• PB Crave Flavored Peanut Butter Fudge recipe!

    This is one of my favorite topics!!  PEANUT BUTTER!!!  PB Crave Peanut Butter to be exact! I was lucky enough to be able to review 4 different flavors of PB Crave. PB Crave Razzle Dazzle has wild honey, dark chocolate, white cocoa butter drops and natural raspberry flavor. It tastes like you dipped a fresh raspberry in peanut butter! CoCo Bananas has wild honey, chocolate and natural banana flavor. I have been eating this with a spoon! Cookie Nookie has wild honey, chocolate chips and cookie dough flavor. DH will be lucky if he gets any of this one!! Choco Choco has wild honey, sweet and dark chocolate. YUMMMMMM!!!!! Each…

  • Follicleanse Shampoo Review

    I use a lot of stuff to keep my hair the way I want.  I use a mousse so I can have some body for my painfully thin and lifeless hair. Then hairspray so my hair will actually hold that style for more than 20 minutes. A drawback with adding all the stuff to my hair is my scalp gets so dry!! WHY!??!  I know I want it ALL…. hair with body, shape, lift and a style that lasts and NO itchy scalp to boot. I was sent Follicleanse Shampoo to review. Follicleanse Shampoo is a clarifying that really deep cleans my hair and scalp. Follicleanse smells great! Light and…

  • Parenting a Special Needs Child

    When we first have our pregnancy confirmed—especially among first time moms—our heads immediately fill with visions of the ideal journey we’ll be taking with our new son or daughter: the first steps, the piano recitals, the sports games, and on into their adulthood's. Whether it’s through an ultrasound or in the wake of your delivery, bad news can smash all of those hopes in an instant. Finding out your child is afflicted with a serious mental or physical affliction is going to be difficult— no matter what; however, it doesn't mean you’ll necessarily be robbed of the joys of parenthood and childhood. It will mean that you’ll have to let…