartment complex was burned down here due to fireworks. On a happier note, I plan on making some yummy hamburgers today and salads.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Oh HEATHER I hear you! We have an amazing view to watch them over the water, which makes me happy. BUT, you know some idiot will set one off elsewhere. Keeping fingers crossed we make it through till Monday with no firework fires.

  • Michele Soyer

    Well we have a short period of time w/o any rain today so I have to get out and finish what I wound up starting yesterday – cleaned all the walls in the carport – garage area of webs ( yuck) and dead rain flies…cloroxed the cement afterward to the chagrin of the pooch and her cat friends – apparently they do not like the smell..lol…today I have to do the same in the hallway from the patio to the apartment and out to the back….BBQ today so this afternoon some 4th of July celebrating with burgers ( veggie for me) fries cole slaw and a nice glass of Cab….Happy 4th all!

  • Ashley S

    I have a Rudolph collection I bring out at Christmas time. I have a whole tree with Rudolph decorations, tree topper, tree skirt. I also have many stuffed animals, snow globes, and other Rudolph trinkets.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    A book I have wanted for a while came in on. my Libby app. And it asked me to reconfirm my library card, and I can’t find it, so I can’t start reading that book until Friday when the library reopens and I can have another card issued. Ugh. I just finished reading Isaac’s storm last night about the Galveston Hurricane. It was amazing that weather can be so deadly but a hard read for the same reason.

  • Madison Mae

    I’ve been collecting vintage jadeite glassware because the soft greenish color pops well in my kitchen.

  • Jenn fike

    So I guess I have been recently collecting vintage pyrex pieces and corning wear. They write literally don’t make pyrex like they used to.

  • Jenn fike

    So today was INCREDIBLY humid and hot but I did get outside briefly and put the wedding down on 2 of my flowerbeds, got the garden misters going, watched the automower do his thing for a bit and just finished baking a blueberry pie ( though I think my shortening is bad so the crust won’t taste right) . I’m going to my dad’s tomorrow for a4th of July cookout and to pick my girls up from spending a few days there.

  • Crystal Smith

    We collect stickers, pacthes and pins for our backpack from places we have visted and trips we’ve taken. My husband also has a pretty impressive Hot Wheels collection 🙂

  • Crystal Smith

    My day is going great; excited for the 4th of July holiday tomorrow and the long weekend off of work! 🙂

  • gloria patterson

    This morning was going good……….. for some crazy reason called my mother YOU want to go on a ride and out to eat………. YES

    100 miles later and dinner at cracker barell I am home!!

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s getting warmer and I actually saw the sun for a while earlier. baking cookies for the neighbours. thanks

  • Sara Alvaro

    My day is better than usual. I took two long walks, ironed a bunch of clothes, made decisions for husband’s birthday, and received a great prize I won. Win win!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Nothing much to report today. Did my usual stint at the animal rescue centre & the weekly grocery shop. Just relaxing now with a big bowl of blancmange I made last night from jelly (jello) & evaporated milk. Very retro!

  • Linda Sear

    Well, by the number of books I have, I guess you could say I collect books! lol Chicken Soup For the Soul books, Ann Rule, etc.

  • Kk Pe

    It rained all night and is very humid and chilly today. I woke up late so must hustle to get on track. It will be a good day.

  • heather

    The wildfire is still going here even though they have lifted the level two evacuation. I am worried because this week is going to be stupid HOT here 113 degrees on Saturday! I miss the spring season! The older I get the more I hate the summer months. I do not like baking my ass off and I miss the rain. Other than all that, I am having a nice day. Going to fill up the hummingbird feeders in a little while before it gets tooooooooo HOT outside!

  • Michele Soyer

    Well thank goodness we were spared beryl and praying for the people of Jamaica… Went out to all the shoppes yesterday to do a bit of shopping and got back in… More tropical weather coming so ready to settle in…this time of year the storms just keep on rolling from off the coast of Africa…Eggplant on the menu then my book…

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been one of those restless days for me. Happens now and then, when you feel like you ought to be doing something, but you have no idea what.

  • gloria patterson

    I forgot to say what I collect………….. I used to collect Vintage Costume Jewelry

    I have necklaces, earrings, braclets, pins…………………. Have not bought any in years. But I keep seeing on facebook where somepeople take the pins and make a picture in a shadow box. I have a couple of pictures I was going to copy but never got around to it.

    When I worked I wore a lot of the stuff that I collected but anymore not so much.

    Nice day, comfortable. Made a trip to walmart and to krogers to pick up prescreptions

  • Kate Sarsfield

    My morning started thus: took a blast of my inhaler, something solid hit the back of my throat, coughed it up. It was an EARWIG!!! ALIVE!!! Well, that woke me up. The electricity was off most of the day & I was cold so I went back to bed & slept for 5 hours! Ah well.

  • l p

    the day is going well. there are lots of matters to which to attend today. so far things are positive. looking forward to a cup of tea and some reading later. thanks

  • heather

    My day is off to a nice start so far. Just getting ready to feed my cat she likes to have her canned food heated up in the microwave for 13-14 seconds. She is spoiled and I love it! Thank you again for going back to this form it is so wonderful.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    We went to a Goodwill Outlet on Saturday, and another today. Our car is packed. I need to get the hubby to bring stuff in so we can get listing on eBay. 🙂 I’m absolutely beat from all the shopping, though. I could barely walk yesterday, and I don’t know how well I’ll be able to walk tomorrow, but man I found some great stuff!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    What do I collect? Well, I travel so much that I decided I have to decide what to collect because otherwise souvenirs would cost too much (ha! Starbucks mugs went up to $18 each. That is what we spent most on other than gas when we drove cross country a few years ago.). So Starbucks Mugs and pressed pennies are my travel collections. I have so many Starbucks mugs I have a spreadsheet that I give to my family when they are traveling because they can get me a gift that I will love. You can only buy the place ones IN THAT PLACE. Like I can’t buy a New Mexico mug in West Virginia. (Although I did buy the new WV mug today.)

    I also collect stickers, esp from the 1980s. I still have my collection from when I was a little girl. I also love anything with guinea pigs on it, and as many craft supplies as I have, I guess you could say I collect those too. LOL

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Jennifer if you and I lived close together we would absolutely be BFF’s. I love all those things. Alice collects pressed pennies so I try and remember to grab her ones when we go places. Hummmmm now that she is 13 I’m going to have ask if that is still a thing.

  • Natalie

    I used to collect Beanie Babies and stuffed animals and the state quarters but I don’t collect much anymore.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Natalie, OHMYGOSH!! I forgot I use too as well. There is a huge box in the storeroom. Those will be surprises (along with MANY other boxes of TREASURES) when I pass and my kids have to go through boxes and I CERTAIN say “WHY!?” AND “WHAT?!?” AND I a so sure there will be “Was she going insane?” So many, different collections of weird things. That just makes me LAUGH!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I guess the things I really collect are books. That seems to be what I can’t get enough of and rarely part with, lol. I also like pigs. Ceramic pigs, wooden pigs, pigs on things…

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tamra!! YOU and ME!!! OHMYGOSH!! We continue to be in sync. I collect pigs BECAUSE I always said I would move out of California when PIGS FLY!! So naturally……… my family……. FLYING pigs everywhere. ALONG with a treasured hand carved wooden pig that son Zachary made me when he was in the 5th grade. (He’s 44 now!)

  • Tamra Phelps

    Aw, Connie, I got a giggle out the ‘hose/host’ mix up, lol. I hope your feller has a good birthday!

  • Elizabeth

    I don’t actively COLLECT for collection’s sake anymore, but I find hard to resist: books, records, clothing with record or cassette designs on them, San Jose Sharks memorabilia, stickers, Japanese stationery, Lego minifigures, anything Muppet-related, Totoro and Snoopy stuff. Oh, dear…

  • gloria patterson

    Another strange weather day at 4:03 pm it has just got to 71 tomorrow they are calling for 89

    The TV in the bedroom dies awhile back and I just didn’t bother to replace. Finally decided I needed a newone in there. Ordered only got a 32 in was big enough for me. Smart TV would work off my wifi. Setting it up I had more problems……. long and short I was typing a lower case letter should have been a capital!!!

      • gloria patterson

        Last time she was here ……………. sat down at my laptop — WHAT THE PASSWORD???

        She is getting better she now knows how to get on amazon. BUT not sure how to get to where she wants to go. This time she wants bunkbeds for her babies…………………… big bucks SO NO

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Happy July, Connie! Great to hear about the 2nd cataract op going so well. You won’t know yourself!

    I was scheduled to have my loft insulated tomorrow but the electric company has decided to turn us off for maintenance, so there’ll be no power for most of the day. Hopefully it’ll happen soon. No other news other than the usual rain …

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Kate you are a bottomless well of patience. I would have been screaming. I hope the insulation happens soon.
      Rain here too. I’m really over the rain. I would like PROOF that the sun still is in the sky. VISUAL proof.

  • l p

    thank you for returning to the earlier form. hopefully it will behave better and you get an appropriate refund for the previous one. thanks for doing that – and all the time you spent making things work for us.

  • l p

    at this point in time, I’m collecting dust bunnies. they don’t eat much but my goodness they breed quickly! thanks

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s my favourite day of the week – baking bread. the place smells glorious. I’m so happy to see the ‘old’ form back. thanks

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Shelly, ME TOO!! WAyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back Starbucks use to have these chunky ceramic mugs I LOVE them. I have forbid The Husband to even LOOK at that cupboard because I love them so much! He’s not allowed. LOL

  • heather

    I like to kind of collect bags. I love me a good tote bag, purse, duffle bags, grocery bags just like bags always have.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      PURSES! I have such a weakness for a good handbag. THEN I moved to Idaho. I haven’t carried a purse in forever. I have a small card wallet. That’s all I use. My poor beautiful handbags.
      I decided last month to use one of those bags and my GF said “WAIT!! ARE you carrying a PURSE!?!?”

      • gloria patterson

        When I worked I also collected hand bags……………. you name the color, style I had it. And I changed bags almost ever day.

        When I retired I would carry the same purse all the time. Finally got them all togetherr and gave to my nieces and they almost fought over them. Most of them were big designer bags.

  • heather

    My day is off to a nice start so far. Happy July to you all. I am just thrilled and dancing a jig because the old form is back. This form is so much easier on my eyes and easy to use it is my favorite giveaway form by far. We have been taken off the level two evacuation notice due to the wildfired but the fire is still raging so I am staying packed just in case the wind kicks it up and out of control again.

  • Polly Hall

    Day is going well looking forward to dinner and cards with the girls this evening. It is so nice to have someone else cook dinner for me.

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