• spark Drink from Advocare

    Texas Tech Findings for Spark and Kids with ADHD

    My last blog post about AdvoCare and especially the Spark drink I mentioned that Spark is great for kids that have ADHD.  Here is a letter from Texas Tech University that talks about that research. Department of Family and Community Medicine Center for Family Medicine 1600 Wallace Boulevard Amarillo, Texas 79106 (800) 467-7500 A COMPARISON OF THE NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF METHYLPHENIDATE AND NUTRITIONAL BEVERAGE VERSUS PLACEBO ON CHILDREN WITH ATTENTION-DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER. SC SCHNEIDER, GB TAN, DR EGERTON, TW HALE. TX Tech Univ. HSC, Amarillo, TX 79106 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become a prominent disorder in children, adolescents, and adults. Current treatment modalities generally include the use of stimulant…

  • Goodbye 6 pounds!!! Thank you AdvoCare!

    I am thrilled with my first week on AdvoCare!!  My results are awesome!!  Six pounds DOWN!!  Six pounds in-spite of 2 birthdays and 1 girls only party!!  I still lost 6 pounds!! WOWOWOW!!! I am thrilled with the amount of energy I have! I thought today would highlight Spark. It’s amazing! One 8 ounce cup of water to 1 packet of Spark is like 4 double espresso’s without the heart racing jitters!! Spark is amazing! Not only does it give me energy it’s proven to help kids with ADHD!! An independent study found Spark to be more effective for kids with ADHD than the prescription drugs. Check out the Texas…

  • The Delivery Man Exclusive Movie Trailer!

    Anyone who knows me, knows I love kids!! I am always begging for more Grandkids!!  But, hear me right now!! I do NOT need 533 of them! In this new movie The Delivery Man, Vince Vaughn finds out he has fathered FIVE HUNDRED and THIRTY THREE of them!!  SAY WHAAAA!??!   The Delivery Man  may very well be my favorite Vince Vaughn movie yet! So heartwarming and funny. I can’t wait!!  I’m so excited to be one of the 533 bloggers to bring you a first look at what promises to be a very funny and heartwarming movie!! How can it go wrong? It has Vince Vaughn in it!!! What…