$50 Your Way Giveaway June 2024

Guess who bit the bullet and bought a new (hopefully improved!) giveaway widget? Yeahhhh this GIRL! ME! The Head Peanut. I hope that you like it. I hope it’s easier to use. ESPECIALLY that dang tweet button!! RIGHT!??!??! If something doesn’t work or needs more explanation let me know ASAP and I will fix it. (OR as you all know me so well, I could very well break it! There is always that chance. Although, I call it the ghost of PBnWhine).

The first cataract surgery went great on the 31st. The doctor and the staff were AMAZING!!! Although after all the numbing and pain meds wore off……… wellllllll lets just say I was NOT fond of the surgery. Today June 1st, much better pain-wise. Although, having my left eye needing a LOT of correction and my right eye having clear vision, well, IT’s WEIRD!

Anyway, thank you all for your well wishes. I hope tomorrow I’ll be back to answering comments. Today? I think I will go close my eyes again.

Now for the REAL reason you are here!!

Giveaway Time!

Giveaway $50 June 2024This Giveaway spiel is the exact same as last month, the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. I am truly thankful and feel blessed that you stopped by. A little of the blah blah blah stuff: This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal, Venmo, and Amazon. Any GC that you think would work worldwide, I’m willing to try.  This giveaway is $50 US.

This is a giveaway hosted by me alone. I NEVER ask for anything except where to send your prize. My email is Connie@peanutbutterandwhine. I have found that saying congratulations in the subject line causes emails to go to spam. So, I will usually say. HEY it’s Connie. Guess WHAT? Or something similar.

I hope you will come back often, stay around for a while, look at more than one page, it really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements is always appreciated. Purchasing through my blog does not cost you any additional money!! I do make a small commission which means I can continue to host (OKAY PEOPLE!! How come no one mentioned in the PAST giveaway spiels… it SAID HOSE?!?!?! tsk tsk… little peanuts! TSK TSK!!) the $50 Giveaways.

There are tons Of Ways to Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway!! Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Hint hint!! You also get extra entries for sharing.  Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally. Those entries may pop up at any time during the month. Usually in the form of a comment on a certain post.



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  • Jennifer Wilson

    We went to Pittsburgh yesterday. The reuse store had unsorted books and magazines at $10 a bag (paper grocery bag, so you could get a lot for that) and all other books were 50% off. I found some cross stitch books and some quilting books I’m going to pass on to the youth center in my town. The youth center has all these 10 year olds quilting. It’s kinda funny actually. What 11 year old has made a quilt in the last 100 years? 🙂 It’s great, even if it is kind of humorous. Then we went to Goodwill outlet. I found a whole cart of great stuff for eBay. I wanted to look more but I was so beat I could barely walk by that point. I have stayed in bed all day today and was awake so many times hurting last night. My step-mother-in-law thinks I should get a job in security. When I get this exhausted and in this much pain being on my feet for 3.5 hours, how could I work security?

  • Jenn fike

    Well it was supposed to rain for 3 days so I’ve held off watering the gardens because it was doused to rain. The rain kept getting pushed back so I decided to set up the garden sprinklers this morning and the soaker hoses. I made fresh Raspberry sorbet, blackberry fruit leather and black &blueberry frozen yogurt pops. Also got the bed around the arbor edged and cleaned out and the forever is no rain. You bet your behind it feels like rain.

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s really windy out there so there was lots done indoors – laundry washed, dried, folded, on hangers, washed the kitchen and bathroom floor, dusted (there’s always dust here!), made some meals to put in the freezer for later. wondering where June went. thanks

  • gloria patterson

    The last day of the month and next month we go back to old form YEA

    Sure hope they give you your money back

  • gloria patterson

    I like fans better then AC. Of course if it is really hot I would turn in on. So this morning I cleaned the fans up. Got on the dust off them and the blades. Then had to vac all the mess up.

  • gloria patterson

    Some time in the middle of the night my power was off………… I didn’t know. BUT when it came back on there was a popping sound and woke me up. Turned all the fans back on and back to sleep.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I finally managed to get my laundry done and was just about to start digging again when it started to rain & hasn’t really stopped since. Sent off a couple of emails to Dad’s sisters. He would have been 91 on the 28th. Mum’s 91st is on the 7th July. AND, in 15 years & a couple of months, I’ll be 80!!! How the flipping hell did that happen? And will I ever grow up?

    • gloria patterson

      Kate the way you work sounds like you are in your 40’s………… full of pep and energy.

      My mother is 94 and she has a brother who is 92 all the rest have passed. I am 74 and wish I had a quarter of your energy………………

  • kkp

    My day is going well. The weather is highly variable. I’m avoiding working/weeding in the garden so I planned a picnic with friends. Maybe we should postpone our picnic – then again maybe not. I think we’ll go anyway and deal with Mother Nature as time goes on. We shall see….

  • heather

    We are still on a level two evacutiaon notice due to the raging wildfire here. I did get some sleep last night so that is a good thing. Hope you have a nice Sunday. I am fixing a big country breakfast this morning. I plan on eating and watching a movie today to keep me nerves at peace.

  • Sue E

    Today has been a very rainy day! I just hung around the house being lazy. Tomorrow is my grandson’s 26th birthday. 🥳 He was in the Marines 4 years and they wanted him to stay. They were going to give him a promotion and more money. He said no way. But if there’s a war he has to go back in and fight 😥

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m having a tough time with the last bit of the HUGE flower bed. It’s full of rocks 🙁 Almost like a riverbed, which I suppose it could have been, as there’s a small stream about 10 feet away in the next field. I’ll get there eventually. I’ve a ton of laundry to do but the farmer’s spreading slurry. For those of you who don’t know what this is, it’s basically poo from the cattle sheds over winter. It’s stored in underground tanks then pumped out & sprayed on the fields as fertiliser. And yes, it smells!

    • Tamra Phelps

      Oh, boy, there’s a big fiield behind us and it gets ‘manured’ occasionally. If the wind is blowing…yikes!!

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s a lovely day – warm, light winds, sunny skies. going out for a long, leisurely walk now the chores are done. thanks

  • Polly Hall

    My day is going well, we got some rain last night so I did not have to water all the gardens leaving more time to do other things.

  • gloria patterson

    Hard to believe that it is the end of June…………. this month has flew

    Zay goes back to school on Monday for a 2 wk special fun program. She’s not happy but she is happy

  • gloria patterson

    picture is girl & her dog

    Mommy had a little dog that was her’s, great niece was born and little dog decided that Zay was her’s

    They come in the house and princie runs to zay

  • gloria patterson

    Have done a little not much…………… cleaning up crafting area had 2 little visiters last night who love to paint

    Baked some chicken breast…………… so good

    little general cleaning ……………………… and a 3 hr nap

  • gloria patterson

    This has been one of those wild weather day!!!! It is 90 and I have my windows open fans going and very comfortable.

    tornado warning for our town
    lighting warning
    thunderstorm warning
    heavy rainstorms warning

  • Rose

    It is an overcast day but sooo nice! It has been hot and oppressive with humidity! I’m making bread with herbs and chopped dried sun-roasted tomatoes in oil. I’m letting it rise now in the refrigerator, as I think I’ll bake it tomorrow. I’m looking around at some recipes for healthy snacks…

  • Jenn fike

    I have been a very busy girl! I’ve been outside every day weeding the flower gardens I got at up and I got the Veggie garden weeded this morning before the rain came (I’m still waiting on the rain btw. It was supposed to start around 11am). I’m thinking I may head out and see how much I can get done on the next flower bed. It’s one that contains a seating area with a bench under our grape arbor and one I have to my girls to do what they want with. I need to thin out the vines on the grapes too.

  • Elizabeth

    Really sorry to miss the free SFMOMA day in SF today, even though I have a ticket…I just couldn’t haul myself out of bed in time for hours of Caltrain after walking all over San Jose yesterday. Guess I’m not a kid anymore…

  • heather

    We are still on a level two evacuation notire due to wildfire. I so need a stress free day and soon. Ben trying to keep myself busy and coming to your blog brings me a sense of calm.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    How am I doing? Finished the paperwork to appeal the disability decision for my husband. He has so many things going on, and I can’t figure out why they didn’t approve it. (Well, part of the reason could be they didn’t request information from our doctor and made a decision without it.) I’ve been reading the book Isaac’s Storm about the 1900 Galveston hurricane. Not that one has anything to do with the other, but I am looking forward to getting back to my book.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m feeling a little tired today. No, I haven’t done anything to make myself tired, lol. I woke up tired! Is this what it means to get old????

  • Elizabeth

    Thought I’d get heatstroke in line, but I’m here! Going to drink some water before I get in line for anything…

  • gloria patterson

    I don’t know if anyone has been to WV but we are full of mountains, hills and hollows. So tornadoes have never been our thing. Well they are now. Different areas keep getting hit with them. NOT majors no deaths thank goodness but a lot of damage.

  • gloria patterson

    The weather is really stange! It is 85 and I have windows opens and fans on low…………. Looks like rain but does not call for it.

  • gloria patterson

    Up and off to krogers………… ever friday. Want those extra points for fuel. Got gas and I had a $1.00 per gallon.

  • Rose

    I’m glad the operations went well. Everyone I know who has done it is very happy and had no idea how much better it would be afterwards!

  • Rose

    It is a nice day today, and a breeze!! WOW! I’m making my soup in the slow cooker with beef, cabbage and carrots (of course a few other things like garlic…).

  • Elizabeth

    Just won a prize at my favorite cafe, what a thrill! Now, please keep a kind thought that they’ll let me into SAP Center with it…

  • heather

    Another sleepless night here. We are still under a level two evacuation notice due to a wildfire that is right here. A level two means ‘Be Ready to GO’ at any moment. Very hard to get any sleep when your nerves are a wreck!!!!!!

  • heather

    I just read your post about the old form coming back next month and I am so thrilled. I hope you were able to get a refund for this one. If I can write them for you please let me know.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It bucketed down non-stop yesterday & it’s gone cold again. More like November than almost July. I had a couple of much-needed naps & didn’t do much else. It’s supposed to be dry all day today & if that’s true then I’ll start on the last section of the flower bed.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      We are back to cold and gray here too. Mother Nature just doesn’t like Sandpoint right now. I had one beautiful 80 degree day and now back to 64!??? I know why! I took the down comforter off the bed. Yup. That was why we are in the 40’s at night.

  • klp

    My day is OK. I’ve been doing a lot of laundry, trying to get some cooking done ahead of the weekend, taking care of some paperwork. Enough for the day.

  • gloria patterson

    todays picture was of Zay smelling some flowers………. She loves flowers

    And she loves ot help mommy plant them

  • gloria patterson

    Really nice out little breeze coming in the windows. They are putting a roof on a house right below my window. It is interesting to watch.

  • gloria patterson

    I was in for my PRE op class this morning started at 8am. Received a big notebook full of all kinds of information. including pictures. Then it was off to this woman, talked about prescriptions and what they would give me for pain. Then new xrays of both knees. It was going great moving right along……………. and then.

    They put me in a room to wait on the PA to go over and sign the final paperwork. They close the door and the air conditioning was on full. I was freezing! After a 1/2 hr I opened the door, rest room right accross the hall. Came out I walk up and down the hall to warm up and I didn’t see anyone. Finally a woman came out of a room I stopped and asked if I was forgotten. Another 20 minutes nobody so here comes another woman.. I asked her somebody will be with you soon. I waited 1 hr 30 minutes and finally she showed up!

    Time she finished with me and I had blood work done I had been there for 4 1/2 hrs

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s a cold rainy day and I was able to get all the outside chores taken care of between rainstorms. on to the phone calls. thanks

  • Rose

    It is a nice sunny day, and have been getting outside to enjoy it! Now getting some veggies chopped up for making a vegetable beef soup tomorrow in the slow cooker!!

  • heather

    I am feeling a tiny bit better today I finally got some much needed sleep. Still on evacuation notice to do wildfire.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Last night, when I got back from the rescue centre, I dropped a big tub of my fave natural Greek yoghurt – both feet & legs covered in it. I don’t know if you’ve ever walked in Crocs full of yoghurt, my advice is don’t! Anyway, finally got the mess cleaned up, the shopping put away & was settling down for the evening when there’s this big growling & hissing on the doorstep. Two young foxes eating the food I’d put out for the stray cats, who were complaining from under the car. The foxes were so close I coud have reached out & touched them & they were so hungry they didn’t run away. Absolutely wonderful moment.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today was a hot but rainy day. Anyway, tonight hs been nice. And I had no place to go today, so the rain didn’t bother me, lol.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Yesterday I took a tumble while bushwacking the ‘forest’ of LONG grass & weeds that surrounds the house. Luckily it’s got an automatic cut-off. Tripped over a stubborn clump of grass while walking backwards & landed on my right hip & shoulder. Aches a bit but otherwise not even a bruise.

  • gloria patterson

    The picture I posted today was great niece in one of dance outfits. Her father had a fit when he saw……….. SHE IS NOT GOING TO WEAR THAT!!!! She wore it!! her aunt in atlanta mailed her 3 of the outfits.

  • gloria patterson

    Go to the knee doctor tomorrow due at 8 and last through 10:30 and I see 3 different people

    All kinda question or what ever to lead up to surgery.

  • gloria patterson

    I ordered a new fan from amazon and recived it yesterday. I had to push it on the carpet to get it in my apartment. This morning I got my knife out and opened the brown cardboard box. Inside was another brown cardboard box smaller then the first box stuffed full of brown paper. So I open that box and there is a white printed store box for the fan. For a total of 3 boxes for one fan.

    Easy put together took just minutes.

  • Rose

    I’m getting ready to do some baking, was just looking up new recipes. Then I thinking OK I’m going to wing it. And just go by the ideas from recipes, that seems to be what I end up doing most of the time.

  • heather

    I saw someone else’s comment about having problems with this form loading up and I have had problems with it loading.

  • heather

    We are still on the evacuation notice list for the wildfire and our power was out for days because of it and we lost everything in the refrigerator. I have been praying out loud daily.

  • Shelly Peterson

    I woke up early and couldnt go back to sleep. I did go to lunch with my Sister in law, so that was nice.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, Michele answered me on Facebook, she commented on one of her posts. She said she has not been able to log on to the blog. I guess it won’t load for her. Has anyone else had issues?? She wondered how we are getting it to load. I haven’t had any problems.

  • Polly Hall

    Going to the movies soon with a girlfriend and her granddaughter to see Inside out 2. I love childrens movies but do not have grand kids of my own to go with.

  • gloria patterson

    Yesterday was cool and after 90 ………… I was cold at 70 and shut my windows.


  • gloria patterson

    Had Zay yesterday afternoon and she decided to do her makeup……………. she had stuff all over her face and then she left makeup covered towel and even had it on the floor. But she did try to clean it all up.

    This morning I looked and found what she was using and trashed it.

  • gloria patterson

    Today up doing a few things not much have to leave by 12 have a Dr appointment. She only does afternoon apointment and I have been up since 6.

    Going to stop on my way home and pick up Long John silver fish for mom……….. she really likes it

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      That sounds like a busy day. The Husband had his ‘shot in the eye’ appointment today but we had an afternoon appointment. We’ve always had early morning. We we’re late. So we are being fitted in. UGH! Talk about a day from… welllll nevermind

  • heather

    I got a little more sleep last night so I am feeling better. We are still on a level 2 evacuation notice due to wildfire. The stress is really doing a number on me.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Well the sun has gone away again to be replaced by clouds. Still quite warm though and a nice breeze as well. If I can get my act together, I’ll get back to cutting down more of the thigh-high grass.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    It’s been planned for weeks now for my husband and me to visit my BFF from high school. I wanted him to be a bridesmaid but he was going through a divorce and couldn’t. It’s been 30 years since I’ve seen y BFF — and I called him tonight and he forgot we were visiting this weekend. I’m bummed to say the least, but we’re planning on visiting in September. There will be less traffic there then, anyway.

  • Sue E

    Aidan’s friends left. I can have the house and quiet back!
    I feel peaceful ☮️ Happy Birthday 🎊🎈🎂🎁🎉 Connie 🥳

  • Tamra Phelps

    Hot and humid here in KY today. Had to go out to an appointment at the lymphedema clinic, but the edema has cleared pretty well, so no more trips there for a while.

  • Polly Hall

    We had to stay at the cottage one more day than expected waiting for FedX to deliver a chair from Wayfair. It was suppose to get there on Sat. but did not come until late this afternoon.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I bushwacked the overgrown area at one side of my house. Took me 4 hours and now I’m aching and bitten by flying critters. It does look a hell of a lot better though.

    I found the hardboiled egg! I could hear flies buzzing & tracked them down to under a dresser. Lo & behold, there it was, covered in flies – UGH!!!

  • Carolyn D

    I see that today’s code word says “My Birthday!” so I am curious to know if today is really your birthday? If so, I hope you have a wonderful Birthday!

    I ran a few errands this afternoon. I hope the Florida Panthers win the Stanley Cup final tonight. Things aren’t not looking good as they won the first three games and proceeded to lose the last three. I hope they can pull through to win this game tonight.

  • l p

    the day is going well. I hope your birthday is going even better. have some fun, celebrate, be with those you love, and let them spoil you. thanks

  • Rose

    Day is going good. A break from the heat wave. Lots of strong storms yesterday, taking down limbs, it is a mess outside. Getting things done before it gets really hot again by tomorrow!!!

  • gloria patterson

    My picture today is of one of my Aero Gardens. I cut it back about 2 weeks ago and it is coming back quickly.

  • gloria patterson

    H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ………………………… CONNIE!!

    Hope you have a great fun filled day…………….. and don’t eat to much cake

  • gloria patterson

    Yesterday while doing laundry I was reading misc on the phone. There was a piece on this Crystal Pole Lamp at walmart usually sales for almost $200. was on sale for $59.00. WELL I really liked it so I ordered right that minute and it is due to arive on tuesday.

  • gloria patterson

    Up around 6 dressed and ready for the day. Its hard to believe after all the rain we got yesterday that our temp at 11 am is only 73. High to day is only 78 and for the next 3 days it is under 80 per day.

    Payed bills on line for me & mom (I do all the paperwork for her).

    Don’t plan on doing much of anything today.

  • heather

    I saw a comment that it is your birthday today. Happy Birthday Connie! I hope you have a great day and get spoiled all day.

  • l p

    the day is going well. I’m a little more than water-logged with the rain around here. hopefully it’s what the farmers and fire-fighters need. Happy Birthday for tomorrow, Connie. enjoy your day and have lots of fun. thanks

  • Jenn fike

    Today we finally had a bit of a break from the heat. We did a little yard work and I did some dishes and laundry. Otherwise just some relaxing while the kids are staying at grammas for the weekend.

  • Elizabeth

    Having fun at the con, though I’m having a bit of anxiety over some autograph table awkwardness (someone I had as a TA in college is a talent guest, but he probably doesn’t remember me and wouldn’t recognize me masked…I don’t know his shows well enough to know what item to buy, and am worried my hesitation while looking made people think I’m a cheapskate…sigh! Maybe I’ll just leave it to the fankids, they need their fun).

  • Rose

    The good thing is I haven’t harmed my computer trying too hard to get it to work. LOL. But it is a nice form if you can get it to work good.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I am absolutely wrecked! 4 hours hard slog in sunshine is tough going but finished the 3td section of the flower bed. One more to go! Plan to false tan my legs & eat chocolate for the rest of the day!

    • gloria patterson

      Kate there is one thing about your weather is THAT IT IS NEVER THE SAME. Sounds like some days you freeze your ass and then the next day you roast.

  • heather

    Very little sleep last night as we are now at a level 2 evacuation notice due to the wildfire here. My nerves are pegged!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Polly Hall

    I got the deck all prepped so now I can put on the Tompsons when it drys out from all the rain we had today. Hopefully tomorrow.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, now I am officially worried about Michele. I still haven’t been seeing comments from her. Maybe she is busy with house selling business. That would be nice. Hopefully, she’s feeling okay.

  • Kal

    It’s been bugging me for days to today was the day! I was able to get the laundry all done – washed, folded, hung up, put away.

  • Rose

    Storms off and on today, with a tornado watch, now past. I gave some of my handmade soaps, they are pink and yellow, they thought they were chocolate, I think I caught them just in time before taking a bite!!!

  • gloria patterson

    I have 27 days till my knee replacement……….. on count down. I go thursday for a almost 4 hour PRE surgery appointment. Not sure what all it is going to involve………..

  • gloria patterson

    Did a little cooking today made beef & peppers in sauce. Had enough to eat some and to freeze 3 small bags. Can eat it on pasta or with chips …………. quick and easy

  • gloria patterson

    the picture I posted today was of great niece Zay and her mommy Brit. They were at the free concert down by the river. Sarah Evans was the singer.

    They had a lot of fun!

  • gloria patterson

    I was awake at 4:30 am and could not go back to sleep. Decided to get up and get dressed. My niece does haircuts in the building once a month and only charges $20. So I had her new dates and they need to be put on the posters. AND since we only have one elevator working I decided to go post. I lucked out 10 floors and only lost the elevator once.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Hope everyone’s weekend is a good one. The forecast said high temps, dry & little wind. I dug the garden wearing a fleece & woolly hat. Pizza’s in the oven!

    • gloria patterson

      Kate it is hard to believe “wearing a fleece & woolly hat” !!!!!!!!!!!! At 5:10 pm and it is 92 right now. We are going to get a couple days next week that are around high of 85

  • l p

    the day is going well. an early start due to construction next door. at least people are working – we need more jobs for all. thanks

  • heather

    I feel a little bit better today. I finally got a little bit of sleep last night. We have been under wildfire evacuation orders here and the power has been out and it is 100 degrees here. Some A**HOLE was out mowing tall dry grass and hit a rock and sparked a wildfire down the road from us. So far it is at over 500 acres!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Visited with a friend tonight and we laughed so much we both had to use inhalers. Then she went chasing a baby skunk through her yard. Thankfully it was too young to spray.

  • KaLei

    I’m having a good day because of friends who insisted on my going out with them and finding some fun things to do.

    • Sue E

      TGIF. I only have the weekend to go before the 5 friends of my grandson goes back home to Illinois. Then I can get a good night sleep 😴 I am glad that everyone came for his 18 birthday party 🥳 He has been so happy and busy! I am kind of sad that I am not part of the celebration 🎉 that much anymore. I remember when the grandparents were important guests at their parties! Not anymore 😢 They have outgrown us!! My husband couldn’t help that he died though. OK 👍 My pity party is over!! Have a good night!

  • gloria patterson

    the picture I posted was with Zay and her real live baby girl Natalie

    She take her with her a lot the people and church think she is a reall baby

  • gloria patterson

    Have not done much after I got back. But everthing a way AND decided I needed a nap …………. 2 hrs later

  • gloria patterson

    I opened my windows last night had a great breeze coming in and I slept good. Closed them this morning around 10 when it started heating up …………… almost 5 pm and it is 93

  • gloria patterson

    Maybe I did maybe I didn’t tell you our elevators have been down since 3 pm on tuesday. This is a senior building full of people in wheelchairs, and walkers. long story short version they got one of them repaired late thursday evening.

    Well I was out of the building this moring at 7:00 am of to kroger groceries and pick up prescriptions. Back by 8:30 this place is a mad house……………. everybody going in and out.

    Waited 15 minutes for the elevator

  • Rose

    A thunderstorm is just beginning to end. It has been really hot and humid, not too much change for some additional days. It is 88 degrees in here!

  • l p

    the day is going well despite no water. guess repairs are needed. good thing to go out for coffee. enjoy the week-end. thanks

  • Polly Hall

    We will be heading out to the cottage on Lake Michigan in a few hours I’m hoping that it will be cooler at the lake.

  • Suzie B

    We’ve had SO much rain in the past 2 months – my poor garden is really struggling! Im hoping this stretch of decent weather continues!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Maybe I’m just not seeing it, but I haven’t seen Michele leave a comment for several days. Hope you’re okay, Michele. It’s been a slow day here in KY.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Gardening & laundry today. It never ends! Had my evening meal & fell fast asleep for 2 hours. Rain is on its way.

  • Rose

    We’re in the middle of the heat wave, it says temp is 95, feels like 105. So I’m staying inside, layin’ low. Have plenty to do here of chores!!!

  • gloria patterson

    This heat wave is keeping me at home and taking lots of naps. Yesterday around 11 my mother called and told me the elevators were down. Her aide climbed 8 flights of stairs to get there. Mom had a dr apointment told her to call them and cancel. Then I finally got ahold of my brother who was taking her and told him to stay home.

  • gloria patterson

    Picture post to day was great niece (7) Zay having breakfast at IHOP. She is a dippy egg and buttered toast girl. It is a family her great grandmother, grandmother and mother is all they eat the yellow out of the egg.

  • gloria patterson

    Opened my windows last night about 11 nice cool breeze coming in. And it is 10:27 am and temp is 78 and my windows are still open. They say it is going to be 90 again today.

  • gloria patterson

    Made my 3rd phone call to main office of a walk in clinic. They keep telling me I owe them $31.43 and I keep telling them the check # and when they cashed it…………………. ROUND AND ROUND, 2 ACCOUNTS, THEY SEND ME A REFUND, WELL MAYBE NOT………………… I HAVE TO CHECK THIS AND WILL CALL YOU BACK.

    The only nice thing was I was watching the clock and I think I was the first call answered.

  • heather

    I literally tried to get this form to load on the page for 30 minutes this morning. I was able to load form on other blogs. I am not warming up to this form at all. Other than that I am having a good day. The sunrise this morning was so beautiful it made me smile as I was drinking my tea.

  • Carolyn D

    I am exhausted. I only got 3 hours of sleep last night so I might take a nap a little later after I get some things done around the house.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Back from visiting my inlaws. *sigh*. My step-mother-in-law had the brilliant idea that instead of my husband helping me more, I should get a security job on top of all the other ways I bring in money. I am physically unable to do what I do now and SECURITY?

  • Tamra Phelps

    Went to the lymphedema clinic where they do the massage that decreases edeema in legs, so that was good. Other than that, it hs been a slow day at home.

  • l p

    the day is going well. met with friends to attend breakfast with all proceeds going to charity. always a good thing. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Still no sign (or smell) of the missing egg! Hey ho! Today was an absolute scorcher & the heat in some of the caged areas was unbearable. So, I did what any woman of a certain age & disposition would do: I took my leggings off & worked in just my Tshirt & panties! Before anyone asks, I was on my own!

  • gloria patterson

    Have not done much so far this morning, thinking about fixing something to eat. And I don’t plan on doing a lot of anything to day. I think the heat is planing on staying for a while

  • gloria patterson

    Picture I post today was a old one of Zay and her little dog princie watching a movie. He loves to watch movies with her

  • gloria patterson

    About 11 last night I opened the windows and it was so cool…………. left them open all night slept so good. Closed them about 9 this morning it is 84 at 10:19 am

  • gloria patterson

    Yesterday about 4 pm we got ONE BIG storm, rain, blowing, lighting………….. POWER OUT It was only out for minutes and back on. Had to wait for system to bring internet back up and TV up…. JOY JOY had to reset 5 clocks. Opened my windows and the air was so cool and fresh……….. lasted about a hour and temp going back up. Closed the windows.

    Taked to my brother around 10 last night (he lives about 20 miles from me) he has no power! Has been out since the storm came through. BUT he has a genator so fridge, air everthing working.

  • heather

    I got some good sleep last night so I am feeling good today. I am so loving my new body pillow it is a game changer for me.

  • Elizabeth

    Lost the auction by $1, couldn’t refresh in time to get another bid in…sigh. Hope the album’s going to a good home.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I have lost a hard boiled egg! Not everyday you get to say that but it’s a fact. I left 2 out of the fridge (still in their shells) so they wouldn’t be too cold for my dinner. Finished digging & planting, went to put the meal together – only one egg, and that was on the floor. I have searched high & low but no sign. Maybe one of the cats played with it & it’s rolled somewhere I can’t see or one of the strays stole it! I hope it’s the latter ‘cos the thought of it rotting turns my stomach 🙁

    • Tamra Phelps

      Could they have eaten it??? Wouldn’t there be some shell scattered around of they did, though? Oh, boy. You’ll know soon.

    • gloria patterson

      DID YOU FIND THE EGG???????????????????

      It’s in a shell so it will not smell…………….. BUT if they knocked it off the counter and it is cracked?????????

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s still cool and dark clouds are threatening so I hope all get all my outside chores done before the rain comes. thanks

  • Rose

    Doing well. Hunkered down for the heat wave. I just came in from outside, it was like an oven when I stepped out, and it is just starting. Wowzer. I got anything I needed yesterday, it is like preparing for a blizzard in reverse!

  • Elizabeth

    There’s an eBay auction ending today for a rare record by my favorite band…there’s already a bid, so I wonder if it’ll be too rich for my blood by the time it ends…

  • gloria patterson

    Next week I go to my pre op apointment…………. 4 different apointment from 8 – 11 AM they are going to wear me out

  • gloria patterson

    my picture to day was something I saw on facebook and took a copy …. Its about gardening.

    I hope when the month closes we get to see all the pictures

  • gloria patterson

    Last night about 8 pm I decided to get rid of some stuff in my closet. Set a timer for 30 minutes and it on!!! I pulled out stuff I have not worn in ages, and stuff that I just didn’t like. Filled a trash bag and will take it out to chrisan help

  • gloria patterson

    Right now 7:21 pm it is 89 out side and going to be in the 90’s all week. Got up this morning shower did my hair, looked at the temp I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE!! About 9 I decided I needed a nap 3 hrs later. Got up did very little and great niece and her grandmother showed up. It was a good visit

  • Jenn fike

    Today was SO hot and SO humid. We laid in the livingroom melting most of the day until I remembered that we have a game room in the basement lol

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Well, the roadworks started on the dot of 8 this morning so no turning over & going back to sleep. It did need doing though. It’s not even a proper road, more of a laneway, wide enough for one car with pull-in areas here & there. There were so many potholes. Now they’re stripping the whole thing right back & re-tarring the lot. Can’t wait till they start spraying the tar – I love the smell!
    I finished digging the 3rd section of the flowerbed. Tomorrow I’ll add rotted compost & dig it in, then more planting.

  • l p

    the day is going well. it started out with rain and wind and then the sun came out. it’s still really cold but I got lots of cleaning done. thanks

  • Anonymous

    My daughter, Valerie and I went to my other daughter’s house today. I was feeling really sorry for myself missing their dad and my husband! I just don’t know when I will be able to feel like myself again? My grief comes and goes 😢 I don’t want to make my daughters or grandchildren depressed.

    • Tamra Phelps

      It’s perfectly fine to feel a little sorry for yourself, I think. I would argue it’s normal. You lost the person you love. And just because he is gone doesn’t mean the love has gone. You miss him. Give yourself time.

      • Elizabeth

        Grief’s not a linear thing, either…some days it’ll feel fresher than others. (Father’s Day is still hard for me, and my dad died almost thirteen years ago.) I’m sure your loved ones understand, it’s a testament to how much you all still love him. Sending virtual hugs (if that’s okay)!

  • gloria patterson

    I have also added to my to do list………………………… my computer needs cleaned up………. and I have to get rid of so many emails that I keep

  • gloria patterson

    My picture today was of my brothers …. Patterson Guard Dog…. Full grown peacock

    Right now he has a big collection of birds 3 peacocks, all kinds of chickens, turkeys tame and some wild ones that like to hand around, also some other birds. They are all free range,

  • gloria patterson

    Well it is 87 now and going down a little bit. Some time tonight it is going to get to 70. Tommorrow is high of 90.

    So far I have kept my window closed and fans running. Very comfortable! Have not turned the AC on…………..

  • gloria patterson

    Surprise I have been busy most of the day. Do a little of this then move on to something else that needs done. It feels like a long day but got lots done

  • Kate Sarsfield

    About 8 this morning I’d just given the cats their breakfast, looked out the front window and there was a young Irish hare!
    Beautiful thing & a protected species so kept the boys in till the coast was clear. Planted about a third of my flowering plants in the new bed & kept on digging the rest. Honestly, after over an hour all I’d dug & cleared was about a square yard! Phew.

  • Jenn fike

    Today is SO HOT! But we set the slip n slide up and the kids played for about half an hour before they just couldn’t take it any more. We took down the fencing around our blueberry bushes because it was falling apart. Then I was able to get in under the bushes and weed where we found 2 male saplings and 2 cherry tree saplings. We attempted to replant the cherry saplings in our orchard where we have several trees missing due to diseases etc and they had to be cut down. Fingers crossed they survive the transplant process and we have 3 Cherry trees instead of the one.

  • Anonymous

    Here we are at Sunday..I did not do all the weeding so tomorrow I have to get back out there…Decided to wash ( and press) the curtains in the gallery and the dining room – while i was at it I touched up the paint on the sills…Agent called yesterday to say he has found a new international listing site and put us up there – hopefully this will help us sell….Do i need to be patient? Yes.. am I patient no…lol…Off to make more coffee and breakfast then put the chicken in the oven with potatoes, carrots and squash….I roasted some breadfruit yesterday have to seal it and freeze…

  • gloria patterson

    Yesterday at krogers I was looking at the “GOOD” cheese. once in a while I will pick out a good cheese for snacking. and I got so I like a little jam/jelly on it with crackers. I saw this blackberry jam by cheese OH man it looked so good and I reached for it. Almost $10. for a little jar…………………….. NO way

    So off to the cheap jams found the blackberry and I was happy. This morning while fixing the pork chops I need more olive oil. So opened the cabinet pulled out the basket……………. whats this a jar of jam……..BLACKBERRY

    I already had it ………. so now I have 2 jars

  • gloria patterson

    the picture I posted today were Zay and her best buddie Avery. He is about 1 1/2 after older then her. The parent have been friends for years. And these 2 kids are the best of friends surprise they have never had any fights. I hope someday they both end up in the same high school.

  • gloria patterson

    Been busy today…………. touch up paint on my dresser then another coat of wax. Got everthing laying around found a new home for them. I got rid of some stuff when I pulled the drawer……………….. so I have one empty drawer.

    I am on a clean out the freezer …………….baked pork chops they were so good.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Time flew by today. How is it 6:30 already? Oh, well. My youngest nephew will be 15 in a few days and I am feeling old. I mean, when the family baby is 15…

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. Well, I received my two body pillows that I purchased from Overstock.com. One pillow I sooooo love and the other one is total junk! The junk body pillow does not look at all like the picture online and I knew I would not like it as I was unpackaging it. I then looked at their return policy – well you have to pay $$$$$$$$$$ to ship that crap back!!!!! Lesson learned! That one will be going to the dump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jenn fike

    Took my car to the shop yesterday and I was right, there was something wrong with the suspending! Turns out , among other maintenence things, the wheel hub assembly is bad and needs replaced so they’ll be doing that on Monday along with plugs, engine filter and oil plug. Then we’ll be good as new again. Whew! Anyway, today we will be finishing our hidden patio area we are building in astand of trees and bushes in our yard.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Not much happening today other than digging the flower bed, collecting stones (plan on building a small retaining wall on the sloped side to keep soil in & weeds out) and laundry. All followed by pizza. We’ve got 2 full days of roadworks on the laneway starting 8am Monday so I need to get as mjuch sleep as I can in advance!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    We are going to visit my inlaws this weekend. RedBird LOVES going because Gramma has all kinds of fruit that she peels and gives the peels to RedBird. For whatever reason, HoneyButter HATES going. (The only things that have happened to her there is my step MIL called her asymetrical one time and I put HoneyButter in a Christmas tree costume.) Anyway, I told HoneyButter tonight, “I have some bad news, we are going to Gramma’s this weekend.” HoneyButter chattered at me and ran into her hidey. Sometimes I wonder how my guinea pigs know so much.

  • heather

    I am having a nice day just got home from doing a little running around. The weather is much nicer today but last night the power kept going out for zero reasons which jacked up my sleep as I need my fan to sleep.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I had the first session of something called ART therapy today. You follow this blue light with your eyes while past memories or issues are talked about or just thought about sometimes. It seems to help people get past past traumatic events. Intriguing. I admit it made me feel better for no apparent reason, lol.

  • Rose

    Doing OK. People are hearing we are going to have an assessment, but no info about it. Our complex we are finding out hasn’t been able to pay bills into three months, and vendors are refusing to service us. Oh oh. We are in for thunderstorms in a little bit, so hunkering down, I just closed all the windows!

  • gloria patterson

    the picture I posted today is the last one of Zay as Little Miss Monongalia. She has no more duties till she crowns the next little girl. I asked her mother if she would ever sign her up again with out reading on the things she will have to do if she wins………………………………………… NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • gloria patterson

    off to krogers this morning FRIDAY is sale day and when you get extra points for gas. $1.00 off a gal is worth going and fighting the crowd

  • Michele Soyer

    I have no idea if this is going to post but giving it a shot….with all the fruit processing i have not gone out to weed – argh the last thing I feel like doing but it must be done before more rain comes.. 5 tropical waves out there so I have to make hay while the sun shines… Have a lovely weekend all..

  • heather

    I had a really nice day today. I went to the Farmer’s Market and it was a really lovely time. I spent like an hour talking with a dear friend.

  • Polly Hall

    I did not sleep very well last night woke up at 4 and could not get back to sleep, lucky I did not have a lot going today so I was able to take a nap.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I am going to go ahead and comment here, having hope that the entry form will eventually completely open. So far I only see the top part before the actual entries start.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The old achy back was well enough to finish digging another section of the flower bed. Just 2 more sections to go! Yesterday I splurged out €4 on half price small box of chocolates. Only 4 left!

  • l p

    the day is going well. the sun’s out, a bit of a wind but much better than previous days. more appt juggling today. thanks

  • gloria patterson


    Great niece’s grandma stopped by last night to bring me some cupcakes from a kids party. She stayed and we got to talking…………..

    Got great niece two Live looking baby dolls Boy & Girl. The first time she took them to church people though she had a real baby.

    Last night Z was telling me Zay had the dolls at her apartment. She undressed the boy and Z said she just looked at him with her mouth open. She said what is that and Zay said its his Penis. And what does the girl doll have a Vagina.

    Z said zay didn’t thing anything about, no questions she knew so mommy must have told her.

    I have laughed so much about that I had no ideal that live looking baby dolls were that real!!!

    Learn something new everyday!!

    • Tamra Phelps

      Remindsme of the 1970s when they came out with the doll of the baby from All In The Family. Do you remember that? It was Archie Bunker’s grandson, Gloria’s baby boy. And, yep, the doll was very accurate, lol. It had a penis.

  • gloria patterson

    Beautiful day decided to make a trip to walmart to pick a few things I forgot the last time I was there………….

    MAKE A LIST —– Leave it on my desk

    MAKE A LIST —— In my purse forget to look at the list

  • Jenn fike

    Today is looking to be a lovely day. My girls will get to finish up their garden songs today, I’ll do dishes and work in the gardens today a bit and tonight I will meet my husband at the mechanic on his way home from work to drop my car off.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I had an assessment appointment at the lymphedema clinic today, and I have to start going back there for a while. (They do massage that reduces edema.) Fine by me. The massage feels great and it really works to get rid of edema, which I get sometimes due to being in a wheelchair most of the time.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Good news of the day: my phone works!!! Had it on a sunny windowsill all day.
    Bad news: I’ve hurt my back carrying a Bernese pup. There’s 4 of them at the shelter, handed in last week. The owner was in an accident and can’t cope with them. They’re only 2 months old and are real roly-polys and will be huge. More abandoned kittens than you can count. We’re absolutely chock-a-block yet still they come.

  • heather

    My day is going just so so to be honest. Been trying to come to your site when the widget is open and it’s a little later each day which is making me a little nuts.

    • Sue E

      I’m having a bittersweet day! My friend of many years died and today is my grandson’s 18th birthday 🥳
      I don’t know if I am shedding tear of joy or tears of sorrow 😢

  • l p

    the day is going well despite being stiff and sore. not sure why but I know a good brisk walk followed by a hot bath with epson salts should do the trick. thanks

  • Jenn fike

    Yesterday was decent. I made Pepperoni rolls and chocolate chip cookies. Today me and the kids are going to make concrete stepping stones for their grandfathers for fathers day.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I come back to enter now that i am feeling better and just like that the widget doesn’t want to work. 🙁

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I’m waiting for the entry form to decide to open all the way. Last night it opened around ten, after I had left the page open for about a half hour, lol. I don’t understand why it’s doing this but oh, well.

  • Anonymous

    Connie I have found a new place on facebook………………… Called VINTAGE GARDEN

    You really need to check them out they use all kinda stuff in their garden and they are wildly beautiful

  • gloria patterson

    picture I posted was great niece at the library…………….. she has started to really like her books

  • gloria patterson

    Dr apointment this morning at 7:15 am I like early appointments . then across the street to walmart. My mother broke her ironboard a week or so ago. She told me yesterday she had to have one. So I found a ironing board and I figured if she got a new board she need a new iron. When I got back 3 people stopped and said WELL I see you finally got her a board. She was very happy with it! I took a 3 hr nap for some reason I guess I was tired.

  • heather

    I did some running around today and my right arm and right leg are sunburned from the drive. The car thermometer read that it was only like 77 degrees outside but that 77 degrees is WAY WAY hotter than it used to be.

  • Rose

    It is still a struggle with the form. It disappears except for the heading. But if you can get it to work, I like it.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I ate far too late last night & ended up still awake at 5am. Got up, made a curry, vacuumed a bit then went back to bed at 7. Up at 10, had breakfast & back to bed for an hour. Spent the rest of the day mowing the lawn & scything the very long grass round the sides of the house. Absolutley popped now!

  • Rose

    Day is going along, just put more slipcovers in the washer. Typing with fingers croxxsed they will come out OK and not shrunk or ripped. I saw someone getting a dishwasher today, so I was asking the installers, as I have been wanting to replace mine and got hung up at you need to hire an electrician, also. Big sale on paint, and haven’t been able to figure out which kind of white. I don’t know if I’m over anlayzing or what…so I haven’t started due to this ongoing I think I know, then next day, nope! Back to the drawing board. LOL.

  • Michele Soyer

    Heavy rain today and we are in an alert so glad I do not have to leave the house! More jam making then I am done with guavas – if more come in , well we can give some away and enjoy the rest…. going to walk the pooch ( between the raindrops) then enjoy some more coffee and breakfast….

  • Shelly Peterson

    I had to drop my car off early this morning to the mechanic but never heard back from them. Very frustrating. extra comment.

  • Sue E

    I think I am learning my way around. I get lost on where I am supposed to go back to get the points. A couple of days ago, I just let the points go! It wasn’t worth my sanity! You’ve always been fair! My day has been better today. I have a little more zip to my pip! Have a good day everyone!!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Somehow I spent 5 hours digging the flower bed! I don’t know where the time went. Anyway, just fed the boys & shood (is that how it’s spelt?) them back out while I have my dinner in peace. My phone is working a bit so I live in hope.

  • heather

    Well, I made it back home after my trip to Costco and it was a cluster! I thought I would be ‘smart’ and go on a Monday to avoid the weekend crowd it made no difference.

  • gloria patterson

    Have not done much to day got a new Reacher book (Lee Child) see connie I do remember some times)

    Finished painting my dresser all dry. Today I put ever thing back in the drawers.

    Did I do a good job ……….. NO I should have sanded and filled some dents etc then paint……………. BUT I DIDN’T

    I do like my BOLD COLORS

  • Jenn fike

    Today is a grey gross day, but I’ve gotten most of the laundry done and my middle daughter and I had a psych zoom where we decided that we should try switching out our meds. Hopefully the Adderall clicks for me better than Ritalin. I’ve got flowers beginning to bloom, my daughters have flowers beginning to bloom and I think I may end up going back to one of the local amish greenhouses to get more flowers to put in. I also want to get a big porch planter I can put some ferns from my yard in.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ugh, I had one of those horrible nights when you literally can’t sleep. Not one minute. And I had to get up early for an inspection appointment with the housing authority (they do this every year, but half the time they never show), but they still haven’t been here and it’s 2 p.m. I’m ready to throw something, lol.

  • heather

    I am going to Costco today and am kind of dreading it. The Costco here is always a mad house and people are super pushy in there as they sprint around with their carts and don’t even get me started on the parking lot. lol

  • Michele Soyer

    I got all the jam making supplies yesterday evening thanks to my neighbour so this morning I have started sterilizing the jars.. After breakfast cooking the guavas…I need to clean the yard of debris after last nights torrential rain and chlorine the walkways..leftovers for lunch then back to Catherine the Great on tubi…. no study modules today….

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My husband handed me what I considered to be a suspect TV dinner the other day. I thought, “I hope this doesn’t give me food poisoning.” I’ve finally kept some crakcers in me. Yup. It gave me food poisoning. I should have trusted my instinct. Of course, he had a different TV dinner that didn’t give him food poisoning.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’m still having issues getting the entry forem to fully open. If I load the page and then go off and do other things online then come back in ten minutes or so, usually the form has fully formed, lol.

  • l p

    the day is going well. had a lovely time with friends I haven’t seen for a long time. it’s always good to see them. thanks

  • Rose

    I’m still a little confused about the additional entries, etc. I just got frozen out, and after trying refresh too many times gave up. Trying on a different browser I got in, but it may only last an entry or two.

  • Rose

    Had a busy day, but just usual. It was raining until about 1:00, then sunny. I’m still washing slipcovers, pressing them. I have some mending etc on them to do, too. I have to run my car for a half hour to help charge up the battery. Many people here don’t drive far enough on a regular basis, AAA is here all the time either hauling their cars, or installing a battery, or jump starting them. I didn’t go to the event in the center, but I almost feel a guilty pleasure to be here and getting things done, and then wasn’t tempted to spend money. LOL.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’ve had the most wonderfully lazy day, only getting out of bed to pee & get food! Both cats snuggled up as well – it’s non-stop rain outside. Yesterday I was washing clothes in my trusty bucket when I droppped my phone into the water 🙁 It’s an old Alcatel feature phone that belonged to Dad & I can’t afford a replacement & don’t have a landline so I hope to goodness it dries out ok.

    • Tamra Phelps

      Does rice work for that? I’ve heard people save those little silicon packets that are in everything to preserve things because they absorb moisture and tossing a wet phone in them is more effective than rice,

  • heather

    I am thinking homemade cheese burgers and potato salad for dinner sounds yummy. Hope you are enjoying your Sunday.

  • gloria patterson

    As I was coming from the laundry room the best smells were coming from the kitchen. The building manage was using the kitchen to cook for her daughter HS graduation. I stopped and asked if she was giving out samples……….. OMG the sauce and meatball was wonderful. I would kill for big bowl of them.

  • gloria patterson

    Laundry done and put away. Waxing my newly painted dresser today and then drawers in and clothes back in

  • Jenn fike

    I personally don’t like making multiple comments everyday. It seems excessive and like it would be incredibly annoying from the post owners perspective.

  • Jenn fike

    The past few days have been busy but today I think I will attempt to relax a bit. We got our new automower and it is so nice. I love not having to now. Just set it and go.

  • heather

    Happy Sunday, I am getting ready to catch up on laundry here before it gets too hot outside. Hope you have a nice Sunday.

  • Michele Soyer

    Believe it or not mango season is still in full swing! Gave away mnay buckets yesterday and making some ice cream today….even with the pie barely done I will freeze the ice cream for whenever…Now the guavas…I need supplies to make jam so I probably will ask a neighbour who shops on Sunday to pick them up for me… I plan on taking a reading day today – my book is calling me!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I finally put together a bookshelf I got over a week ago, lol. And I gave myself a blood blister on my left index finger somehow, so clearly I was not meant for building even small scale projects.

  • l p

    the day is going well. it’s a dull, chilly, windy day so I’m getting lots of belated spring cleaning done. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I just discovered I forgot to check in yesterday – what was I doing? Anyway, back to today. I’ve spent most of it digging the new bed. This is a BIG bed. Many’s the time I wish I hadn’t started but it will be achieved and be worth the blisters! Rain due tomorrow so am planning for a lazy day – yay!

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good we are getting some rain here and we sure need it. I just pray we don’t we any lightning as everything is already so dry here and we fear forest fires every year in this area.

  • Rose

    The form is still making me refresh over and over, and each time I attempt to do an entry. So this is my exra credit (if I can get the form to accept it! Goodie gum drops!! I love “exra credit” I would also do that in school when it was an option!

  • heather

    Just planning out my day at the moment need to do a little running around and then get back home under the air conditoning before it gets too hot out.

  • Rose

    Day is going good. Quite a few people walking past our complex to go to the event at the town center. I’m holding onto my wallet, and getting some needed chores done. It is a nice sunny day, want to get outside a little bit later!

  • heather

    I have been awake since like 1:00 am I just could not get back to sleep last night. It is going to be a groggy day for me. I ordered a new body pillow and it should arrive today can’t wait to try it out. Maybe I will sleep better tonight.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      I have a body pillow in my cart. I really should just buy it. I know (I THINK I know) it would help me sleep better. I also know that I SHOULD stop looking at my phone when I wake up. I gotta lotta shoulds today. I hope you aren’t too groggy today.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I had to reload the page 5 times just now to get the entry form to fully open. Anybody else seeing that? It may be some issue with my computer, I don’t know.

  • Tamra Phelps

    So far, the only issue I still have is having to reload the page three or four times to get the entry form to fully open. But that might just be me.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today has been a fairly nice day. I did find out that Monday is the day the Housing Authority inspectors will come by (they had cancelled last week)–so bummer. It’s a pain in the butt to wait all day for them to turn up, and half the time they don’t.

  • Rose

    wow, persistance pays off. I kept refreshing so many times, I was falling asleep almost while my fingers were on auto pilot and suddenly shazam! It let me in! Yeaa! I walked to town today, and they are getting ready for a big celebration, setting up tents rides. I bumped into the town manager, which was helpful as I had wanted to update him on some things. I helped a neighbor put together an email about a big concern. I’m spending time on youtube videos for new ideas on some crafts.

  • gloria patterson

    Off to krogers this morning finally found a handicap parking spot got in the entry and there were 3 dead riders. With my knee I cannot walk to far………. so back to the car. Start to head and then I see another handicap spot in front of the other door. OK lets check and see……………….. there were 8 dead riders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gave up and cam e home

  • Elizabeth

    I admit, I start forgetting what extra entries I’ve dome/need to do, it’s complicated. Anyway, will fix a bute of lunch before I pay bills…

  • l p

    the day is going well. today’s project was to find the desktop. mission accomplished with piles of ‘stuff’ left over. enjoy the week-end. thanks.

  • heather

    I tried to upload a picture twice this morning but it wouldn’t work. I will try again later and pick a different picture. I picked the picture and hit submit button but it just kept spinning forever.

  • heather

    I know it’s early but I am thinking about what to make for dinner tonight that is nice and easy and cool to eat as it is going to be a hundred degrees here today. I am thinking salad and chicken strips nice and easy and no oven use.

  • heather

    I am getting ready to head to town and get some errands done before it hits a hundred outside. Happy Friday to you all have a great one.

  • Michele Soyer

    Believe it or not I am still p[rocessing mangoes and baking some mango nut bread and mango granola bread…Thank goodness for all the freezers I have – buying them was my husbands idea…. A banana cream pie was requested for dessert so I will prepare that later on….some yard clean- up this morning and a quick sweep of the concrete walkways…. a module of art history to do then my chair and my book….

  • Shelly Peterson

    The extra entries are helping. Since I dont get on the computer the same time everyday to do daily entries with the 24 hr clock.

    • Crystal Smith

      I had a great day! Spent the day with my boyfriend; which is the best 🙂 Hope everyone else here is having a great day too!

  • Rose

    I have had to hit refresh at least 20 times several times. Each time I do an entry the form disppears except for the heading, I also tried another brower. I appreciate the workaround, but every time the form disappears, then I get confused about the entries. It wasn’t doing this the other day, it was allowing me to do the entries but I wasn’t trying on another day before 24 hours were up. This form looks good, if you can get the bumps out.

  • Rose

    I don’t seem to be getting a chance to do this often enough. This is the first time I’ve sat down since 5:30 AM, and I’m trying to figure out whaaaaa was that whirlwind I was going around in all day, I didn’t even do cooking or go out. Hmmm, but I’m too tired to think about it.

  • Suzie B

    My work day was pretty smooth; but I have some pretty heavy stuff to deal with in my personal life that is worrying me

  • Tamra Phelps

    So far, I ike the new comments idea. My only issue is that I have been having trouble getting the form to completely show up (only the top half appears sometimes)–I just keep reloading the page until it all shows up. This could be a me issue, though, lol.

  • l p

    the day is going well. the wind is still high so it’s keeping things cool. I hope the flowers are suviving.
    so glad to hear your eye surgery went well, Connie – hope the recovery continues to be positive. the extra choices to the form seem to be working, so far. thanks

  • heather

    I am making another comment today I thinks that’s ok? Not sure where to leave these extra comments? I commented already on a post hope I didn’t mess things up. Hope you have a nice day and thanks for making my day nicer I love coming to your blog every day.

    God Bless Our Troops on this D Day.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Heather, Mostly the extra comments are for the days where you get that error message “YOU have to wait 24 hours” You do NOT have to do all. This was just a work around for the 24 hour clock.
      I just thought this might be a fix? Maybe not?

  • heather

    I am back for another comment this moning racing the clock. I am planning a trip to the grocery store today before it gets too hot out we are reaching the triple digits here and I hate it!

  • heather

    I am just now checking out the new entries on the form. It is super nice of you to think so much of your followers and trying to do work arounds on this crazy form. I’ll be honest, I’m a little confused but it is pretty early here.

  • Suzie B

    Unfortunately, Im on team not a fan at all of this new form. It’s glitchy and the 24 hour clock is annoying!

  • Michele Soyer

    Still processing mangoes – but today i have to tody up downstairs and wash windows….then some more studying! I remember all the joys of school days – I love uni!!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    We have super busy weeks about once a month. I’m glad that my aunt’s daughter has gotten in and I can have some rest knowing that we can spend some time doing things and that someone is with them. We are planning on going to visit my husband’s family next weekend, and the last weekend of the month we are planning to go to Rehoboth to visit one of my best friends from elementary / high school. I haven’t seen him in 30 years, so you have no idea how excited I am.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Ed, I’m not sure yet, I thought this RafflePress would be a good fix for the glitchy Giveaway Tools. But, now I’m not as sure. I thought adding the extra comment entries would help that 24 hour clock. But, I think I mainly made it more confusing than before. LOL

  • gloria patterson

    Just about have my dresser painted Royal Blue. Got Gold leaf rub & buff for handles. And order (thank you amazon you always have something ) gold about 7 inches long leafs to put on 4 drawers

  • gloria patterson

    Round and round with fedex over a missing package due for delivery 6/4. NO SHOW The finally of several calls was if not received in 5 days contact the company………………… GUESS WHAT SHOW UP AT 5:30 TODAY

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I am soooo tired. The little cat with the damaged eye didn’t come in till after 1am. Then I couldn’t get to sleep till about 3 and up at 6 with the same cat pulling my hair to feed him. AGH! Thankfully, my shift at the rescue centre was easy enough for a change. Did my weekly shop as well and am now in bed at 8.30pm.

  • Jenn fike

    Today seems like a decent day though rainy, it’s not gloomy somehow. I’ve got be sheets to wash today and who knows what else. I have to get up early tomorrow to pick my husband up on his way home from work. He’s doing the car off for a windshield replacement and inspection.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far. I am finally able to do my entries been trying for a while but it was not open. I read your comment that you paid for a full year already my jaw dropped open. They should give you a refund if you are not happy.

  • Michele Soyer

    The past few days have been a bit busy – still processing mangoes have 4 gallons frozen….even though it is not the season we have guavas coming in also.. have to start processing them… huge bunches of bananas also – giving some away and baking loaves of banana nut bread and hummingbird bread – had to do a grocery – pet store run – then we have 5 tropical waves coming so i have to make sure all is battened down just in case – people coming to look at the property Saturday and another developer interested!

  • Ashley S

    The weather is finally consistently warm here, so that’s nice. I went for a nice stroll with the dog, so it was a good day.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ugh. My allergies are nuts today. I have coughed until my chest aches. Thinking of just going back to bed, lol.

  • Rose

    No, I’m never bored. I try to not assume I can do too much in one day, never enough time. My hobbies can suck up too much time, and it is easy to deprioritze things like shredding, cleaning closets, small repairs, not much fun compared to making fun things to give away, sometimes to keep!!!!

  • Rose

    I included linen curtains I just finished. It was over $130 just for the fabric – on sale – one pair. But this way I could get them just right, the header, etc., wide hems. You can’t tell that is is bright sunlight and they are optic white color. I don’t know how to take pictures in blinding sun. It looks dark! Hmmmmm.. also pls ignore if there was included a photo of a big scratch on metal, that was for a repair. woops. I couldn’t see how to unattach!

  • Rose

    I’m doing good. A little jittery at the moment, I’m trying out washing my dry-clean only slipcovers. Trying out the ottoman, have to get it out of the dryer soon, but have the heat on low. Honey I shrunk the otto… I hope not!! I’m about to find out…. but it was hundreds to dry clean sofa, chair, ottoman, and quite a few pillows all the same fabric.

  • l p

    the day is going well. had an appointment to have carpets cleaned and they were able to come even earlier due to a cancellation. sure helps with getting on with the day.

    • Sue E

      I was wore out today! I did some heavy cleaning yesterday. I was totally exhausted, but when my daughters and granddaughter invited me to go to Bingo together, I couldn’t turn them down! We went and didn’t win. It was fun 🤩 Today though I was achy and sore.
      That was my day today. Plus it’s my ex-son-in-law’s birthday 🥳 He was my son-in-law for 25 years and I cared for him and still do. I don’t know what went wrong in my daughter’s and his marriage and it’s none of my business. I still want the best for both of them and their 4 children – my grandchildren 😍 I have prayed and left it in God’s hands! Have a good night 😴

  • Connie: The Head Peanut

    I HAVE an IDEA!! (Don’t cringe like that! It’s a good one! Honest!

    Since I can’t change that stupid 24-hour clock. WHAT if I added like 5 more comment options? If you can’t comment on one, go to the next?

    Thoughts? We will get a work around.

    • gloria patterson

      There are 7 questions that have 24 hr timer on them.

      Today my timers say 4/35 mins 4/42 mins 4/41 min 4/35 min 4/37 min 4/38 min 4/39 min

      There are NONE that I can enter today

      Out on my to long lunch with some old friends

      • Connie: The Head Peanut

        I am going to make a double entry for each. Then on the off times you will still get to enter. Whaddya think? Let’s try it. Shall we?? Yes, we shall. (I answered for you since you were at the long lunch with your friends. You’re welcome.

  • heather

    I see some new things on the form that weren’t there yesterday? My day is off to a nice start so far. I am planning a trip to the library this morning.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    A group I am in watched “The Contestant” and decided to see how much we could all win this summer. I decided to make a potholder with a three leaf clover design for the winner. (Or runner up if I win.) Should be a fun competition. I am currently in 2nd place with $27 of wins, and first place won a $150 instant on June 1. I am enjoying making the potholder and wondering who will claim it. 🙂

  • Denise C

    Other than the “add a picture” thing… which I think should have a place for us to leave a caption… I actually like this giveaway system a lot!

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Denise, RIGHT!?!?!? I mean FIRST, I think the pictures should pop up in the comment section. AND you should be able to capitation the pictures. Someone needs to design a better giveaway tool system.
      I am so glad you like this system.

  • gloria patterson


    TOMORROW I can enter this one in 23 hrs and 18 minutes
    23 hrs 25 minutes
    enter this one in 23 hrs 42 minutes
    enter this one 23 hrs 54 mintues

    Can I really see me doing that NO


  • Rose

    I included a picture of some of the rose soaps I made yesterday. I had one bar I alrady used, and it came out good. I never know what to expect, as I’m just learning.

  • Rose

    My day is going good. Mostly cleaning and shredding. There always seems to be so much to do for cleaning, and I’m not that picky!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    So glad the first surgery went well for you! Here’s to the next one. I haven’t been entering for a couple of months – gave up entering comps. completely. They were just taking up too much time & I didn’t have that time to spare, so I can’t comment on the change to rafflecopter. The 24 hour limit was a pain though, maybe because of the time difference between you & Ireland.

    Still digging my flower bed. I’m doing it in stages as it’s so big. Today I sowed wildflpower seeds in the part I’ve finished.

  • l p

    the day is going well, for the most part. it’s chilly, windy, and raining – great weather for baking bread. thanks

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Heather, I don’t know what to do with this RafflePress. I paid for a year. But, I might just have to eat that cost and go find a different widget. SO frustrating. I don’t understand why I can’t disable the 24 hour thing. IT’s MY giveaway. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • Carolyn D

    I like the new setup, but can’t seem to pin the giveaway. It might just be an issue with Pinterest so I will try again tomorrow.

  • Sue E

    It’s a good day! The preachers gave good sermon today about the end times.
    There is something that I do not like about this form is that it keeps time! I try and fill out the forms when I have time and this form practically tells you when you can fill it out after 24 hours.

  • Jenn fike

    Today is such a lazy day. Gloomy, sleepy, washing bed sheets and dishes. Also having a jurassic park marathon today.

  • heather

    Sorry, but to be honest, I like the old giveaway form it just flowed beter for me and was easier to see and use. I will try my hardest to adjust I just don’t do well with change. I wasn’t even able to enter yesterday as it was not showing up for me here all day. Thank you for the chance though to win your blog is my favorite hands down.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far we are getting some much needed rain here today. We need all the rain we can get here ahead of fire season.

  • heather

    I commented here today 6-2-24 on this non giveaway post – Why Every Fresher Needs Professional Development Courses?

  • gloria patterson

    Well the system just don’t me come back in 6 hrs 3 mins for entry………………. THATS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN

  • Rose

    I adore the truck idea for the plants! My mom knitted blankets with good sheeps wool, etc., and they are now family heirlooms. Well worth doing! You have such creative ideas, and nothing stops you, even only being able to kind of see out of one eye!

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Rose, this cracked me up!! It’s soooooo weird seeing out of my NEW eye. The big foggy thing is gone but my eye feels like it vibrates?? It’s such a weird feeling.
      I haven’t worked on my cute little truck. I’m trying to decide if he should be inside on the plant table or outside for the squirrels to sit in.

  • Rose

    First, I’m glad to hear the surgery is going well. I’m always concerned I may need to do this, so it is helpful to hear what it is like. My day is going good, it is still early and sunny. But I just made some soaps with rose molds, goat milk, rose clay and scented with rose and strawberry. They won’t be ready to take out of the molds for quite a while. I’m doing it just for fun, only a little bit every couple of weeks or so.

    • Connie: The Head Peanut

      Oh Kate THANK YOU!! First, I CAN SEE!! Today Sunday (3 days after) everything is so bright and clear. My eye gets tired quickly, less day by day. It still feels scratchy but not as bad as day one. HOLY MOLY day one hurt to even open my eye. So, I slept most of the day and all night. I THINK (I only play a doctor on PBnWhine and Google) the reason the right eye hurt so bad is because the cataract was so bad. After the nurse put in the drops to dilate my eye she said “WOW I can see your cataracts already!” Then everyone kept coming in to see the cataract. Apparently, it was quite prominent. I do tend to do things in a most flamboyant way.
      I can’t wait for surgery on my left eye.

  • l p

    comment re the new form – this might be the first of a few as I try other parts. not enamoured with the 24 h restriction but the previous form had some parts that acted that way as well.

    G2 is new to me so I’m not sure what to do if I’m just visiting and not leaving a review

    hopefully you’ll get your money’s worth from the change as it must have taken a while to transfer over. good luck.


    • Sue E

      I knew I would be wiped out and hurting from the visit I made to my daughter’s house yesterday! I thank God though that I was well enough to go! How was your day!

  • Tamra Phelps

    OK, here’s my take on the new giveaway widget. It’s similar to ones I’ve seen and I have no real problems with it. I did notice that when I click on the ‘I’m Never Bored’ link to go comment it takes me to your home page and when I scroll down to find the post it won’t let me click on it. I just went to the home page and found it myself, though, so no big deal. — And the ‘comment on any post’ entry doesn’t have a line to leave you the post’s name or a link to the comment. — The tweet function works great. — One thing I really don’t like: ***** this type of form makes you wait a full 24 hours to enter again. If you don’t get around to it until late in the day, you have to wait that late the next day, etc., or miss a day and start over. Is there any way you can change that or is it just a part of the form?

  • Tamra Phelps

    June. Wow, how did this happen, lol. At leat it’s Summer and warm but it’s stil really rainy here in KY.

  • gloria patterson

    ME AGAIN lol lol

    I don’t know what To get credit for this entry, visit our G2 page. You can share your Review URL.

    Don’t know what to do HELP HELP

  • gloria patterson


    LINK DOES NOT WORK ………….. AND if this is a comment ever day on the post you are going to have to have 30 new post this month

  • gloria patterson

    JUST read that this is 24 hr form ……………………….. HATE HATE THEM. As one lady said I show at this time today ……. tomorrow its that time. HATE HATE

    I have been a lot of different places with the form …..

    All and all get rid of the 24 hr and it would be a ok form

  • Leslie Price

    The thing I don’t like about the new giveaway setup is that it makes you wait 24 hours between the daily entries. Sometimes my unwinding/Internet time comes in the evening and sometimes in the morning, so I can’t count on always being able to come back 24 hours later. I always end up missing out on a lot of entries on these 24 hour giveaways because I might have to skip several days due to only being able to get online too early in the day to enter again. (I know, such a first world problem!)

  • Jenn fike

    I’m honestly not a huge fan of rafflepass unfortunately. I can’t explain why, it just doesn’t vibe with me I guess.

  • Jenn fike

    Today is a good day. I took my girls to the home depot kids workshop. Going to try to make some phone calls and get some outside stuff done today.

  • Elizabeth

    I’ve used the widget at other sites, it seems okay so far (though I think it posted my daily comment here *and* on the game post).

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Here’s to a new month! And, don’t hold your breath, we have sunshine! Today I’m going to try to do a bit of outside work but I’m so tired, all I want to do is sleep. It’d be such a shame to waste the lovely weather so I’ll do what I can & bring a book out as well.

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